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Darwin in letters, 1882: Nothing too great or too small


In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and for the first time in decades he was not working on another book. He remained active in botanical research, however. Building on his recent studies in plant…

Matches: 26 hits

  • In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the
  • for scientific colleagues or their widows facing hardship. Darwin had suffered from poor health
  • is nearly run’ ( letter to Lawson Tait, 13 February 1882 ). His condition worsened in March. …
  • of his scientific friends quickly organised a campaign for Darwin to have greater public recognition
  • Botanical observation and experiment had long been Darwins greatest scientific pleasure. The year
  • styled plants ( letter from Fritz Müller, 1 January 1882 , and letter to Fritz Müller, 4 January
  • working at the effects of Carbonate of Ammonia on roots,’ Darwin wrote, ‘the chief result being that
  • for some hours in a weak solution of C. of Ammonia’. Darwins interest in root response and the
  • London on 6 and 16 March, respectively. In January, Darwin corresponded with George John
  • letter from Arthur de Souza Corrêa, 28 December 1881 ). Darwin had a long-running interest in such
  • experiments had been conducted to lend support to Darwins theory of pangenesis (see
  • any extra labour’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 6 January 1882 ). The finished paper, ‘On new
  • effects on chlorophyll ( letter to Joseph Fayrer, 30 March 1882 ). He received a specimen of
  • one plant or animal!’ ( letter to Henry Groves, 3 April 1882 ). He wrote to an American in Kansas
  • experimentising on them’ ( letter to J. E. Todd, 10 April 1882 ). While enthusiasm drove him, …
  • affects my heart’ ( letter to Henry Groves, 3 April 1882 ). Earthworms and evolution
  • Murray, carried an anonymous article on the book in January 1882. The reviewers assessment was
  • and was no longer able to take his daily strolls (Henrietta Emma Litchfield, ‘Charles Darwins death
  • E. Litchfield to G. H. Darwin, 17 March 1882 (DAR 245: 319)) Emma wrote ten days later: ‘You will
  • been a good deal plagued with dull aching in the chest’ (Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin, [ c . 28
  • benefit & he escaped pain entirely yesterday’ (letter from Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin, 6 April
  • wrote to George, who had visited Down on 11 April (Emma Darwins diary (DAR 242)). ‘Father was taken
  • H. Darwin, [19 April 1882] (DAR 245: 320)). It was left to Emma to convey the sorrowful news to his
  • which I hope were never very violent’ ( letter from Emma Darwin to J. D. Hooker, [20 April 1882
  • have possessed & have been able to be to him’ (letter from Emma Darwin to Leonard Darwin, [21? …
  • they were the most overflowing in tenderness’ (letter from Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin, 10 May 1882

The full edition is now online!


For nearly fifty years successive teams of researchers on both sides of the Atlantic have been working to track down all surviving letters written by or to Charles Darwin, research their content, and publish the complete texts. The thirtieth and final…

Matches: 9 hits

  • to track down all surviving letters written by or to Charles Darwin, research their content, and
  • picture than we have ever had before of the course of Darwins life and development of his thought. …
  • the last 6 yearsThose 400 letters flesh out the whole of Darwins life from his time on board HMS  …
  • volumeDiscover more about the final months of Darwin's life in our Life and Letters
  • run. ’ Letter to Lawson Tait, 13 February 1882 In early 1882, Darwin, who
  • as I am. ’ Letter to John Murray, 21 January 1882 Darwin was by now confident
  • no pain. ’ Letter to THHuxley, 27 March 1882 Darwin wrote this to Thomas
  • my children it is worth having .’ Letter from Emma Darwin to JDHooker, [20 April 1882] …
  • on 20 April: this letter concludes the correspondence for 1882. The family had expected Darwin to be

'Emma' audio play


Darwin Correspondence · EMMA by Craig Baxter

Matches: 3 hits

  • Darwin Correspondence · EMMA by Craig Baxter It is midday on the day of Charles Darwin
  • Le Prevost recording at Down House EMMA By Craig Baxter   Cast
  • Fiona McAlpine   Executive Producer for the Darwin Correspondence Project: Francis

Correspondence with women


We know of letters to or from around 2000 correspondents, about 100 of whom were women. Using the letter summaries available on this website, the letters can be assigned to rough categories.  Included in the count are letters to women in Darwin’s family…

