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Darwin Correspondence Project

The correspondence 1821-60: anniversary paperback set

General Editor Frederick Burkhardt, and the editors of the Darwin Correspondence Project (Cambridge University Press 2009)

These eight award-winning volumes, reprinted for the first time in paperback, present the definitive text of all known letters to and from Darwin during the first half-century of his remarkable life, including the Beagle voyage and the great public debates on his evolutionary theory. In riveting detail, they tell the story of an aimless English schoolboy who emerged as the most controversial man of science of his era. The letters presented here-more than 3000-offer an extraordinary panorama of the fast-changing world of the nineteenth century. Poignant and powerful, they offer a moving commentary on issues at the heart of our own concerns, from global environmental change to the effects of science on religious belief.

The set can be ordered online from Cambridge University Press (UK), and Cambridge University Press NY (in the US).