Caroline disapproves of his not washing.
Was joined by Colonel Burgh Leighton when walking in the quarry. Plans to make caves next summer to store "warlike instruments" and "relicks". Sketches a design for a signalling device. May go with his father to visit the Earl of Powys at Walcot; visited Mrs and Miss Reynolds and William Pemberton Cludde.
Has found a shop with supplies of chemical equipment, and a mineral collector.
EAD wants changes made and shelves built to improve the laboratory at the Mount [Darwin residence]; sends drawings and will bring chemical instruments, a book, and his record of experiments done in his chemistry course.
He has now been matriculated.
Suggestions for laboratory equipment. Will buy some mineral specimens. Describes experiments he has seen.
More suggestions for the laboratory, including some experiments.
Discusses plans for CD to visit Cambridge.
Warns CD against idleness.
Suggests readings in Xenophon and Horace.
Quotes Oliver Goldsmith to correct CD's pronunciation of "sloth".
Asks CD to do an experiment for him.
Has found a curious stone in his fire.
Price's iron in tea measured 13 per cent.
Asks CD to send him some books on physiology and natural history from the family library.
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