Matches: 19 hits

  • categoriesIncluded in the count are letters to women in Darwins family that contained messages
  • These were from womenoften strangerswho had read Darwins work, had noticed something that
  • to or from friends and relations who had been asked by Darwin to make specific observations. The
  • on the most lengthy and detailed correspondences with Darwin of all his female correspondents other
  • to take up: it could be learnt and practised at home. One of Darwins botanical correspondents, …
  • and editors (there is a substantial correspondence between Darwin and his daughter Henrietta
  • beer and someone seeking to sell a portrait of Erasmus Darwin. In addition there are a small but
  • editorial help, and advice on presentation. We know from Darwins own comments that Emma was
  • of his works. In his correspondence with women botanists, Darwin was neither dismissive nor
  • it an unfeminine (messy and heartless) subject. Darwins comments on thedifference in the
  • so conciliatory; a difference in disposition is something Darwin can support from observations of
  • men have achieved higher eminence in all fields; and Darwin attributes this not to social causes, …
  • of the key to male success is interesting in the light of Darwins own opinion of hisgenius”; he
  • persistence more valuable than inspiration.) Additionally, Darwin thought that constant fighting and
  • have developed similar qualities.) At this point, Darwin applies his own logic of inheritance
  • sexual difference. By the end of this passage, Darwin has concluded thatman has ultimately
  • campaigner for womens education, to explain his views, Darwin responded as follows: The
  • happiness of our homes, would in this case greatly suffer. (Darwin to C. A. Kennard, 9 January
  • of paid employment. No doubt many reasons underlie Darwins conservative yet courteous and

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

Matches: 25 hits

  • Re: DesignAdaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and othersby Craig
  • as the creator of this dramatisation, and that of the Darwin Correspondence Project to be identified
  • correspondence or published writings of Asa Gray, Charles Darwin, Joseph Dalton Hooker, Jane Loring
  • Actor 1Asa Gray Actor 2Charles Darwin Actor 3In the dress of a modern day
  • Louis Agassiz, Adam Sedgwick, A Friend of John Stuart Mill, Emma Darwin, Horace Darwinand acts as
  • the play unfolds and acting as a go-between between Gray and Darwin, and between the audience and
  • this, he sends out copies of his Review of the Life of Darwin. At this time in his life, Asa
  • friends in England, copies of hisReview of the Life of Darwin’… pencilling the address so that it
  • Joseph D Hooker GRAY:   3   Charles Darwinmade his home on the border of the little
  • are kept in check by a constitutional weakness. DARWIN: A plain but comfortable brick
  • by every blessing except that of vigorous healthDARWIN4   My confounded stomach
  • pursuits and the simplicity of his character. DARWIN:   5   I am allowed to work now
  • own house, where he was the most charming of hosts. DARWIN:   6   My life goes on
  • being a part of [an unpublished] manuscript. Darwin settles down to write. His tone is
  • THE CONCURRENCE OF BOTANISTS: 1855 In which Darwin initiates a long-running correspondence
  • gossip about difficult colleagues (Agassiz). Gray realizes Darwin is not revealing all of his
  • man, more formally attired and lighter on his feet than Darwin. He has many more demands on his time
  • catches his attention. He opens the letter. DARWIN8   April 25 th 1855. My
  • Thank God he will never suffer more in this world. Poor Emma behaved nobly and how she stood it all
  • DARWINMy wifes remark on reading this, was EMMA: Why, you know nothing about Logic. …
  • …   A GREAT DRAWBACK TO THE PRIVILEGES OF OLD AGE: 1882 In which Darwin dies and is
  • notorietyCharles Darwin died on the 19th April [1882], a few months after the completion of
  • TO C DARWIN, 29 NOVEMBER 1879 209 A GRAY, 1882, MEMOIR OF DARWIN 210 A

Darwin in letters, 1881: Old friends and new admirers


In May 1881, Darwin, one of the best-known celebrities in England if not the world, began writing about all the eminent men he had met. He embarked on this task, which formed an addition to his autobiography, because he had nothing else to do. He had…

