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Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

Matches: 15 hits

  • … |  Editors and critics  |  Assistants Darwins correspondence helps bring to light a
  • community. Here is a selection of letters exchanged between Darwin and his workforce of women
  • Observers Women: Letter 1194 - Darwin to Whitby, M. A. T., [12 August
  • silkworm breeds, or peculiarities in inheritance. Letter 3787 - Darwin, H. E. to
  • observations of catsinstinctive behaviour. Letter 4258 - Becker, L. E. to Darwin, …
  • in her garden. Letter 4523 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [6 June 1864] …
  • similar observations for him. Letter 6535 - Vaughan Williams , M. S. to Darwin, …
  • Henrietta. Letter 7179 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [5 May 1870] …
  • on her ongoing observations of wormholes. Letter 8611 - Cupples, A. J. to
  • dogs with Emma Darwin. Letter 8676 - Treat, M. to Darwin, [13 December 1872] …
  • of her pet cats. Letter 8989 - Treat, M. to Darwin, [28 July 1873] Mary
  • Letter 9426 - Story-Maskelyne , T. M. to Darwin, [23 April 1874] Thereza
  • Women: Letter 1701 - Morris, M. H. to Prior, R. C. A., [17 June 1855] …
  • Lychnis diurna. Letter 8168 - Ruck, A. R . to Darwin, H., [20 January 1872] …
  • lawn. Letter 8224 - Darwin to Ruck, A. R., [24 February 1872] Darwin

Books on the Beagle


The Beagle was a sort of floating library.  Find out what Darwin and his shipmates read here.

Matches: 25 hits

  • Captain FitzRoy in the  Narrative  (2: 18). CD, in his letter to Henslow, 9 [September 1831] , …
  • would need, even if it meant duplicating some of FitzRoys own: ‘You are of course welcome to take
  • … . . . There will be  plenty  of room for Books.’ (Letter from Robert FitzRoy, 23 September 1831
  • … . . . were collected in one cabin, under Mr. Stebbings charge, and lent to the officers, without
  • Books are to be taken, or returned in morning before ½ past 8. Books are never on any account
  • However, from the  Beagle  correspondence, CDs diary, field notebooks, and the extensive
  • theimmense stockwhich CD mentions may be had from a letter FitzRoy wrote to his sister during an
  • from the unpublished zoological and geological notes in the Darwin Archive (DAR 2938), a brief
  • are almost always in ink, usually written with CDs favourite Brahma pens. References to books in
  • examples are references to Bernardin de Saint Pierres  Paul et Virginie  and to characters in
  • to do so. For example, two references to Felix Azaras works in notes made during 1833 cite
  • have been found (DAR 42: 73) that are taken from Griffiths edition of Cuviers The animal kingdom
  • is of four kinds: There are volumes now in the Darwin Library in Cambridge that contain
  • notes made by CD during the voyage. They are in the Darwin Archive in the Cambridge University
  • and symbols are used: DAR  —  Darwin Archive CUL  —  Cambridge University
  • … . 2 vols. Strasbourg, 1819. (Inscription in vol. 1: ‘C. Darwin HMS Beagle’; DAR 32.1: 61). Darwin
  • Annales du Muséum dHistoire Naturelle  3 (1834): 84115. (DAR 37.1: 677v.; letter to J. S. Henslow
  • London, 18224. ( Voyage , p. 182Red notebook , p. 86). Darwin LibraryDown †. Byron, …
  • unidentified; see also Hawkesworth, John). (DAR 32.2: 89v.; Robert FitzRoys letter to the South
  • 1831. (DAR 32.1: 53). Desaulses de Freycinet, L. Csee  Freycinet, L. C. Desaulses de
  • la corvette . . .La Coquille 18225. Zoologie  par MM. [R. P.] Lesson et [P.] Garnot. 2 vols., …
  • 17991804 . . . translated into English by Henrietta Maria Williams.  7 vols. London. 181429. …
  • … (Inscriptions: vol. 1 (1830), ‘Given me by Capt. F.R C. Darwin’; vol.2 (1832), ‘Charles Darwin M: …
  • … *  New Testament  (German). (SignedC. Darwin H.M.S. Beagle’. Copy examined by Sydney Smith  c. …
  • … (DAR 30.1: 30). Darwin LibraryCUL. Thompson, John VaughanZoological researches and