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Darwin Correspondence Project

To T. H. Farrer   13 October 1879

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | (Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.)

Oct 13th 1879

My dear Farrer

I thank you cordially for your letter, which has filled us all with joy; & Emma particularly desires me to say how very happy it has made her.1 It is as you say a golden rule not “to dwell on by-gones”; but let me repeat that I was not in the least surprised at your demurring to the marriage on account of Horace’s weak health & his not being able to do much work.2 The match, moreover, is a poor one for Ida in a worldly point of view; & she is altogether charming.— On the other hand I must say that Horace has as sweet a temper & as unselfish a disposition as anyone whom I have ever known; & this is of more importance for the happiness of married life than wealth, grandeur or distinction, & more even than strong health.—

I beg you to give my love to Effie,3 & once again accept my very true thanks.

Believe me, my dear Farrer | Ever yours sincerely. | Charles Darwin


See letter from T. H. Farrer, 12 October 1879. Farrer had withdrawn his objections to making public the engagement of Horace Darwin and Ida Farrer.
Effie Farrer was T. H. Farrer’s wife and CD and Emma Darwin’s niece.


Rejoices at THF’s consenting to the marriage of his daughter Ida and Horace Darwin, although the match is a poor one for Ida "in a worldly point of view". [See 12253.]

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Sent from
Source of text
English Heritage, Down House (EH 88207898)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12256A,” accessed on 27 July 2024,
