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Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 14 hits

  • … In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he …
  • … arranged alphabetically, of the scientific books read from 1838 through 1846, but it was not kept up …
  • … [Reimarius 1760] The Highlands & Western Isl ds  letter to Sir W Scott [MacCulloch 1824 …
  • … immortality of Soul. amongst Ancients [Toland 1704] Adam Smith Moral Sentiments [A. Smith …
  • … 1824] Hume’s Essay [?Hume 1741–2] J. Taylor Art of Dying [J. Taylor 1651] …
  • … The Emigrant, Head [F. B. Head 1846] St. John’s Highlands [C. W. G. Saint John 1846] …
  • … 1848] Cuming Lion Hunter [Cumming 1850] Sir C. Phillips Recollections of Curran [C. …
  • … B.M. 6. 6. Black Edin. Longman [Ramsay 1848] St. John’s Nat. Hist. of Sutherlanshire, Murray …
  • … & several reviews [Carlyle 1838–9] Nov 8 th  Murchison Silurian System [Murchison 1839] …
  • … ] 12. Sedgwicks Discourse on Study of Univers [Sedgwick 1850] 28 Steenstrup on …
  • … [R. H. Dana [1840] (good) Bertrams [Trollope 1859] & Adam Bede [Eliot 1859] (excellent) …
  • … 1859]. (goodish) 1  The personal library of Charles Stokes from whom CD borrowed books …
  • … .) Latin and French. 6 vols. Paris.  128: 16, 18 [Broderip, William John]. 1839. Beale on …
  • … . London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection.]  119: 1a Sedgwick, Adam. 1850.  A discourse on …