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Notes on marriage   [after 7 Apr 1838]



Published as an appendix to vol. 2 of the Correspondence; see Considers his options for the future. Debates marriage and the best place to live. Feels the need for experiment and direct observation which would be difficult living in London; he "could not go on as Lyell does correcting & adding up new information to old train".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 7 Apr 1838]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8 :1, DAR 210.8: 2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-409

Notes on marriage   [July 1838]



Published as an appendix to vol. 2 of the Correspondence; see Debates with himself the pros and cons of marriage. Considers plans for future.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [July 1838]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8: 2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-420

CD’s notes arising from conversations with J. D. Hooker   8 December 1844


[Notes on conversations with J. D. Hooker.] Geographical distribution; diffusion and distribution of species. Island and mountain floras; means of migration (high-roads, icebergs).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 Dec 1844
Classmark:  DAR 100: 35–40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-798

To ?   5 June 1879


Unable to accept invitation.

Looked at leaves and saw no sign that animal matter was absorbed. Believes insects were caught only accidentally.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  5 June 1879
Classmark:  Sotheby’s, New York (dealers) (5 December 2013)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12089

To ?   23 October 1879


Is obliged for the note about Wallis Nash’s death, but he has since heard that the report was false.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  23 Oct 1879
Classmark:  Ronald T. Raines (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12268F

To ?   [28 February 1849]


Thanks correspondent for lecture tickets, but regrets he will be unable to attend.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  [28 Feb 1849]
Classmark:  John Wilson (dealer) (Catalogue 40/20)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1230

To Nature   16 December 1879


Reports information sent by E. Schulte [12254] on the colours of the male Diadema bolina.

Discusses extent to which consciousness came into play in the origin of certain instincts, including sexual display.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Nature
Date:  16 Dec 1879
Classmark:  Nature, 8 January 1880, p. 237
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12359

To Maria   [1871–82]


Regrets he has not time to develop points touched on in her letter and that he does not understand what information she wants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Maria
Date:  [1871–82]
Classmark:  DAR 201: 24v
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12386

To Nature   15 December [1879]


CD has repeated a test of whether hybrids of the common and Chinese goose are fertile inter se. Reports his success, and comments on its significance for the theory of descent.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Nature
Date:  15 Dec [1879]
Classmark:  Nature, 1 January 1880, p. 207
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12391

To Athenæum   24 January 1880


[Draft letter that was never sent, headed "First letter disapproved by everybody" in CD’s hand.] Explains that he had, in fact, mentioned in the MS of his part of Erasmus Darwin that Krause had added to his essay as it appeared in Kosmos. During subsequent revision, this mention was accidentally omitted. [Apropos of S. Butler’s charges against CD.]

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Athenæum
Date:  24 Jan 1880
Classmark:  DAR 92: B98–B101
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12439

To ?   19 March 1880


Henry Forbes in a letter to Moseley describes herons on the Keeling Islands.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  19 Mar 1880
Classmark:  DAR 205.2: 210
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12538F

To Nature   9 April [1880]


Forwards a letter from E. S. Morse on Omori shell mounds refuting F. V. Dickins’ review [Nature 21 (1880): 350] of Morse’s memoir ["The shell mounds of Omori", Mem. Sci. Dep. Univ. Tokyo 1 (1879) pt 1].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Nature
Date:  9 Apr [1880]
Classmark:  Nature, 15 April 1880, p. 561
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12571

To ?   3 August 1880


CD sends thanks for further instructions for making a solution, which will be followed as soon as Francis [Darwin] returns.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  3 Aug 1880
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12676

To ?   23 October 1880


Answers correspondent’s questions on his birth date and when he began work on origin of species.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  23 Oct 1880
Classmark:  Jeremy Norman (dealer) (catalogue 69, item 15)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12771

To ?   21 August 1881


Encloses a letter from his son G. H. Darwin and another from his son Francis Darwin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  21 Aug 1881
Classmark:  C. G. Boerner in Leipzig (dealer) (4–6 December 1911)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13294G

To ?   21 August 1881


Declines an invitation to write for an unidentified periodical. "I am unable to write short articles in an interesting manner, & they would consume much of my time."