Matches: 21 hits

  • In May 1881, Darwin, one of the best-known celebrities in England if not the world, began
  • a very old man, who probably will not last much longer.’ Darwins biggest fear was not death, but
  • sweetest place on this earth’. From the start of the year, Darwin had his demise on his mind. He
  • provision for the dividing of his wealth after his death. Darwins gloominess was compounded by the
  • and new admirers got in touch, and, for all his fears, Darwin found several scientific topics to
  • Evolution old and new when revising his essay on Erasmus Darwins scientific work, and that Darwin
  • memory in November 1880 and in an abusive letter about Darwin in the St Jamess Gazette on 8
  • in a review of Unconscious memory in Kosmos and sent Darwin a separate letter for
  • Butler wished to boast publicly that his quarrel was with Darwin, agreed. Unsure how to address
  • gone mad on such a small matter’. The following day, Darwin himself wrote to Stephen, admitting that
  • a slap in the face as he would have cause to remember’. Darwin was enormously relieved. ‘Your note
  • wrote such a savage review of Unconscious memory that Darwin feared he had redirected Butlers
  • so much for anything in my life as for its success’, Darwin told Arabella Buckley on 4 January . …
  • that Wallace would receive £200 a yearhe wrote to Darwin, ‘I congratulate you on the success of
  • on 8 January (his 58th birthday) and immediately wrote to Darwin to thank him for hisconstant
  • he had done. Buckleys delight was evident when she told Darwin on 13 January : ‘I have always
  • of 1881. This book had been a major undertaking for both Darwin and his son Francis, who assisted in
  • vol. 30, letter to C. A. Kennard, 9 January 1882 ). ‘I sometimes receive so many
  • soul, he said that he shd. not ask you to send any more.’ Emma Darwin clearly had different concerns
  • Nature published the day after Darwins death in April 1882. Deaths, gifts and legacies
  • with the happy news of a birth. On 7 December, Charles and Emma Darwins second grandchild, another

Women as a scientific audience


Target audience? | Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those exchanged with his editors and publisher, reveal a lot about his intended audience. Regardless of whether or not women were deliberately targeted as a…

Matches: 7 hits

  • … Female readership | Reading Variation Darwin's letters, in particular those …
  • … a broad variety of women had access to, and engaged with, Darwin's published works. A set of …
  • … women a target audience? Letter 2447 - Darwin to Murray, J., [5 April 1859] …
  • … that his views are original and will appeal to the public. Darwin asks Murray to forward the …
  • … and criticisms of style. Letter 2461 - Darwin to Hooker, J. D., [11 May 1859] …
  • … typically-male readers. Letter 7124 - Darwin to Darwin, H. E., [8 February 1870] …
  • … Letter 13650 Kennard, C. A. to Darwin, [28 January 1882] Caroline Kennard responds …



As with many of Darwin’s research topics, his interest in worms spanned nearly his entire working life. Some of his earliest correspondence about earthworms was written and received in the 1830s, shortly after his return from his Beagle voyage, and his…

Matches: 16 hits

  • Earthworms and Wedgwood cousins As with many of Darwin's research topics, his
  • about worms were written only months before he died in March 1882. In the same way that Darwin cast
  • his nieces, Lucy and Sophy Wedgwood, the daughters of Emma Darwin's brother Josiah. Darwin
  • Scientific evidence for the history of life Darwin chose to study earthworms in order to
  • selection. His book Fertilisation of Orchids (1862) was Darwin's "flank movement
  • was a study of incredible empirical detail that demonstrates Darwin's creative experimental
  • … (be it geology or evolutionary theory) was a subject that Darwin had contemplated from his earliest
  • SOURCES Papers Darwin, C.R. 1840. On the formation of mould. Transactions of the
  • 385 - Sarah Elizabeth Wedgwood & Josiah Wedgwood to Darwin, 10 November [1837] …
  • were fertilised. Letter 8137 - William Darwin to Charles Darwin, 1 January 1872
  • of stone at Stonehenge. In his reply of two days later, Darwin wrote, “Your letter & facts are
  • 8144 , 8169 , and 8171 - Between Charles Darwin and Lucy Wedgwood, January 1872
  • for her observations. Letter 12745 - Darwin to Sophy Wedgwood, 8 October 1880
  • Letter 13406 - Mary Catherine Stanley (Lady Derby) to Darwin, 16 October 1881 Among
  • and its significance. Letter 13632 - Darwin to John Murray, 21 January 1882 In
  • magazine, Stephen Jay Gould argues for the importance of Darwin's last book and its centrality

3.8 Leonard Darwin, interior photo


< Back to Introduction Leonard Darwin, who created the distinctive image of his father sitting on the verandah at Down House, also portrayed him as a melancholy philosopher. His head, brightly lit from above, emerges from the enveloping darkness; he…

