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Darwin's in letters, 1873: Animal or vegetable?


Having laboured for nearly five years on human evolution, sexual selection, and the expression of emotions, Darwin was able to devote 1873 almost exclusively to his beloved plants. He resumed work on the digestive powers of sundews and Venus fly traps, and…

Matches: 25 hits

  • evolution, sexual selection, and the expression of emotions, Darwin was able to devote 1873 almost
  • … (1875) and  Cross and self fertilisation  (1876). Darwins son Francis became increasingly
  • career to become his fathers scientific secretary. Darwin had always relied on assistance from
  • Franciss decision. A large portion of the letters Darwin received in 1873 were in response
  • the previous year. As was typical, readers wrote to Darwin personally to offer suggestions, …
  • some of which were incorporated in a later edition. Darwin also contributed to discussions in the
  • Francis Galtons work on inherited talent, which prompted Darwin to reflect on the traits and
  • to have observed” ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 12 January [1873] ).  Drosera  was the main focus of
  • leaf & branch!” ( letter from J. D. Hooker, 12 January 1873 ). Darwin found that the
  • copy of the  Handbook for the physiological laboratory  (1873), a detailed guide to animal
  • Thomas Lauder Brunton, a specialist in pharmacology, and John Scott Burdon Sanderson, a professor at
  • Darwins other main focus of botanical investigation in 1873 was cross- and self-fertilisation, work
  • … & correlated” ( letter to T. H. Farrer, 14 August 1873 ). Darwin worried, however, that
  • … “for Heaven knows when it will be ready” ( letter to John Murray, 4 May [1873] ). Keeping
  • with leading physiologists such as David Ferrier and John Hughlings Jackson. Darwin declined to
  • Instinct  In February, Darwin received a letter from John Traherne Moggridge on the nature of
  • without instruction or previously acquired knowledge” (A. R. Wallace 1870, p. 204). Moggridge
  • fund was first suggested in early April by Katharine Murray Lyell in conversation with Emma Darwin, …
  • A group of Huxleys close friends, including Hooker, John Lubbock, Herbert Spencer, John Tyndall, …
  • edition was called for. There were commercial advantages for Murray in bringing out a substantially
  • believes whether or not they are sound” ( letter to A. R. Wallace, 17 November 1873 ). But no
  • your own power & usefulness”, citing the examples of John Stuart Mill and Charles Lyell, who
  • from Ernst Meitzen, 17 January 1873 ). A poor-law officer, John Farr, wrote: “Faith like Species, …
  • unorthodoxy, troubling and potentially undermining (J. R. Moore 1985, pp. 4712). A courted
  • a personification of Natural Filosofy” ( letter from J. C. Costerus and N. D. Doedes, 18 March 1873

Cross and self fertilisation


The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom, published on 10 November 1876, was the result of a decade-long project to provide evidence for Darwin’s belief that ‘‘Nature thus tells us, in the most emphatic manner, that she abhors…

Matches: 21 hits

  • the result of a decade-long project to provide evidence for Darwins belief that ‘‘Nature thus tells
  • on plants with two or three different forms of flowers, Darwin had focused on the anatomical and
  • of different forms of pollen. Although many plants that Darwin observed had flowers with adaptations
  • rates, growth, and constitutional vigour. Although Darwin was no stranger to long months and years
  • … … is highly remarkableIn September 1866, Darwin announced to the American botanist
  • several years ( To Édouard Bornet, 1 December 1866 ). Darwin began a series of experiments, …
  • … ). It was only after a new season of experiments that Darwin would confirm that this poppy shed its
  • access to flowers was only the tip of the iceberg. Darwin next focused on the California
  • seeds of Ipomœa. I remember saying the contrary to you & M r  Smith at Kew. But the result is
  • 5 December 1871 ). When Darwin began writing in February 1873, he asked Hooker for names of
  • system to follow ( To JDHooker, 17 February 1873 ). Despite also working on experiments with
  • with this & get it published’ ( To Asa Gray, 11 March [1873] ). In April 1873, the
  • I am already plagued by foreign Translators, Reviewers, &c.’ ( To John Murray, 4 May [1873] ). …
  • when it will be published’ ( To JVCarus, 8 May [1873] ). Hermann Müller also wrote from
  • my further working’ ( From Hermann Müller, 10 June 1873 ). Darwin, in turn, had found Müllers
  • them by different routes’ ( To Hermann Müller, 30 May 1873 ). Although Darwin had completed a
  • the set of all my works, I would suggest 1,500’ ( To R. F. Cooke, 16 September 1876 ). In the
  • not expect that more than 6 or 700 would sell.’ ( To John Murray, 15 November 1876 ). In fact, …
  • of hybrids, has not yet been produced’ ( From ARWallace, 13 December 1876 ). No reply to this
  • … ( From R. F. Cooke, 16 March 1877 ). In November 1877, Murray suggested stereotyping the book, but
  • W. Rimpau, 10 December 1877 ). By the end of February 1878, Murray was ready to print the second