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  21 Aug 1881
Classmark:  Profiles in History (dealers) (March 2006)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13296A

To ?   5 September 1881


Asks him to deliver two or three feet of linoleum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  5 Sept 1881
Classmark:  Sotheby’s (dealers) (21–2 July 1988)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13317A

To ?   5 October 1881


Has resolved never to write for periodicals.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  5 Oct 1881
Classmark:  Rick Northwood (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13373F

To Nature   7 November [1881]


Summarises letter of William Nation [13350]. The facts given strongly support the conclusion that there is some close connection between the parasitic habits of birds that lay their eggs in others’ nests and the fact of their laying eggs at "considerable intervals of time".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Nature
Date:  7 Nov [1881]
Classmark:  Nature, 17 November 1881, p. 51
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13471

To ?   23 November 1881


Sends copies of Variation, Descent, and Journal of researches from "the library of my late brother".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  23 Nov 1881
Classmark:  Charles Hamilton (dealer) (29 January 1970)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13507
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Hawkins, J. L. (1)
Hawkshaw, John (1)
Hayden, F. V. (1)
Head, P. R. (1)
Heathorn, H. A. (4)
Heckel, Édouard (7)
Hector, James (1)
Heer, Oswald (4)
Hegt, J. N. (3)
Heine, Rudolph (1)
Heldreich, Theodor von (2)
Henfrey, Arthur (2)
Hennessy, Henry (1)
Henslow, Anne (1)
Henslow, F. H. (2)
Henslow, George (8)
Henslow, J. S. (119)
Henty, William (1)
Herbert, H. H. M. (1)
Herbert, J. M. (14)
Herbert, M. A. (1)
Herbert, William (2)
Herrick, Sophie Bledsoe (1)
Herschel, J. F. W. (9)
Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst von (1)
Hewitt, Edward (1)
Higgins, Frederic (1)
Higgins, H. H. (1)
Higgins, John (59)
Higginson, T. W. (2)
Hildebrand, Friedrich (18)
Hill, George Birkbeck (1)
Hill, Lewin (1)
Hill, Richard (1)
Hill, Rowland (b) (1)
Hilton, James (1)
Hindmarsh, Luke (2)
Hinrichs, G. D. (2)
Hitchcock, Edward (1)
Hoare, J. N. (2)
Hochstetter, Ferdinand von (2)
Hocken, T. M. (1)
Hoek, P. P. C. (3)
Hoffmann, Hermann (1)
Hofmann, A. W. von (1)
Hogg, Jabez (1)
Holbrook, W. C. (1)
Holland, Edward (1)
Holland, Henry (3)
Holland, Mary (1)
Holland, Miss (1)
Holland, Saba (1)
Holmgren, Frithiof (1)
Holt, B. A. E. (1)
Holub, Emil (2)
Hooker, F. H. (2)
Hooker, Hyacinth (6)
