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Darwin Correspondence Project

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Adam Sedgwick


One of the early leaders of geology in Britain, Adam Sedgwick  was born in the Yorkshire village of Dent in 1785. Attending Trinity College Cambridge, he was ordained as clergyman and in 1818 was appointed to the Woodwardian Chair of Geology, which offered…

Matches: 7 hits

  • … One of the early leaders of geology in Britain, Adam Sedgwick  was born in the Yorkshire village of …
  • … Despite having little prior knowledge of the subject, Sedgwick soon commenced fieldwork, offered …
  • … gatherings. In the summer of 1831 Darwin accompanied Sedgwick on a tour of the older fossil-bearing …
  • … as he told Henslow in a letter , 'Tell Prof: Sedgwick he does not know how much I am …
  • … three weeks, than in pounding the NW mountains.' Darwin and Sedgwick continued to correspond in …
  • … Darwin sent a copy of the first edition of Origin . Sedgwick had long battled against …
  • … friendly letters.  In 1870 they met for the last time, and Sedgwick took Darwin on a long tour of …

List of correspondents


Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. Click on a name to see the letters Darwin exchanged with that correspondent.    "A child of God" (1) Abberley,…

Matches: 28 hits

  • … Airy, Hubert (27) Aitchison, William (2) …
  • … Baird, S. F. (1) Baird, William (1) …
  • … Baxter, W. W. (36) Baxter, William (7) …
  • … Bennett, A. W. (21) Bennett, William (2) …
  • … Blanche (2) Blenkiron, William, Jr (1) …
  • … Bowles, W. B. (2) Bowman, William (29) …
  • … Frank (17) Buckland, William (6) …
  • … Clephan, T. R. (1) Clift, William (1) …
  • … Coldstream, John (2) Cole, William (3) …
  • … Cooper, W. B. (1) Cooper, William (1) …
  • … Croll, James (16) Crookes, William (1) …
  • … la Beche, H. T. (3) Dealtry, William (1) …
  • … Ellicott, C. J. (1) Elliot, Adam (1) …
  • … Farr, John (2) Farr, William (7) …
  • … Farrer, T. H. (137) Farrer, William (1) …
  • … Fiske, John (14) Fitch, Adam (3) …
  • … Graham, C. C. (3) Graham, William (5) …
  • … Green, Thomas (1) Green, William (2) …
  • … Hardy, R. P. (4) Hardy, William (1) …
  • … Harris, J. (2) Harris, William (2) …
  • … Harte, Richard (1) Harte, William (1) …
  • … Henslow, J. S. (147) Henty, William (3) …
  • … Herbert, M. A. (1) Herbert, William (4) …
  • … Hopkins, A. N. (1) Hopkins, William (3) …
  • … Horner, Susan (1) Horsfall, William (2) …
  • … Seddon, W. Z. (2) Sedgwick, Adam (15) …
  • … Wheler, E. A. (9) Whewell, William (8) …
  • … Whitby, M. A. T. (3) White, Adam (2) …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 24 hits

  • immortality of Soul. amongst Ancients [Toland 1704] Adam Smith Moral Sentiments [A. Smith
  • June /41/ [Herschel 1841] I see I  must   study  Whewell on Philosophy of Science [Whewell 1840] …
  • 119: 4a] Lessings Laocoon [Lessing 1836] Whewell inductive History [Whewell 1837] …
  • 1807] 24 th   Well  Skimmed (for second time) Whewells Bridgewater Treatise [Whewell
  • 1841]. 2 d . vols. —— 30 th . Smollets William & Mary. & Anne [Smollett 1805].— …
  • M rs . Meredith. N.S. Wales [Twamley 1844] —— Whewell on Education [Whewell 184552]. …
  • … ] 12. Sedgwicks Discourse on Study of Univers [Sedgwick 1850] 28 Steenstrup on
  • … [DAR *128: 149] Murray Geograph. Distrib. Price William & Norgate 2126 [A. Murray
  • …  Hinds Solar System [Hind 1852] April 20 th  William Humboldts letters [K. W. von Humboldt
  • by Eaton [Eaton 1852]. —— 20 Plurality of Worlds (Whewell?) [Whewell] 1853] June 4 th
  • … [R. H. Dana [1840] (good) Bertrams [Trollope 1859] & Adam Bede [Eliot 1859] (excellent) …
  • 7  Probably a reference to the private library of William Jackson Hooker and his son, Joseph
  • In February 1882, however, after reading the introduction to William Ogles translation of Aristotle
  • Notebooks ). 19  According to the  DNB , William Herbert provided notes for both
  • is presumably the date and number of the part containing William Pulteney Alisons article which was
  • from these portfolios is in DAR 205, the letter from William Edward Shuckard to which CD refers has
  • listing the volumes in the Naturalists Library edited by William Jardine, a forty-volume series on
  • 66  The bibliography provides the titles of the works by William Shakespeare that CD recorded
  • Eliot, Georgepseud . (Marian Evans Cross). 1859Adam   Bede . 3 vols. Edinburgh. [Other
  • …   on the foundation of morals; suggested by Professor Whewells   sermons on the same subject . …
  • … [Darwin Library.]  119: 4a [——]. 1841. Whewell on the inductive sciencesQuarterly
  • … . London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection.]  119: 1a Sedgwick, Adam. 1850A discourse on
  • …   and conduct.  London128: 27 Smith, Adam. 1759The theory of moral sentiments. …
  • 7 vols. (Vol. 7Account of the   life and writings of Adam SmithAccount of the life and   …

Darwin in letters, 1837–1843: The London years to 'natural selection'


The seven-year period following Darwin's return to England from the Beagle voyage was one of extraordinary activity and productivity in which he became recognised as a naturalist of outstanding ability, as an author and editor, and as a professional…

Matches: 10 hits

  • … in London and at the end of the year their first child, William Erasmus, was born. In September 1842 …
  • … had been spread by the publication by J. S. Henslow and Adam Sedgwick of excerpts from his letters, …
  • … This explanation of a “new Geological Power”, as William Buckland called it (in his referee’s report …
  • … of the  Beagle  voyage. With the help of J. S. Henslow, William Whewell, and other prominent …
  • … C. Babington; the Chalcididae by Francis Walker; spiders by Adam White; infusoria by C. G. Ehrenberg …
  • … Towards the end of 1843, he increasingly hoped that William Jackson Hooker or his son Joseph might …
  • … Henslow, Jenyns, Waterhouse, and his second cousin, William Darwin Fox—knew, as he said to Henslow, …
  • … selection preserved from this period are the exchanges with William Herbert, Dean of Manchester, a …
  • … the correspondence about the vitality of seeds discovered by William Kemp of Galashiels in a …
  • … sea-water. The letters about Kemp’s seeds and the William Herbert correspondence, which was …

Interview with Pietro Corsi


Pietro Corsi is Professor of the History of Science at the University of Oxford. His book Evolution Before Darwin is due to be published in 2010 by Oxford University Press. Date of interview: 17 July 2009 Transcription 1: Introduction …

Matches: 3 hits

  • … is coming from France. However, they almost overreacted. William Whewell, in the review of the …
  • … on a trip in the summer to study geology: a field trip with [Adam] Sedgwick. But when he started …
  • … the issue was almost academic within a lot of people, and William Whewell, in 1837, wrongly thought …