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Darwin Correspondence Project

From J. V. Carus   28 May 1871


May 28, 1871.

My dear Sir,

Allow me to draw your attention on some points of minor importance, which I cannot make out here.1

Vol. I. page 379, note 70. You refer to a paper of Dr. Chapman on Scolytus. In the first print you had written Dr. Algen. This name is inserted in the Index and remains there even after the alteration of it into that of Chapman, which is not given in the Index.2

Vol. I page 77, line 7 you spell Feegeans. As you mention in other places the Fijians I thought the former might be a misprint for Fuegeans; but I see from the Index, that it is meant for Fijians. I cannot refer to Sir John Lubbocks work. But if the Fijians are meant, wouldn’t you better alter the spelling to make it equal with the Fijians of the later part of your work?3

Vol. I. p. 29. line 9 you mention a Mr Leguay. The Index spells the name Lequay and places it accordingly. Which way of spelling the name is the right one?4

Vol. II. p 252–253 you tell of a pair of antlers at Moritzburg, each of which bears thirty-three branches   This is a mistake. I have a list of the collection of antlers at Moritzburg   According to this only the left antler bears 33, the right one bears only 27 branches.5 But it is the custom of the stag-hunters in naming the stags to call them by a number which is the double of the higher number of branches if this is not equal in both antlers. So this stag would be called a 66-branched (66-ender in German), although he had only 60 branches. A stag with 12 branches to the right, 10 branches to left antler is always called a 24-ender, although in fact he has only 22. In complete accordance with this custom the list before me gives the following details respecting the pair of antlers in question.

number of branches number of branches of both !
right left antlers
27 33 66 !
with other pairs you find for instance
13 10 26
11 13 26
15 10 30
12 16 32

and so forth

I am sorry to say that also in the Index there is a good deal of misprints. If you think it worth while I can send you the list. The second volume of the translation will soon be out. The making of the Index took some time.—

Hoping that your health is better I remain | Ever yours sincerely | J. Victor Carus

CD annotations

1.1 Allow … Index. 2.4] crossed pencil
2.1 Vol.... Index. 2.4] ‘Indexblue crayon
3.1 Vol.... work? 3.5] crossed blue crayon
3.3 Fijians.] double underl blue crayon
4.1 Vol.... one? 4.2] crossed pencil; ‘Index’ added blue crayon
4.1 Leguay.] underl blue crayon
5.6 So … forth 5.19] crossed pencil
6.1 I am … time.— 6.3] crossed blue crayon
Top of letter: ‘& Horn of stags’ pencil
End of letter: ‘[Index prepared late— trs published] | What sale?’ pencil; ‘How [record] in Germ’ pencil, del pencil


Carus was preparing the German translation of Descent (Carus trans. 1871).
CD had changed the reference from ‘Mr. Algen’ to ‘Dr. Chapman’ (Thomas Algernon Chapman) in the second printing of Descent.
CD had cited John Lubbock’s Pre-historic times, which used the spelling ‘Feegeans’ (Lubbock 1869, pp. 445–6; see Descent 1: 77 n. 10). The spelling was changed to ‘Fijians’ in Descent 2d ed., p. 102.
Louis Leguay. In Descent 2d ed., index, the spelling was corrected to Leguay.
This was corrected in Descent 2d ed., p. 510.


Descent 2d ed.: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2d edition. London: John Murray. 1874.

Descent: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871.


Sends corrections for Descent.

Letter details

Letter no.
Julius Victor Carus
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 88: 106–7
Physical description
ALS 4pp †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 7774,” accessed on 6 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 19
