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Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 22 hits

  • … by H. W. Rutherford ( Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, …
  • … [Reimarius 1760] The Highlands & Western Isl ds  letter to Sir W Scott [MacCulloch 1824 …
  • … 1834–40]: In Portfolio of “abstracts” 34  —letter from Skuckard of books on Silk Worm …
  • … The Emigrant, Head [F. B. Head 1846] St. John’s Highlands [C. W. G. Saint John 1846] …
  • … 1848] Cuming Lion Hunter [Cumming 1850] Sir C. Phillips Recollections of Curran [C. …
  • … M rs  Fry’s Life [Fry 1847] Horace Walpoles letter to C t . of Ossory [Walpole 1848] …
  • … B.M. 6. 6. Black Edin. Longman [Ramsay 1848] St. John’s Nat. Hist. of Sutherlanshire, Murray …
  • … Liebigs Lectures on Chemistry [Liebig 1851]. Sir John Davies. China during the War and Peace …
  • … Asiatic Society ]—contains very little Macleay’s letter to D r  Fleming [Macleay 1830] …
  • … Boswell’s life of Johnsons [Boswell 1831] 4 vols 25 Phillips Geology [J. Phillips 1837–9] …
  • … & Forsyth on Forest Trees [Boutcher 1775 and Forsyth 1791] Phillips History of cultivated …
  • … d . Series. vol 3. p. 1 to 312 30 th  Colquhoun (John) The Moor & the Loch [Colquhoun …
  • … Buffon [Milne-Edwards 1834–40]. March 5 th  St. John’s Highlands [Saint John 1846] 8 …
  • … —— 15 th . Phillip’s life of W. Smith [J. Phillips 1844]. —— 30 Abridged Despatches Duke …
  • … Tone Autobiography [Tone 1826] very amusing March 10 John Galt Autobiography [Galt 1833] poor …
  • … 1848] Madam Malguet [Torrens] 1848] —— Lives of John & Alex. Belthune [?Bethune 1840 and …
  • … Tour in Sweden [Wollstonecraft 1796]. (poor) —— Phillips. Life of Curran [C. Phillips 1818] …
  • … Mammalia.— Owen 5 o : Parker [R. Owen 1859] Read Phillips work on Malvern & Pal. Foss. …
  • … 1859]. (goodish) 1  The personal library of Charles Stokes from whom CD borrowed books …
  • … Erskine. 2 vols. London.  *119: 14 Babington, Charles Cardale. 1839.  Primitiæ floræ   …
  • … of Useful Knowledge.) London.  *119: 13 Badham, Charles David. 1845.  Insect life . …
  • … [Abstract in DAR 205.3: 180.] 119: 21a Bell, Charles. 1806.  Essays on the anatomy of …

Books on the Beagle


The Beagle was a sort of floating library.  Find out what Darwin and his shipmates read here.

Matches: 23 hits

  • … Captain FitzRoy in the  Narrative  (2: 18). CD, in his letter to Henslow, 9 [September 1831] , …
  • … . . . There will be  plenty  of room for Books.’ (Letter from Robert FitzRoy, 23 September 1831 …
  • … books were kept in the poop cabin where CD worked and slept. John Lort Stokes and Philip Gidley King …
  • … the ‘immense stock’ which CD mentions may be had from a letter FitzRoy wrote to his sister during an …
  • … on board the  Beagle §  —  mentioned in a letter or other source as being on board …
  • … Naturelle  3 (1834): 84–115. (DAR 37.1: 677v.; letter to J. S. Henslow, 12 July 1835). * …
  • … 2 vols. Paris, 1828. (Inscription in vol. 2: ‘Charles Darwin Rio Plata Aug 7 th . 1832’). Darwin …
  • … d’histoire naturelle . 17 vols. Paris, 1822–31. (Letter from J. S. Henslow, 15–21 January [1833]). …
  • … Antoine de.  A voyage round the world.  Translated by John Reinhold Forster. London, 1772. ( …
  • … a report of the proceedings . .  . Cambridge, 1833.  (Letter to Charles Whitley, 23 July 1834). …
  • … Travels through Norway and Lapland . . .Translated . . . by John Black. With Notes . . . by Robert …
  • … etc. London, 1743. (DAR 36.1: 447). Burchell, William John.  Travels in the interior of …
  • … 1826. (DAR 31.2: 333; Stoddart 1962, p.4). Byron, John.  The narrative of the Honourable …
  • … Voyages  (editions unidentified; see also Hawkesworth, John). (DAR 32.2: 89v.; Robert FitzRoy’s …
  • … 8e, 10;  ‘Beagle’ diary , p. 407). Daniell, John Frederic.  Meteorological essays and …
  • … and western coasts of Australia. Fleming, John.  The philosophy of zoology . . .  2 vols. …
  • … atlas.  London, 1814. (DAR 30.1: 30v.). Forster, John Reinhold.  Observations made during a …
  • … vols. Edinburgh, 1824. (DAR 37.1: 662). Hawkesworth, John.  An account of the voyages …
  • … 36.1: 469v.). Darwin Library–Down. ‡ Henslow, John Stevens. Geological description of …
  • … 1806. (Inscription in vol. 1: ‘Rob t  FitzRoy to Charles Darwin’;  Red notebook , pp. 75, 105e, …
  • … Zoological Journal  5 (1832–4). (Inscribed ‘Charles Darwin Esq from the Author Dunheved Jan 26 1836 …
  • … 30.2: 182v., 184). Darwin Library–Down. * Lyell, Charles.  Principles of geology . . .  3 …
  • … ‘Given me by Capt. F.R C. Darwin’; vol.2 (1832), ‘Charles Darwin M: Video. Novem r . 1832’; vol. 3 …