Matches: 17 hits

  • … &lt; Back to Introduction Leonard Darwin, who created the distinctive image of his father
  • is here an obvious relationship to Oulesss painting of Darwin, and to the photographs taken by
  • with Leonards own personal recollections of his father. Darwins life, Leonard wrote, could notbe
  • but it reads like a commentary on his own photograph of Darwin. There seems to have been a two-way
  • descriptions of him. At the same time, photographs of Darwin taken by his family and friends have an
  • Magazine. Desmond and Moore, in their biography of Darwin, captioned itabout 1874’, while
  • … (unspecified, and now absent) might refer to the portrait of Darwin, although a pencilled note on
  • Leonard himself sent to Anthony Rich, a great admirer of Darwin who insisted on bequeathing property
  • and illustrator, created a bold wood-engraved image of Darwins head and shoulders from Leonards
  • this was for a wood engraving to illustrate an obituary of Darwin by Dr Otto Zacharias in the
  • portrait photographon china from the negative by Leonard Darwin’, lent to the 1909 exhibition by
  • Library 
 originator of image Leonard Darwin 
 date of creation undated; …
  • and bibliography DAR 186.34 (DCP-LETT-11484), Leonard Darwins letter to his father, enclosing
  • Aug. 1881), illustrating Hibberds article, ‘Mr. Charles Darwin’, on pp. 477-8 (Lindley Library, …
  • GALTON/1/1/3/7, ‘Photographs and drawing of Charles Darwin’, is signed by Darwin with the dateFeb. …
  • version in Illustrirte Zeitung no. 2026 (29 April 1882), DAR 216.82. Darwin Centenary: The
  • Leonards photograph in Henrietta Litchfield (ed.), Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters, 1792

Science: A Man’s World?


Discussion Questions|Letters Darwin's correspondence show that many nineteenth-century women participated in the world of science, be it as experimenters, observers, editors, critics, producers, or consumers. Despite this, much of the…

Matches: 14 hits

  • Discussion Questions | Letters Darwin's correspondence show that many nineteenth
  • Letters Darwins Notes On Marriage [April - July 1838] In these notes, …
  • of family, home and sociability. Letter 489 - Darwin to Wedgwood, E., [20 January 1839] …
  • theories, &amp; accumulating facts in silence &amp; solitude”. Darwin also comments that he has
  • Letter 3715 - Claparède, J. L. R. A. E. to Darwin, [6 September 1862] Claparède
  • are not those of her sex”. Letter 4038 - Darwin to Lyell, C., [12-13 March 1863] …
  • critic”. Letter 4377 - Haeckel, E. P. A. to Darwin, [2 January 1864] Haeckel
  • works”. Letter 4441 - Becker, L. E. to Darwin, [30 March 1864] Lydia Becker
  • to study nature. Letter 4940 - Cresy, E. to Darwin, E., [20 November 1865] …
  • of physiology at Bedford College for girls. Appealing to Emmasfeminine sympathies”, Cresy is keen
  • masculine nor pedantic”. Letter 6976 - Darwin to Blackwell, A. B., [8 November 1869] …
  • … , (1829). Letter 7329 - Murray, J. to Darwin, [28 September 1870] Written
  • them ears”. Letter 8055 - Hennell, S. S. to Darwin, [7 November 1871] Sarah
  • Letter 13607Darwin to Kennard, C. A., [9 January 1882] Darwin responds to Caroline

3.14 Julia Margaret Cameron, photos


< Back to Introduction In the summer of 1868 Darwin took a holiday on the Isle of Wight with his immediate family, his brother Erasmus, and his friend Joseph Hooker. The family’s accommodation at Freshwater was rented from the photographer Julia…

Matches: 25 hits

  • … &lt; Back to Introduction In the summer of 1868 Darwin took a holiday on the Isle of
  • Cameron, who seized this opportunity to portray both Darwin and Hookerportraits that would come
  • and in particular Hookers speechaEulogiumof Darwin, would represent a public victory for the
  • such as to heighten the demand for images of Hooker and of Darwin himself. She was in any case a
  • from Camerons portraits that included the one of Darwin, thought thatSomething of what William
  • done’, had been achieved by these photographs.   Darwin was not a natural inhabitant of this
  • characteristics of the four or five known photographs of Darwin which Cameron took in the summer of
  • them romantically dishevelled and swathed in rough drapery, Darwin is wearing his usual conventional
  • than a passing resemblancebetween these photographs and Darwins own engraved portrait of Leonardo
  • one serves as frontispiece to R.B. Freemans Charles Darwin: A Companion . In another shot, he
  • generous conviction’. Perhaps this was the photograph that Darwin sent to Germany at the request of
  • captured by Cameron with great skill: in fact, her image of Darwin was such as to offset the
  • of Descent of Man. Indeed, such ennobling images of Darwin fed into a perception of the superior
  • that it wasNot a very successful picture, although Mr. Darwin was very pleased with it’. In fact
  • revered sitter, Tennyson. Nevertheless, this photograph of Darwin was highly favoured, and had a
  • actuality. Ernst Haeckel recalled his first impressions of Darwin on a visit to Down House in 1866: …
  • of Dr Johnson discoursing; and Camerons emphasis on Darwins domed skull is attuned to nineteenth
  • intelligence.   Relations between Cameron and the Darwin family continued to be very cordial, …
  • the role of her agent at the BAAS conference. He reported to Darwin at the end of August, ‘I have
  • 2830cm. vertically. Although the profile photograph of Darwin was reproduced as a lantern slide and
  • a loss of most of the tonal subtlety of the original; as Darwin complained in a letter to Alfred
  • 88202895; 88204450; 88204438, with a printed facsimile of Darwins signature.  
  • Review , 101 (April 1857), 2 parts, part 2, pp. 442468. Darwins letters to Hooker, 17 [Aug. 1868] …
  • … ‘Professor Haeckel on Darwinin Times (28 Sept. 1882), p. 6. Francis Darwin (ed.), The Life
  • Portrait Gallery, Ax29139). Henrietta Litchfield (ed.), Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters, …