Darwin in letters, 1874: A turbulent year


The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early months working on second editions of Coral reefs and Descent of man; the rest of the year was mostly devoted to further research on insectivorous plants. A…

Matches: 24 hits

  • 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early months working
  • dispute over an anonymous review that attacked the work of Darwins son George dominated the second
  • and traveller Alexander von Humboldts 105th birthday, Darwin obliged with a reflection on his debt
  • during prolonged intervals’ ( letter to D. T. Gardner, [ c . 27 August 1874] ). The death of a
  • Andrew Clark, whom he had been consulting since August 1873. Darwin had originally thought that
  • had suggested a new edition of the coral book in December 1873, when he realised the difficulty a
  • …  vol. 21, letter to Smith, Elder & Co., 17 December [1873] ). Darwin himself had some trouble
  • Descent  was published in November 1874 ( letter from R. F. Cooke, 12 November 1874 ). Though
  • had been in two volumes and had cost twenty-four shillings.) Murrays partner, Robert Francis Cooke, …
  • on subsequent print runs would be very good ( letter from R. F. Cooke, 12 November 1874 ). …
  • of human evolution and inheritance himselfIn August 1873, he had published in the  Contemporary
  • Quarterly Review  discussing works on primitive man by John Lubbock and Edward Burnett Tylor. It
  • of anonymous reviews. Its proprietor was none other than John Murray, Darwins publisher. So
  • wording of both the letter to the editor and the letter to Murray to accompany it. The depth of
  • a new publisherand advised that Darwin should not push Murray to the point of cutting off
  • to review me in a hostile spirit’ ( letter to John Murray, 11 August 1874 ). Darwin was
  • number of the Review & in the same type’  ( letter from John Murray, 12 August 1874 ). George
  • anonymous reviews. While staying with Hooker over Christmas, John Tyndall, professor at and
  • asthe natural outflow of his character’ ( letter from John Tyndall, 28 December 1874 ). …
  • the use of the Down schoolroom as a winter reading room in 1873 (see  Correspondence , vol. 21, …
  • in a few hours dissolve the hardest cartilage, bone & meat &c. &c.’ ( letter to W. D. …
  • whether at theclose of the putrefaction of flesh, skin &c, any substance is produced before
  • details of an Australian variety of sundew ( letter from T. C. Copland, 23 June 1874 ). …
  • Sharpe for promotion at the British Museum ( letter to R. B. Sharpe, 24 November [1874] ).  He

Women as a scientific audience


Target audience? | Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those exchanged with his editors and publisher, reveal a lot about his intended audience. Regardless of whether or not women were deliberately targeted as a…

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  • … Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those …
  • … a broad variety of women had access to, and engaged with, Darwin's published works. A set of …
  • … women a target audience? Letter 2447 - Darwin to Murray, J., [5 April 1859] …
  • … typically-male readers. Letter 7124 - Darwin to Darwin, H. E., [8 February 1870] …
  • … her help with tone and style. Letter 7329 - Murray , J. to Darwin, [28 September …
  • … perusal. Letter 7331 - Darwin to Murray, J., [29 September 1870] …
  • … - Forster, L. M . to Darwin, H. E., [20 February 1873] Henrietta’s friend, Laura, …
  • … - Innes, J. B. to Darwin, [31 August 1868] John Innes reports that he has read …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

