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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Isaac Anderson-Henry   25 May 1867

Hay Lodge, Trinity, | Edinburgh.

May 25/67

My dear Sir

Referring to the hasty note I wrote you yesterday1 I now beg to send annexed exact measurements of the Xd pods of Arabis blepharophylla x A Soyeri being 1116 inch by 18th inch broad the girth being 616ths—and of the normal pod of the same A. blepharophylla being 1216ths of an inch long & 114 inch broad the girth being 416ths. The pod of the A Soyeri is somewhat narrower than this last & of the same length. I enclose leaves of each species, the larger being of A. blepharophylla. The hybrid pods threaten still further to out distance the normal pods.2 I have another instance of a similar result—in a very different—indeed a hard wood tribe of plants, but the seed pods are not yet sufficiently developed to state any particulars3

I hope the Book reached you in safety. No one could justly place you or your Books on the same platform with M. Maillet and his Book in which last there is no doubt much nonsense—tho there is no denying ability to the man whose credulity seems to have been shamefully practised upon4

But my servant calls for Letters and I fear I am too late for post. So with every good wish I remain | Yours most faithfully | Is: Anderson Henry

(1) Seed pod of Arabis blepharophylla x Arabis Soyeri 1 116 inch long by 18th inch broad


(2) Normal pod of A blepharophylla 1216 inch long by 114 inch broad


(3) A. Soyeri normal pod, same length as No 2 but scarcely quite as broad

Girth of No (1) diagram 616 inch
Do of No (2) diagram 416 inch


The plants to which Anderson-Henry refers have not been identified. For an account of his crossing experiments, see Anderson-Henry 1867b.


Maillet, Benoît de. 1750. Telliamed: or, discourses between an Indian philosopher and a French missionary, on the diminution of the sea, the formation of the earth, the origin of men and animals, and other curious subjects, relating to natural history and philosophy. Translated from the French. London: T. Osborne.


Details of Arabis crosses. Seed-pods of A. blepharophylla and A. soyeri crosses are longer and wider than those of either species.

Letter details

Letter no.
Isaac Anderson/Isaac Anderson Henry
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 159: 70
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 5550,” accessed on 6 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 15