2.13 Edgar Boehm, statue in the NHM


< Back to Introduction Edgar Boehm’s marble statue of Darwin in the Natural History Museum was commissioned by the committee of the Darwin Memorial Fund. This body had been set up by Darwin’s friends after his death in 1882, with the aim of providing…

Matches: 24 hits

  • to Introduction Edgar Boehms marble statue of Darwin in the Natural History Museum was
  • report shows that their donations did indeed range from the Darwin familys £200 down to five
  • a cost of £2,100, to pay for a bronze portrait medallion of Darwin in Westminster Abbey (also by
  • sciences, and opened to the public in 1881, shortly before Darwins death. This government-funded
  • was also a key aim. The introduction of the statue of Darwin on the central landing of the grand
  • also symbolised acceptance by both church and state that Darwin, once anathematised as a threat to
  • as a sign of the institutionsofficial sanctionof Darwins theories: rather, it was meant to
  • which were directly explanatory of the scientific views of Darwin and his disciples. Richard Owen, …
  • central area of the hall were watched over by the figure of Darwin, and Boehms statue was even
  • committees choice of Boehm to sculpt the portrait of Darwin could be construed as conservative and
  • artist’. However, for many viewers, Boehms statue of Darwin, slightly over life size, seemed to
  • legs crossedan easy, unassuming pose seen in Leonard Darwins photograph of his father on the
  • Fairs caricature . The collared cape or cloak that Darwin wore outdoors (depicted also in
  • Moses , giving monumentality to the figure. Emma Darwin, always difficult to please with respect to
  • think it was a strong likeness of him (Boehm had never seen Darwin in life), but the impressive
  • her daughter-in-law Sara that Boehms characterisation of Darwins hands was unsatisfactory, so a
  • was very well received; the Times writer thought that Darwin seemed towelcome all coming
  • in 1927, but put back there in 2008, in time for the Darwin bicentenary celebrations of 2009.  …
  • 1883, was given to Cambridge University by members of the Darwin family in 1891, and placed in the
  • death by the Countess of Derby; her daughter presented it to Darwins son George, who lent it to the
  • white marble, inscribed on the front of the baseCHARLES DARWIN’, and on the right side, ‘J.E. …
  • … ‘Darwin memorial’, Times (17 June, 1882), p. 14. J.M.C, ‘The Darwin Memorial’, Botanical
  • Press, 1909), p. 33, no. 180. Henrietta Litchfield (ed.), Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters
  • in R.J. Berry (ed.), Charles Darwin: A Commemoration 18821982 (London: Linnean Society and

Darwin in public and private


Extracts from Darwin's published works, in particular Descent of man, and selected letters, explore Darwin's views on the operation of sexual selection in humans, and both his publicly and privately expressed views on its practical implications…

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  • … The following extracts and selected letters explore Darwin's views on the operation of sexual …
  • … Selected letters Letter 1113 - Darwin to Whitby, M. A. T., [2 September 1847] …
  • … of dark eyebrows. Letter 489 – Darwin to Wedgwood, E., [20 January 1859] …
  • … progenitor.    Letter 7123 - Darwin to Darwin, H. E., [March 1870] Darwin …
  • … impeding general perusal. Letter 8146 – Darwin to Treat, M., [5 January 1872] …
  • … of her work on Drosera. Letter 10546 – Darwin to Editor of The Times , [23 June …
  • … progress of physiology. Letter 10746 – Darwin to Dicey, E. M., [1877] …
  • … Letter 13607 – Darwin to Kennard, C. A., [9 January 1882] Darwin responds to Caroline …

2.1 Thomas Woolner bust


< Back to Introduction Thomas Woolner’s marble bust of Darwin was the first portrayal of him that reflected an important transition in his status in the later 1860s. In the 1840s–1850s Darwin had been esteemed within scientific circles as one among…