Hooker, J. D. (859)
Hooker, Maria (a) (3)
Hooker, W. J. (9)
Hope, F. W. (2)
Hordern, E. F. (4)
Horner, A. S. (3)
Horner, K. M. (4)
Horner, Leonard (12)
Horner, M. E. (3)
Horsfall, William (1)
Horsman, S. J. O’H. (1)
Hotham, Harriet (2)
Hough, Arthur (1)
Howitt, A. W. (2)
Howlett, Frederick (1)
Hubrecht, A. A. W. (2)
Hughes, F. J. (1)
Hughes, T. M. (4)
Humboldt, Alexander von (1)
Humphry, G. M. (1)
Hunt, James (b) (1)
Hunt, Robert (3)
Hunter, Edith (1)
Huntsman, Henry (1)
Hurndall, Frank (1)
Hurst & Blackett (1)
Huschke, Agnes (1)
Hutton, F. W. (2)
Hutton, Robert (2)
Huxley, H. A. (4)
Huxley, T. H. (190)
Hyatt, Alpheus (6)
Hyndman, G. C. (1)
Höchberg, Karl (2)
Inland Revenue (1)
Innes, J. B. (36)
J. B. Baillière et ses fils (1)
Jackson, H. W. (2)
Jackson, Julian (4)
Jacobson, Miss (1)
James, Constantin (1)
Jamieson, T. F. (4)
Jardine, Hyacinth (6)
Jeffreys, J. G. (1)
Jeitteles, L. H. (1)
Jellinek, E. L. (1)
Jenkin, H. C. F. (1)
Jenkins, H. M. (1)
Jenner, William (1)
Jenyns, Leonard (33)
Jesse, G. R. (3)
John Murray (67)
Johnes, M. A. (1)
Johns, C. A. (1)
Johnson, G. W. (1)
Johnson, Henry (a) (8)
Johnson, Henry (b) (2)
Johnston, George (2)
Jones, L. J. (2)
Journal of Horticulture (15)
Judd, J. W. (4)
Jukes, J. B. (4)
Julian (1)
Jung, Mary (1)
Jäger, Gustav (4)
Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (1)
Kanitz, August (1)
Kaufman, K. P. von (1)
Kellogg, Fanny (1)
Keltie, J. S. (1)
Kemp, J. C. (1)
Kemp, W. G. (1)
Kemp, William (12)
Kennard, C. A. (1)
Kerner von Marilaun, Anton (4)
Kerrison, E. H. (1)
Kesteven, W. H. (1)
Key, Axel (1)
Kinahan, G. H. (1)
Kindermann, A. D. (1)
Kindt, Hermann (4)
King, George (11)
King, P. G. (3)
King, P. P. (1)
Kingsley, Charles (10)
King’s College London (1)
Kippist, Richard (23)
Kirby, W. F. (2)
Kittredge, G. F. (1)
Knight, J. P. (1)
Knight, W. A. (1)
Knowles, J. T. (2)
Kobell, Franz Ritter von (1)
Koch, Eduard (7)
Kolbe, A. W. H. (1)
Koninck, L.-G. De (1)
Kovalevsky, A. O. (1)
Kovalevsky, V. O. (21)
Kořenský, Josef (1)
Krakauer, Alfred (1)
Kratz, Otto (1)
Krause, Ernst (47)
Krauss, C. F. F. von (1)
Krefft, Gerard (5)
Krohn, Nicolai (1)
Kölliker, R. A. von (2)
Köppen, F. T. (2)
La Touche, J. D. (1)
Lacaze-Duthiers, Henri de (2)
Ladies (1)
Lamont, James (2)
Land and Water (1)
Lane, E. W. (1)
Langton, Catherine (12)
Lankester, E. R. (9)
Lankester, Edwin (13)
Laugel, Auguste (1)
Laxton, Thomas (2)
Layard, E. L. (2)
Layton, Charles (2)
Le Couteur, John (1)
Lee, Henry (4)
Lee, J. E. (1)
Leffen, T. B. (1)
Leggett, W. H. (3)
Lehmann, Emil (1)
Leidy, Joseph (1)
Leighton, W. A. (7)
Leng, H. H. (1)
Lennard, J. F. (1)
Leonhard, Gustav von (1)
Lewes, G. H. (5)
Lewes, Marian (1)
Lewin, Friend (1)
Liagre, J.-B. (1)
Librarian (2)