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  • … |  Editors and critics  |  Assistants Darwins correspondence helps bring to light a
  • community. Here is a selection of letters exchanged between Darwin and his workforce of women
  • Women: Letter 1194 - Darwin to Whitby, M. A. T., [12 August 1849] Darwin
  • peculiarities in inheritance. Letter 3787 - Darwin, H. E. to Darwin, [29 October
  • in her garden. Letter 4523 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [6 June 1864] …
  • Egypt. Letter 7223 - Darwin to Wedgwood, L. C., [8 June 1867 - 72] Darwin
  • Henrietta. Letter 7179 - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, [5 May 1870] …
  • Letter 8701 - Lubbock, E. F . to Darwin, [1873] Ellen Lubbock, wife of naturalist
  • Letter 8989 - Treat, M. to Darwin, [28 July 1873] Mary Treat reports in detail on her
  • the wallpaper. Letter 5756 - Langton, E. & C. to Wedgwood S. E., [after 9
  • 6815 - Scott, J. to Darwin, [2 July 1869] John Scott responds to Darwins queries
  • Letter 1701 - Morris, M. H. to Prior, R. C. A., [17 June 1855] Margaretta Hare Morris
  • in Llandudno. Letter 4823  - Wedgwood, L. C. to Darwin, H. E., [May 1865] …
  • Lychnis diurna. Letter 8168 - Ruck, A. R . to Darwin, H., [20 January 1872] …
  • lawn. Letter 8224 - Darwin to Ruck, A. R., [24 February 1872] Darwin
  • Letter 1701  - Morris, M. H. to Prior, R. C. A., [17 June 1855] Margaretta Hare Morris
  • Letter 8989 - Treat, M. to Darwin, [28 July 1873] Mary Treat provides a detailed
  • …  - Weir, J. J. to Darwin, [24 March 1868] John Weir describes experiments he is undertaking
  • garden ”. Letter 6083  - Casparay, J. X. R. to Darwin, [2 April 1868] …
  • challenging ideas. Letter 2447 - Darwin to Murray, J., [5 April 1859] …
  • editorial criticism of a paper written by English naturalist John Lubbock. In addition to offering
  • 9156  - Wallace, A. R . to Darwin, [19 November 1873] Wallace reassures Darwin that
  • 9157  - Darwin to Da rwin, G. H., [20 November 1873] Darwin offers the work of
  • …  - Weir, J. J. to Darwin, [24 March 1868] John Weir describes experiments he is undertaking
  • Letter 8719  - Darwin to Treat, M., [1 January 1873] Darwin gives Mary Treat close

4.7 'Vanity Fair', caricature


< Back to Introduction A letter to Darwin from his publisher John Murray of 10 May 1871 informed him, ‘Your portrait is earnestly desired – by the Editor of Vanity Fair. I hope Mr Darwin may consent to follow the example of Murchison – Bismark [sic] …

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  • … &lt; Back to Introduction A letter to Darwin from his publisher John Murray of 10 May
  • agreeing to be caricatured in Vanity Fairs pages . Darwins first reaction was anything but
  • characterisation tallies extremely closely with Francis Darwins recollections of his father, both
  • Vanity Fairs friendly and convincing likeness of Darwin took its place in a long series of colour
  • by a motto rather than by his namein the case of Darwin (‘Men of the Day, No. 33’) it was
  • were intermingled with those of royals and aristocrats. Darwin himself, no longer a controversial or
  • Pellegrini and the versatile French painter James Tissot. John Murray evidently thought that
  • House there is a copy of the Vanity Fair caricature of Darwin paired in a single mount and frame
  • … (‘Men of the Day’, no. 57, ‘Old Bones’, 1 March 1873) (EH88202629). A printed caption has been added
  • further.’      physical location Darwin archive, Cambridge University Library. Other
  • September 1871 
 computer-readable date c.1871-06-01 to 1871-09-29 
  • Vanity Fair , no. 152 (30 Sept. 1871), p. 107. Letter from John Murray to Darwin, 10 May 1871 (DCP
  • a Biography (London: Jonathan Cape, 2002), pp. 376-7. Paul R. Spiring, The World of Vanity Fair

Movement in Plants


The power of movement in plants, published on 7 November 1880, was the final large botanical work that Darwin wrote. It was the only work in which the assistance of one of his children, Francis Darwin, is mentioned on the title page. The research for this…