Matches: 23 hits

  • to Introduction Thomas Woolners marble bust of Darwin was the first portrayal of him
  • the subversive author of Origin of Species ; but by 1869 Darwin had gained public fame as a
  • formal bust portrait was not a public commission. It was Darwins close friend Joseph Hooker who
  • or perhaps for display at Kew. In January 1864 Hooker told Darwin, ‘I am very anxious to get Woolner
  • are not pleasing’. This enterprise came to nothingwas Darwin wary of authorising the creation and
  • the project was revived, it was as a commission on behalf of Darwins brother Erasmus, presumably
  • undertaken in November 1868, not for Erasmus but for Charles Darwin himself, and his immediate
  • oil portrait of Charless famous grandfather, Erasmus Darwin. An inventory of the contents of Down
  • and awestruck visitors to Down, and apparently where Darwin carried out his duties as a magistrate. …
  • dynastic or social pretension; and Woolners portrayal of Darwin, analogously, falls somewhere
  • modern dress. It is significant, therefore, that the bust of Darwin is allantica , resembling
  • head and an effect of classical drapery. When the bust of Darwin was exhibited at the Royal Academy
  • finely modelled’, especiallyhis remarkable one of Mr. Darwin. In this Socrates like head, with its
  • as some others did, thatOne could not converse with Darwin without being reminded of Socratesand
  • attacks. Moreover, a physical resemblance between Darwin and Socrates was evident in the short
  • philosophers head. Similarly, Woolner has emphasised Darwins finely shaped forehead, and the
  • is inscribed in capitals on the front of the baseCharles Darwin’, and signed on the sideT. …
  • a poet as well as a sculptor - whose lively conversation, Darwin said, relieved the tedium of posing
  • … , and he was among thepersonal friendsinvited to Darwins funeral in Westminster Abbey in 1882. …
  • Picture Gallery. Yet it was not accounted a success by the Darwin family. Darwin himself, according
  • Darwins letter to Lyell, 21 Aug. 1861: DCP-LETT-3235. Emma Darwin to Hooker, 26 Dec. 1863: DCP-LETT
  • and 25 Nov. 1867: DCP-LETT-5680 and 5696. Erasmus Darwin to Emma Darwin, before 19 Nov. 1867: DCP
  • Huxley, ‘Charles Darwin’, Nature , 25:652 (27 April 1882), p. 597. William Darwins reminiscences

1.15 Albert Goodwin, watercolour


< Back to Introduction In 1880 the watercolourist Albert Goodwin was apparently invited to Down to produce that rare thing – a portrait of Darwin with members of his family. As Henrietta Litchfield, Darwin’s daughter, explained when she reproduced it…

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  • invited to Down to produce that rare thinga portrait of Darwin with members of his family. As
  • for a biography’, that, after she married and left Down, Darwin had adopted her dog Polly, and
  • on the garden side of Down House evidently became one of Darwins favourite places, as his decline
  • beds of flowers in bloom, the sunny sky and flocks of birds. Darwins children had particularly fond
  • these recollectionsThe work belonged to Horace Darwin, Darwins youngest surviving son, …
  • ofThe House at Down’, which belonged to Leonard Darwin. Though evidently intended as family
  • of life at Down that were purveyed to the public after Darwins death. Many photographs were taken
  • by Alfred Parsons also depicted these places, especially Darwins favourite haunts: now poignantly
  • Some were published in Century Magazine in November 1882, to accompany an article by Alfred
  • London News in 1887 for an article headedThe late Mr. Darwin’ (see separate catalogue entry). …
  • of incident, and grasp of topography evidently appealed to Darwin himself, as the family had already
  • in the drawing room at Down, and escaped the criticism which Darwin directed at much of the fine art
  • Alfred Russel Wallace , ‘The debt of science to Darwin’, Century Magazine , 25 (Nov. 1882 – …
  • Press, 1909), p. 5, nos. 16 and 17. Henrietta Litchfield, Emma Darwin: A Century of Family Letters
  • for a biography’, Cambridge University Library, Darwin archive, DAR 262.23: 1. Leonard Darwin, …

Darwin’s hothouse and lists of hothouse plants


Darwin became increasingly involved in botanical experiments in the years after the publication of Origin. The building of a small hothouse - a heated greenhouse - early in 1863  greatly increased the range of plants that he could keep for scientific…