Lindley, John (11)
Lindström, Gustaf (1)
Lindvall, C. A. (1)
Linnean Society (21)
Linnström, Hjalmar (1)
Lippert, Julius (1)
Lister, Joseph (1)
Litchfield, H. E. (27)
Litchfield, R. B. (4)
Literary Fund (1)
Llewelyn, T. M. (1)
Lloyd, A. S. (3)
Lloyd, Francis (1)
Lloyd, M. C. (3)
Lloyd, R. M. (1)
Lockyer, Norman (4)
Loct, Mr (1)
London Library (1)
Lonsdale, William (9)
Loomis, E. J. (1)
Lovegrove, Charles (3)
Lovén, Sven (2)
Lowne, B. T. (1)
Lubbock, E. F. (4)
Lubbock, Harriet (2)
Lubbock, J. W. (b) (13)
Lubbock, John (103)
Ludlow, J. M. F. (6)
Ludwig, Camilla (4)
Ludwig, Friedrich (3)
Ludwig, Rudolph (1)
Lumb, Edward (1)
Luschan, Felix von (1)
Lushington, Vernon (2)
Lyell, Charles (208)
Lyell, J. C. (2)
Lyell, K. M. (4)
Lyell, M. E. (3)
Lynch, R. I. (4)
Lónyay, Menyhért (1)
López-Seoane, Víctor (1)
Mackintosh, Daniel (5)
Mackintosh, F. E. E. (8)
Maclaren, Charles (2)
Macleay, W. S. (1)
Main, Robert (2)
Main, William (1)
Major, C. I. F. (2)
Malden, B. S. (1)
Malherbe, Alfred (1)
Mallet, Robert (1)
Malm, A. W. (1)
Malven, F. M. (1)
Mantegazza, Paolo (2)
Mantell, G. A. (3)
Mantell, W. B. D. (5)
March, Octavius (1)
Marchand, Felix (1)
Maria (1)
Marks, Newman (1)
Marsh, Anne (1)
Marsh, O. C. (5)
Marsh-Caldwell, Anne (1)
Marshall, Victor (3)
Marshall, W. C. (11)
Marshall, William (3)
Marston, Ann (1)
Martin, J. R. (1)
Martindale, William (1)
Marx, Karl (1)
Mason, Josiah (1)
Mason, P. B. (2)
Masters, M. T. (21)
Matthew, Patrick (2)
Maw, George (14)
Max Müller, Friedrich (3)
Maynard, C. J. (1)
McAlpine, Daniel (1)
McDermott, Frederick (1)
McIntosh, W. C. (2)
McLachlan, Robert (3)
McLennan, J. F. (1)
Meade, R. H. (1)
Medical Times and Gazette (1)
Meehan, Thomas (5)
Meetkerke, C. E. (1)
Meldola, Raphael (42)
Member of the Athenaeum Club (1)
Mendola, Antonio (1)
Mengden, Nicolai (1)
Mengozzi, G. E. (2)
Merighi, Giuseppe (1)
Merriam, A. W. (1)
Merriam, C. H. (3)
Meteyard, Eliza (2)
Meyer, A. B. (1)
Michelet, Athénaïs (1)
Middleton, C. H. (1)
Miller, D. B. (1)
Miller, Howard (1)
Miller, Hugh (1)
Miller, W. H. (8)
Milne Home, David (2)
Milne-Edwards, Henri (3)
Mitchell, T. L. (2)
Mivart, S. G. J. (16)
Modderman, A. E. J. (1)
Moggridge, J. T. (12)
Moir, David (2)
Mojsisovics von Mojsvár, Edmund (2)
Moleschott, Jacob (1)
Moniez, Romain (1)
Moore, David (2)
Moorsom, W. M. (1)
More, A. G. (23)
Morgan, L. H. (6)
Morley, John (2)
Morlot, C. A. (3)
Morris, C. H. (1)
Morse, E. S. (5)
Morselli, Enrico (1)
Moschkau, Alfred (2)
Moseley, H. N. (10)
Mosley, F. M. (2)
Mostyn Owen, S. H. (4)
Moulinié, J. J. (20)
Mudie, C. E. (1)
Mudie, M. K. (1)
Mueller, Ferdinand von (2)
Mull, Mathias (1)
Mumford, John (1)
Munro, Robertson (1)
Murchison, R. I. (5)
Murdoch, G. B. (1)
Murie, James (3)
