To Robert FitzRoy 28 October [1846]
Down. Farnborough. Kent.
Oct. 28th.
Dear FitzRoy.
I am extremely much obliged to you for your very kind letter received a fortnight since. It was very goodnatured of you to take the trouble to write at such length and I assure you that it was not thrown away, on me, for I have been deeply interested with your letter; and have read it several times— Some time ago, I got your pamphlet1 and your clear statement gave me the first idea, I had of the connected history of the events at poor New Zealand.—2 What a change then, since, I passed so tranquil an evening and night at Waimata;3 and what a far more disastrous change at Tahiti!4 I most sincerely hope that your present quiet abode will do Mrs. FitzRoy much good,5 pray give our very kind remembrances to her, & that your spirits will recover their wonted “elasticity”—
I am astonished to hear that you have any thoughts of taking a ship,6 considering the sacrifice of leaving your family, but you are an indomitable man— Sulivan, his wife, and two youngest children, were staying here, when your letter came; and he expressed deep interest in hearing news of you he was going on to Hammonds.—7 I saw Stokes, several times in London, whilst writing his book,8 —but I could not ⟨ ⟩
⟨ ⟩ How long you have remembered my speech about the ditch; but you would almost believe it if you had seen me for the last half month daily hard at work in dissecting a little animal about the size of a pin’s head from the Chonos Arch.9 & I could spend another month on it, & daily see some more beautiful structure! ⟨ ⟩10
Farewell, dear Fitz-Roy, I often think of your many acts of kindness to me, and not seldomest on the time, no doubt quite forgotten by you, when, before making Madeira, you came and arranged my hammock with your own hands, and which, as I afterwards heard, brought tears into my father’s eyes.11
Collected papers: The collected papers of Charles Darwin. Edited by Paul H. Barrett. 2 vols. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. 1977.
Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.
EB: The Encyclopædia Britannica. A dictionary of arts, sciences, literature and general information. 11th edition. 29 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1910–11.
FitzRoy, Robert. 1846. Remarks on New Zealand, in February 1846. London.
Journal of researches: Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by HMS Beagle, under the command of Captain FitzRoy, RN, from 1832 to 1836. By Charles Darwin. London: Henry Colburn. 1839.
Living Cirripedia (1854): A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Balanidæ (or sessile cirripedes); the Verrucidæ, etc. By Charles Darwin. London: Ray Society. 1854.
LL: The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical chapter. Edited by Francis Darwin. 3 vols. London: John Murray. 1887–8.
Mellersh, Harold Edward Leslie. 1968. FitzRoy of the Beagle. London: Rupert Hart-Davis.
Narrative: Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty’s ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836. [Edited by Robert FitzRoy.] 3 vols. and appendix. London: Henry Colburn. 1839.
Stokes, John Lort. 1846. Discoveries in Australia. 2 vols. London: T. & W. Boone.
Has read RF’s pamphlet on New Zealand [Remarks on New Zealand (1846)]. Sympathises with his difficulties as Governor.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-1014
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Robert FitzRoy
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 144: 120
- Physical description
- C 2pp inc
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1014,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 3