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  • Towards the end of 1862, Darwin resolved to build a small hothouse at Down House, forexperimental
  • hothouse early in 1863 marked something of a milestone in Darwins botanical work, since it greatly
  • …  vol5, letter to JD. Hooker, 19 April [1855] ). Darwin became increasingly involved in
  • Though his greenhouse was probably heated to some extent, Darwin found himself on several occasions
  • make observations and even experiments on his behalf. Darwins decision to build a hothouse
  • Hooker, 12 [December 1862] and n13). Initially, Darwin purchased for this purpose a glass
  • of 24 December [1862] ( Correspondence  vol10) Darwin told Hooker: I have
  • Encyclopedia of gardening  (Loudon 1835), a copy of which Darwin signed in 1841 (see the copy in
  • of heat’ (p1100). The latter was the sense in which Darwin used the word. The building of
  • accounts (Down House MS)). When it was completed, Darwin told Turnbull that without Horwoods aid he
  • … ). Even before work on the hothouse started, however, Darwin began making preparations to
  • plants’ (letter to JD. Hooker, 13 January [1863] ). Darwin apparently refers to the catalogues
  • whom he had dealt over many years. In his letter to Hooker, Darwin mentioned that he hoped to be
  • … (letter from JD. Hooker, [15 January 1863] ). Darwin agreed to send Hooker his list of
  • … (letter to JD. Hooker, 30 January [1863] ). Darwin probably gave his list of plants to
  • … [1863] ). On 20 February, the plants from Kew had arrived. Darwin was delighted, telling Hooker: ‘I
  • of moss, peat, and charcoal (see the letter from Henrietta Emma Darwin to William Erasmus Darwin, …
  • … (see letter from JD. Hooker, [6 March 1863] ). Darwin derived enormous pleasure from his
  • … (letter to JD. Hooker, 24[–5] February [1863] ). Darwins aesthetic appreciation of the
  • the tropics. Even before he left on the Beagle  voyage, Darwin used the hothouses in the
  • … (see  Correspondence  vol1, letter to Caroline Darwin, [28 April 1831] ), and when, on the  …
  • again’ ( Correspondence  vol1, letter to Catherine Darwin, MayJune [1832] ). Years later, …
  • 8 October [1845] ). Having indulged his senses, Darwin soon began the more serious work of
  • many botanical experiments (see, for example, A. de Candolle 1882, p495). The greenhouses were, …

About Darwin


To many of us, Darwin’s name is synonymous with his theory of evolution by natural selection.  But even before the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859, he was publicly known through his popular book about the voyage of the Beagle, and he was…

Matches: 17 hits

  • To many of us, Darwins name is synonymous with his theory of evolution by natural
  • of his careerOrigin  was the point of departure for Darwins important works on variation, …
  • of religion. Born on 12 February 1809, Charles Darwin was the son of two noteworthy families. …
  • renowned physician, poet, and natural philosopher Erasmus DarwinCharles grew up in Shrewsbury
  • an older brotherErasmus Alvey Darwin, and a younger sisterCatherineTheir mother died in 1817, …
  • up to be a devoted family manHe married his cousin Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and they had ten
  • by serving as research subjects themselves).  The depth of Darwins affection for his children is
  • the Cambridge professor of botanyJohn Stevens Henslow, Darwin was offered the chance to travel
  • to this five-year journey, which began when he was just 22, Darwin wrote, &#039;The voyage of the
  • my whole career.&#039While circumnavigating the globe, Darwin remained in constant contact with
  • life at seaBy the time he returned to England in 1836, Darwin had unearthed enormous mammalian
  • and plants that fuelled much of his later work. Darwins achievements during the voyage
  • heroes, the geologist Charles LyellThe six years Darwin lived in London were among the most
  • developed a theory of evolutionIn 1842, Charles and Emma moved just south of London to the
  • urged him to publish his views on evolution in 1858, when Darwin learned by letter that Alfred
  • specimens in the Malay Archipelago.  At home in Downe, Darwin spent the last two decades of his life
  • of the most renowned names in Victorian BritainDarwin died in April 1882; he was buried in

About Darwin


To many of us, Darwin’s name is synonymous with his theory of evolution by natural selection.  But even before the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859, he was publicly known through his popular book about the voyage of the Beagle, and he was…

Matches: 17 hits

  • To many of us, Darwins name is synonymous with his theory of evolution by natural
  • of his career, the Origin was the point of departure for Darwins important works on variation, …
  • of religion. Born on 12 February 1809, Charles Darwin was the son of two noteworthy families. …
  • renowned physician, poet, and natural philosopher Erasmus DarwinCharles grew up in Shrewsbury
  • an older brotherErasmus Alvey Darwin, and a younger sisterCatherineTheir mother died in 1817, …
  • up to be a devoted family manHe married his cousin Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and they had ten
  • by serving as research subjects themselves).  The depth of Darwins affection for his children is
  • the Cambridge professor of botanyJohn Stevens Henslow, Darwin was offered the chance to travel
  • to this five-year journey, which began when he was just 22, Darwin wrote, “The voyage of the Beagle
  • my whole career.”  While circumnavigating the globe, Darwin remained in constant contact with
  • life at seaBy the time he returned to England in 1836, Darwin had unearthed enormous mammalian
  • and plants that fuelled much of his later work. Darwins achievements during the voyage
  • heroes, the geologist Charles LyellThe six years Darwin lived in London were among the most
  • developed a theory of evolutionIn 1842, Charles and Emma moved just south of London to the
  • urged him to publish his views on evolution in 1858, when Darwin learned by letter that Alfred
  • specimens in the Malay Archipelago.  At home in Downe, Darwin spent the last two decades of his life
  • him one of the most renowned names in Victorian BritainDarwin died in April 1882; he was buried