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  • 7 November 1880was the final large botanical work that Darwin wrote. It was the only work in which
  • about their research while he was away from home. Although Darwin lacked a state of the art research
  • the advantages of both while Francis was working abroad. Darwin was privy to the inner workings of
  • methods and use the most advanced laboratory equipment. Darwin also benefitted from the instrument
  • that Francis had been introduced to at Würzburg. Darwin described his experimental practice
  • plant physiology, but it was at its core informed by Darwins theory of evolution, particularly by
  • early 1860s, at a time when his health was especially bad, Darwin had taken up the study of climbing
  • from correspondents in response to the work, and by 1873 began preparing a second edition, which
  • because Darwin never published on bloom. In August 1873, while on holiday in Southampton at the home
  • by bloom, but his main preoccupation in the summer of 1873 was his experimental work on
  • themselves from the injurious effects of water. By November 1873, he was already devising
  • … ‘ Frank &amp; I are working very hard on bloom &amp; sleep &amp;c.; but I am horribly afraid all
  • that exhibited all three types of movement ( letter from RILynch, [before 28 July 1877] ). ‘ …
  • to learn about cutting thin sections of soft leaves &amp;c.— Lastly the instrument for making marks
  • the curious mode of germinationand concluded, ‘ M r  Rattan seems to be a real good observer, …
  • Movements of Plants’, he told Robert Cooke of John Murray publishers, before suggestingThe
  • about the number of copies they should print ( letter to John Murray, 10 July 1880 ). Moreover, …
  • good deal morethan any of Darwins previous works, Murray was willing to publish on the usual
  • as soon as stereotypes of the text were available from Murray ( letter from DAppleton &amp; Co., …
  • pay more for at the usual rate of charging per inch &amp;c they w dbe over £40’; he suggested
  • publication will not cost me quite so much as I expected. Murray has sold 800 copies. The Times
  • to his son George, ‘ Hurrah for the old bloody TimesMurray says 500 copies urgently required ’. …

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

Matches: 22 hits

  • Re: DesignAdaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and othersby Craig
  • as the creator of this dramatisation, and that of the Darwin Correspondence Project to be identified
  • correspondence or published writings of Asa Gray, Charles Darwin, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Jane Loring
  • Actor 1Asa Gray Actor 2Charles Darwin Actor 3In the dress of a modern day
  • Hugh Falconer, Louis Agassiz, Adam Sedgwick, A Friend of John Stuart Mill, Emma Darwin, Horace
  • the play unfolds and acting as a go-between between Gray and Darwin, and between the audience and
  • this, he sends out copies of his Review of the Life of Darwin. At this time in his life, Asa
  • friends in England, copies of hisReview of the Life of Darwin’… pencilling the address so that it
  • Joseph D Hooker GRAY:   3   Charles Darwinmade his home on the border of the little
  • are kept in check by a constitutional weakness. DARWIN: A plain but comfortable brick
  • by every blessing except that of vigorous healthDARWIN4   My confounded stomach
  • pursuits and the simplicity of his character. DARWIN:   5   I am allowed to work now
  • own house, where he was the most charming of hosts. DARWIN:   6   My life goes on
  • being a part of [an unpublished] manuscript. Darwin settles down to write. His tone is
  • THE CONCURRENCE OF BOTANISTS: 1855 In which Darwin initiates a long-running correspondence
  • 65   My dear [Mr Wallace], I have told [my publisher] Murray to send you by post, a copy of my
  • … ‘Baconian philosophy’, etc. We, in England, think John Stuart Mill the highest authority on such
  • about the war and your  slightly animated! description of John Bulls opinions and notions. A
  • paragraph, in which I quote and differ from you[r178   doctrine that each variation has been
  • … &amp; 1 MARCH 1870 197 A GRAY TO JD HOOKER, 3 JULY 1873 198  TO A GRAY 5

Darwin in letters, 1869: Forward on all fronts


At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  Origin. He may have resented the interruption to his work on sexual selection and human evolution, but he spent forty-six days on the task. Much of the…

