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Darwin Correspondence Project
"Darwin C R" in search-correspondent disabled_by_default
Darwin, C. R. in correspondent disabled_by_default
M‘Kendrick, J. G. in correspondent disabled_by_default
1873 in date disabled_by_default
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To James Dewar and J. G. M‘Kendrick   15 July 1873


Thanks for the three essays: although they are beyond his scope, they seem to him very interesting.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Dewar; John Gray M‘Kendrick
Date:  15 July 1873
Classmark:  Royal Institution of Great Britain (RI MS DIe/3)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8979F
Document type
letter (1)
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
Dewar, James (1)
M‘Kendrick, J. G.disabled_by_default