Murray, Andrew (7)
Murray, C. A. (1)
Murray, J. T. (1)
Murray, John (b) (201)
Muñiz, F. J. (1)
Müller Beeck, August (1)
Müller, Albert (1)
Müller, Fritz (58)
Müller, Hermann (16)
Müller, Johannes (1)
M‘Kendrick, J. G. (1)
Nash, Wallis (4)
National Debt Office (1)
Natura Artis Magistra (Artis). (1)
Natural History Review (2)
Nature (33)
Naudin, C. V. (2)
Neumayr, Melchior (3)
Nevill, D. F. (18)
New Orleans newspaper (1)
Newall, E. L. (1)
Newberry, W. H. (1)
Newington, Samuel (2)
Newport, George (2)
Newton, Alfred (16)
Newton, T. W. (1)
Newton, William (1)
Nichols, Charles (1)
Nicholson, Edward (1)
Nicholson, G. S. (1)
Nicols, Arthur (5)
Nilsson, Sven (2)
Nitsche, Hinrich (1)
Noble, T. S. (1)
Noiré, Ludwig (2)
Noll, F. C. (1)
Nordenskiöld, Adolf Erik (1)
Norman, A. M. (1)
Norman, Ebenezer (2)
Norman, G. W. (3)
Norman, H. G. H. (1)
North, Marianne (1)
Norton, C. E. (5)
Norton, S. R. S. (1)
Nunn, C. W. (1)
Nägeli, C. W. von (4)
Ogle, William (26)
Oldfield, H. A. (1)
Oliver, Daniel (81)
Orton, James (4)
Otago University (1)
Owen, Richard (36)
O’Callaghan, E. H. (1)
Packard, A. S., Jr (1)
Page, J. T. (1)
Paget, G. E. (1)
Paget, James (15)
Palaeontographical Society (5)
Pamplin, William (2)
Parish, Woodbine (1)
Parker, J. W. (1)
Parker, W. K. (2)
Parsons, William (1)
Patterson, Robert (6)
Pattrick, Camilla (4)
Pawling, M. K. (1)
Payne, A. H. (1)
Peel, Jonathan (2)
Pengelly, William (1)
Pennethorne, D. P. (1)
Pennington, M. L. (1)
Perfil’eva, P. F. (1)
Pew, Elizabeth (1)
Pfeffer, Wilhelm (1)
Pfeiffer, E. J. (1)
Pflüger, E. F. W. (1)
Philippi, Federico (1)
Phillips, John (18)
Pickard-Cambridge, Octavius (2)
Pictet de la Rive, F. J. (4)
Piderit, Theodor (1)
Piggot, Horatio (1)
Pitman, H. A. (2)
Placzek, B. J. (2)
Playfair, Lyon (4)
Plumptre, C. J. (1)
Pomba, Luigi (1)
Poole, Skeffington (4)
Popper-Lynkeus, Josef (1)
Porter, James (1)
Post Office Savings Bank (2)
Potonié, Henry (1)
Powell, Baden (2)
Powell, F. G. M. (1)
Power, John (1)
Pozzi, S. J. (2)
Preston, S. T. (2)
Prestwich, Joseph (2)
Preyer, William (11)
Price, John (13)
Price, Peter (1)
Price, Stephen (1)
Prince, E. C. (1)
Pritchard, Charles (1)
Pryor, M. R. (1)
Quadri, Achille (1)
Quarterly Review (1)
Quatrefages de Bréau, Armand de Quatrefages (19)
Quekett, J. T. (1)
Quetelet, Adolphe (1)
Rade, Emil (1)
Radovanović, Milan (2)
Ralfs, John (3)
Ralston, W. R. S.- (4)
Ramsay, A. C. (22)
Ramu, H. (2)
Ransome, Frederick (2)
Ransome, George (3)
Rattan, Volney (1)
Rawson, Arthur (2)
Ray Society (16)
Reade, A. A. (1)
Reade, T. M. (8)
Reade, W. W. (2)
Redfield, W. C. (2)
Reed, G. V. (5)
Reeks, Henry (1)
Reeks, Trenham (3)
Reeve Brothers. (1)
Reeve, L. A. (2)
Reichardt, H. W. (1)
Reinwald, C.-F. (8)
Renard, Charles (1)