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  • At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  …
  • appeared at the end of 1866 and had told his cousin William Darwin Fox, ‘My work will have to stop a
  • material on emotional expression. Yet the scope of Darwins interests remained extremely broad, and
  • plants, and earthworms, subjects that had exercised Darwin for decades, and that would continue to
  • Carl von  Nägeli and perfectibility Darwins most substantial addition to  Origin  was a
  • a Swiss botanist and professor at Munich (Nägeli 1865). Darwin had considered Nägelis paper
  • principal engine of change in the development of species. Darwin correctly assessed Nägelis theory
  • in most morphological features (Nägeli 1865, p. 29). Darwin sent a manuscript of his response (now
  • are &amp; must be morphological’. The comment highlights Darwins apparent confusion about Nägelis
  • … ‘purely morphological’. The modern reader may well share Darwins uncertainty, but Nägeli evidently
  • pp. 289). In further letters, Hooker tried to provide Darwin with botanical examples he could use
  • now see is possible or probable’ (see also letter to A. R. Wallace, 22 January [1869] , and
  • and amphibians, while Roland Trimen in South Africa and John Jenner Weir in London sent more
  • of information which I have sent prove of any service to M r . Darwin I can supply him with much
  • … &amp; proximate cause in regard to Man’ ( letter to A. R. Wallace, 14 April 1869 ).  More
  • and the bird of paradise  (Wallace 1869a; letter to A. R. Wallace, 22 March [1869] ), and
  • an injustice &amp; never demands justice’ ( letter to A. R. Wallace, 14 April 1869 ). …
  • species that Darwin had investigated in depth ( letter from C. F. Claus, 6 February 1869 ). In a
  • genus that he had studied in the early 1860s ( letter to W. C. Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 ). This
  • incorporating his latest revisions (Moulinié trans. 1873).  Reinwald and Moulinié had been engaged
  • Sweetland Dallass edition of Fritz Müllers  Für Darwin  (Dallas trans. 1869). The book, an
  • creation, if he is not completely staggered after reading y r  essay’. The work received a
  • whole meeting was decidedly Huxleys answer to D r  M c Cann. He literally poured boiling oil
  • and broadening the forums in which Darwinism was discussed. John Murray brought out the first issue
  • a higher tone of Criticism than that now prevailing’. Here Murray was alluding particularly to the  …
  • wish your Periodical all success’, Darwin wrote to Murray, ‘I wish it had been weekly, as then
  • that to me would have been a pleasing sight’ ( letter to John Murray, [after 18 September 1869] ). …

Darwin and the Church


The story of Charles Darwin’s involvement with the church is one that is told far too rarely. It shows another side of the man who is more often remembered for his personal struggles with faith, or for his role in large-scale controversies over the…

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  • The story of Charles Darwins involvement with the church is one that is told far too rarely. It
  • unique window into this complicated relationship throughout Darwins life, as it reveals his
  • belief (and doubt) than many non-conformist denominations. Darwins parents attended a Unitarian
  • the necessary studies to be a clergyman. During Darwins lifetime, the vast majority of the
  • income was essential to enjoy a gentlemanly lifestyle. For Darwin, who could rely on the financial
  • compatible with the pursuit of scientific interests. Indeed, Darwins Cambridge mentorJohn Stevens
  • … (Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine (1887): 321). Darwin started on his journey around the world
  • it even through a grove of Palms.—’ (letter to Caroline Darwin, 256 April [1832] ). Darwins
  • Museum or some other learned place’ (letter from E. A. Darwin, 18 August [1832] ). Writing to Fox
  • about—’ (letter to W. D. Fox, [912 August] 1835 ). Darwins doubts about orthodox belief, and
  • in 1838 and 1839, as can be read here. In the end, Darwin chose a middle coursea life of ease in
  • within six years of his return from the  Beagle  voyage, Darwin moved to Down House, in the
  • where their children Mary and Charles were buried; later Darwins brother Erasmus, Emmas sister
  • the work of Non-conformist preachers in the village. John Brodie Innes Many of the
  • Innes, [8 May 1848] and n. 2). Darwin praised Innes to John William Lubbock, the principal
  • clergyman was unsuitable for entirely different reasonsJohn Warburton Robinson seemed not to be an
  • Innes informed Darwin that though heheard all good of M r . Ffindens moral character, his
  • … (letter to Down School Board, [after 29 November 1873] ). Ffinden fiercely resented Darwin for
  • to such strained relations that Darwins neighbour, John Lubbock, was forced to send a series of
  • an interesting letter from Darwin to the evangelist J. W. C. Fegan. Darwin whole-heartedly supported
  • chapter . Edited by Francis Darwin. 3 vols. London: John Murray. 18878. Moore, James. 1985. …

