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From E. A. Darwin   [17 January 1825]



Proposes a dry place for the apparatus for their laboratory and draws a plan for CD’s criticism.

Price has found black sediment in his tea, which was attracted to a magnet.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [17 Jan 1825]
Classmark:  DAR 204: 8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10

From E. A. Darwin   17 [1877?]



Wants Francis [Rhodes] Darwin’s address; also asks if CD has heard "the great news".

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 [1877?]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B94–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10754

From E. A. Darwin   [1 January 1877]



Would like Price’s address.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1 Jan 1877]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B96
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10763

From E. A. Darwin   16 January [1877]



[Samuel] Laurence, having painted the Prince of Wales, now wants to paint another great man; will use a photograph but would like a ten minute interview with CD to mix his tints.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 Jan [1877]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B97–8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10794

From E. A. Darwin   [24 January 1825]



Asks CD to do an experiment for him.

Has found a curious stone in his fire.

Price’s iron in tea measured 13 per cent.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [24 Jan 1825]
Classmark:  DAR 204: 9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11

From E. A. Darwin   31 August [1877]



Sends a dividend.

Recommends a novel but is sure Emma will not like it.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  31 Aug [1877]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B102
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11123

From E. A. Darwin   2 November [1877?]



A friend of EAD’s has removed a CD letter pasted into a book given by CD to a library, and kept it lest the author think CD did not like his book.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  2 Nov [1877?]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B101
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11223

From E. A. Darwin   27 January [1877]



Carlyle hoped CD had not been annoyed by that forged letter, which was the reverse of his opinion. [Enclosed is a published extract, said to be taken from a Thomas Carlyle letter, which denies CD’s intellect and regrets his influence.]

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  27 Jan [1877]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B99–100
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11333

From E. A. Darwin   4 February 1878



Sends CD’s and George’s tithes.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  4 Feb 1878
Classmark:  DAR 105: B103
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11346

To E. A. Darwin   12 December 1878


Informs EAD of Anthony Rich’s proposal to bequeath his property to CD.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Date:  12 Dec 1878
Classmark:  DAR 153: 10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11789

From E. A. Darwin   13 December [1878]



Very glad to hear Anthony Rich is leaving CD money "encouraging science in such a very practical manner".

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Dec [1878]
Classmark:  DAR 105: B104
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11790

From E. A. Darwin   8 March [1879]



Has read Krause’s "Life of Erasmus Darwin" [Kosmos 4 (1879): 397–424]; thinks it very interesting to anyone interested in "Darwinismus" – everybody.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 Mar [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 92: B2; DAR 105: B105, B110
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11918

From E. A. Darwin   [8 March 1879?]


Asks CD about translation of title-page of Kosmos.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [8 Mar 1879?]
Classmark:  DAR 92: B2, DAR 105: B110
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11919

From E. A. Darwin   11 March [1879]



Suggests CD send Kosmos to W. S. Dallas as Krause will surely give his permission for translation.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  11 Mar [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 105: 108–9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11923

From E. A. Darwin   13 March [1879]



Sends suggestions for CD’s preface to Erasmus Darwin.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Mar [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 92: B1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11931

From E. A. Darwin   [1 February 1825]



Tells CD a bill is all right. Hopes his father will pay it and a wine merchant’s bill as well.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1 Feb 1825]
Classmark:  DAR 204: 10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12

From E. A. Darwin   8 July 1879



F. P. Cobbe called on EAD to present a letter from the Secretary of the Anti-Vivisection Society; she hoped CD might support limiting repetitions of experiments.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 July 1879
Classmark:  DAR 105: B106–7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12138

From Thomas Salt to E. A. Darwin   8 February 1849


Discusses the division of R. W. Darwin’s estate.

Author:  Thomas Salt
Addressee:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Date:  8 Feb 1849
Classmark:  Shropshire Archives (SA D3651/B/47/1/11)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1222F

From E. A. Darwin   [1870–81]



Share dealings.

Author:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [1870–81]
Classmark:  DAR 105: 111
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12379

From E. A. Darwin   [26? February 1880]



Wishes EAD to sign some road bonds and then forward them to CD so that they may be paid off. [EAD note to CD enclosed, saying he does not know where the money will go.]

Author:  George Moultrie Salt
Addressee:  Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Date:  [26? Feb 1880]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12500
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