Darwin in letters, 1877: Flowers and honours


Ever since the publication of Expression, Darwin’s research had centred firmly on botany. The year 1877 was no exception. The spring and early summer were spent completing Forms of flowers, his fifth book on a botanical topic. He then turned to the…

Matches: 28 hits

  • Ever since the publication of Expression , Darwins research had centred firmly on botany. The
  • of these projects would culminate in a major publication. Darwins botany was increasingly a
  • assisted his fathers research on movement and bloom, and Darwin in turn encouraged his sons own
  • The year 1877 was more than usually full of honours. Darwin received two elaborate photograph albums
  • from Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Closer to home, Darwin received an honorary Doctorate of
  • sites for possible earthworm activity. Now in his 69th year, Darwin remained remarkably productive, …
  • no controversy. In his autobiographical reflections, Darwin remarked: ‘no little discovery of
  • … (‘Recollections’, p. 419). During the winter and spring, Darwin was busy preparing the manuscript of
  • and presented to the Linnean Society of London. In the book, Darwin adopted the more recent term
  • as dimorphic without comparing pollen-grains &amp; stigmas’, Darwin remarked to Joseph Dalton
  • measurements of the size and number of pollen-grains, Darwin compared the fertility of individual
  • primrose and purple loosestrife. In the course of his work, Darwin found a number of other
  • dreadful work making out anything about dried flowers’, Darwin complained to Asa Gray on 8 March
  • which include heterstyled species. This pleases me.’. Darwin dedicated the book to Gray, ‘as a small
  • separate publications together into a larger whole enabled Darwin to advance more speculative views
  • both pollen and seeds’ ( Forms of flowers , p. 344). Darwin was typically pessimistic about the
  • be sold’. His publisher knew from previous experience that Darwin was a poor judge of sales, and
  • after completing his manuscript of Forms of flowers , Darwin took up the problem ofbloomin
  • characteristic whose purpose was little understood. Darwin had begun studying bloom in August 1873, …
  • exchanged between Down and Kew over the next six months. Darwin corresponded most often with the
  • been for your kindness, we sh d . have broken down’, Darwin wrote back on 5 September . ‘As it
  • injury from pure water resting on leaves’. In the end, Darwin did not publish on the subject, but
  • on leaves and the distribution of the stomata’ (F. Darwin 1886). Alongside his work on bloom, …
  • closely to the leaves and required a tolerable shake’. Darwin gained another valuable observer in
  • T. Thiselton-Dyer, 25 August 1877 ). At Down House, Darwin and Francis devised a method of
  • Die Seele des Kindes (The mind of the child; Preyer 1882), based partly on observations of his son
  • … [1877] ). In the end, Darwin made the journey along with Emma. George, Francis, and Horace also
  • Cambridge Chronicle , 24 November 1877, p. 4). According to Emma, Darwin remainedquite stout and

Casting about: Darwin on worms


Earthworms were the subject of a citizen science project to map the distribution of earthworms across Britain (BBC Today programme, 26 May 2014). The general understanding of the role earthworms play in improving soils and providing nutrients for plants to…

Matches: 11 hits

  • for plants to flourish can be traced back to the last book Darwin wrote, snappily-titled The
  • on their habits, which was published in 1881. Despite Darwins fears that a book on earthworms might
  • out in his Natural History of Selborne of 1789 (a book Darwin claimed hadmuch influence on my
  • a new field in natural history, and almost a century later Darwin argued that all fields had passed
  • variety of strange things he persuaded people to do. Darwin concluded that worms had no sense
  • a metal whistle and to being shouted at, but also to Francis Darwin playing the bassoon, and to Emma
  • realising that this negative evidence was also valuable to Darwin. Thomas Henry Farrer , …
  • existence of worms at that altitude. By the 1870s, Darwin was also drawing on the work of
  • him. Soon worm excrement was trusted to postal services, and Darwin acquired casts from India and
  • observations he had gathered to write a book on the subject. Darwin brought to the topic the
  • bigger souls than anyone wd suppose’ ( letter to W. E. Darwin, 31 January [1881] (CUL DAR 210.6: …
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