Animals, ethics, and the progress of science


Darwin’s view on the kinship between humans and animals had important ethical implications. In Descent, he argued that some animals exhibited moral behaviour and had evolved mental powers analogous to conscience. He gave examples of cooperation, even…

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  • Darwins view on the kinship between humans and animals had important ethical
  • a live worm on a hook (‘Recollections’, pp. 358, 388). Darwins concern for animals aligned with
  • and an integral part of medical and veterinary training. Darwin was clearly disturbed by the
  • about it, else I shall not sleep to-night’ ( letter to E. R. Lankester, 22 March [1871] ). In
  • to the last hour of his life’ ( Descent 1: 40). Darwins closest encounter with
  • on rabbits. The investigation was partly aimed at testing Darwinshypothesis of pangenesis’, which
  • of different breeds together. Galton reported regularly to Darwin on the results (all negative). He
  • Society, calling into question the theory of pangenesis. Darwin was taken aback, and swiftly replied
  • no longer look after the rabbits (many died from the cold), Darwin offered to give the poor
  • was sought in another set of experiments by George John Romanes. This time the creatures were plants
  • more influenced by experiments on animals than on plants’, Darwin conceded. ‘I think a large number
  • … ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 18 July 1875 ). Darwin was concerned that the method be painless, …
  • 1874 ). In the previous sections, we have traced Darwins growing interest in physiology and
  • were analogous to those performed on dogs and other animals. Darwins work on insectivorous plants
  • handbook for the physiological laboratory (Klein et al. 1873), a two volume work designed for
  • an acquaintance of the Darwins, and had corresponded with Darwin cordially about his moral theory, …
  • … ( letter to F. B. Cobbe, [14 January 1875] ). Darwins involvement in the vivisection
  • of which we can now see the bearings in regard to health &amp;c, I look at as puerile. Darwin
  • with costly equipment, a supply of animals, etc.. Darwin was concerned thatprivate menwould be
  • … ( letter to H. E. Litchfield, 4 January [1875] ) Darwin worked closely with Burdon
  • the total abolition of the practice. ‘It seems to me’, Darwin remarked to George Romanes, ‘that
  • organised defence. To bring more solidarity to the field, Darwins son Francis, and a number of his
  • … ( letter from T. L. Brunton, 12 February 1882 ). Darwin declined the offer to be honorary
  • had its first meeting on 20 April 1882, the day after Darwins death. While Darwin was

Yokcushlu (Fuegia Basket)


Yokcushlu was one of the Alakaluf, or canoe people from the western part of Tierra del Fuego. She was one of the hostages seized by Robert FitzRoy, captain of HMS Beagle, after the small boat used for surveying the narrow inlets of the coast of Tierra del…

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  • even though she appeared to like Orundellico better. Darwin thought Yokcushlu a modest girl of quick
  • Orundellico had received in England may have heightened Darwins shocked reaction to his first
  • hearing a report of one such encounter with a sealing ship, Darwin expressed his concern. ‘Without a
  • bears a double interpretation) some days on board’ (Darwin 1845, p. 228 n.).  Joseph Dalton Hooker
  • Covington in 1853 . Yokcushlu was next heard of in 1873, when she visited the Ushuaia
  • with the Yamana people of Cape Horn, before and after Darwin.  Cambridge: Cambridge University
  • Button.  London: Hodder and Stoughton. Darwin, C. R. 1845. Journal of researches into the
  • Beagle round the world, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N. 2d edition. London: John Murray. …

Elleparu (York Minster)


Elleparu was one of the Alakaluf, or canoe people from the western part of Tierra del Fuego. He was captured by Robert FitzRoy, captain of HMS Beagle, in 1830 after one the small boats used for surveying the narrow inlets of the coast of Tierra del Fuego…

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  • Elleparu had cried over the death of Boat Memory, and, in Darwins opinion, Elleparu came the
  • a far worse form of retribution for treachery: in 1873, his wife, Yokcushlu, reported that he had
  • with the Yamana people of Cape Horn, before and after Darwin.  Cambridge: Cambridge University
  • Button.  London: Hodder and Stoughton. Darwin, C. R. 1845. Journal of researches into the
  • Beagle round the world, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N. 2d edition. London: John Murray. …