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Darwin Correspondence Project
"Darwin C R" in search-correspondent disabled_by_default
Gray, Asa in addressee disabled_by_default
Gray, Asa in correspondent disabled_by_default
1879 in date disabled_by_default
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To Asa Gray   24 October 1879


Requests seeds of Ipomoea and Megarrhiza for observations on seedling growth.

Is rereading MS of Movement in plants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  24 Oct 1879
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (125)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12269

To Asa Gray   16 December 1879


Thanks for AG’s trouble about the seeds. Is curious to see their germination and the early seedling growth.

Asks for cotton seeds, as he observes odd movements of the cotyledon.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  16 Dec 1879
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (130a)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12357
Document type
letter (2)