Retzius, Gustaf (4)
Reuter, Adolf (5)
Ribeiro, Carlos (2)
Rich, Anthony (3)
Richardson, B. W. (2)
Richardson, John (4)
Ricotti, Ercole (1)
Ridley, H. N. (2)
Riedel, J. G. F. (1)
Rifle Volunteer Corps (1)
Riley, C. V. (7)
Rimpau, Wilhelm (2)
Rivers, Thomas (16)
Riviere, Briton (5)
Robert, Eugène (1)
Roberts, Charles (1)
Robertson, G. C. (6)
Robinson, J. W. (1)
Robinson, William (b) (4)
Rodwell, J. M. (3)
Roebuck, W. D. (2)
Rogers, John (a) (1)
Rohlfs, Gerhard (1)
Rohrbach, Paul (1)
Rolfe, R. M. (2)
Rolle, Friedrich (7)
Rolleston, George (8)
Romanes, G. J. (91)
Ross, J. C. (3)
Rothrock, J. T. (1)
Roujou, Anatole (1)
Rouse, R. C. M. (1)
Royal College of Physicians (1)
Royal College of Surgeons of England (3)
Royal Dublin Survey (Geological) Office (1)
Royal Geographical Society (11)
Royal Horticultural Society (1)
Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (1)
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1)
Royal Society of Arts (1)
Royal Society of London (14)
Royle, J. F. (6)
Ruck, Amy (2)
Ruck, Lawrence (1)
Rudd, Leonard (1)
Rusden, H. K. (1)
Russell, John (2)
Russell, Mr (2)
Rérolle, Louis (1)
Rütimeyer, Ludwig (7)
Sabatier, Armand (1)
Sabine, Edward (7)
Sackville-West, M. C. (1)
Salt & Sons (1)
Salt, G. M. (2)
Salt, Thomas (14)
Salter, J. W. (2)
Salvin, Osbert (9)
Samuelson, James (2)
Sanborn, F. B. (1)
Sandwith, Humphry (1)
Saporta, Gaston de (13)
Sars, G. O. (1)
Saussure, Henri de (1)
Savile, B. W. (1)
Saville-Kent, William (1)
Sayce, A. H. (1)
Scherzer, Karl von (10)
Schmid, Rudolf (1)
Schmidt, Max (1)
Schneider, G. H. (1)
Schreiber, Bruno (1)
Schulte, Eduard (1)
Schultze, Fritz (1)
Schultze, M. J. S. (1)
Scientific Opinion (1)
Sclater, P. L. (28)
Scott, John (39)
Scott, W. H. (1)
Scudder, S. H. (1)
Secretary of the Royal Commission on vivisection (1)
Seddon, W. Z. (1)
Sedgwick, Adam (7)
Sedgwick, Sara (3)
Sedgwick, William (1)
Seidlitz, Georg von (4)
Sella, Quintino (1)
Semper, C. G. (11)
Settegast, Hermann (2)
Seymour, E. A. S. (1)
Seymour, H. A. D. (1)
Sharpe, Daniel (7)
Sharpe, M. L. (1)
Sharpe, R. B. (3)
Sharpey, William (7)
Shaw, E. R. (1)
Shaw, H. N. (3)
Shaw, James (6)
Shillinglaw, John (1)
Shoberl, William (4)
Shuttleworth, G. E. (1)
Siciliani, Pietro (1)
Sidgwick, Henry (1)
Siebold, C. T. E. von (2)
Siemens, Anne (1)
Siemens, William (1)
Sieveking, E. H. (1)
Silliman, Benjamin, Jr (1)
Silliman, Benjamin, Sr (1)
Sim, George (1)
Simmonds, P. L. (1)
Sinclair, James (1)
Sinel, Joseph (1)
Skertchly, S. B. J. (1)
Skirving, R. S. (1)
Slack, H. J. (1)
Sleigh, George (1)
Smiles, Samuel (2)
Smith of Jordanhill, James (3)
Smith, C. A. (1)
Smith, C. H. (a) (2)
Smith, D. T. (1)
Smith, E. A. (3)
Smith, Elder & Co (25)
Smith, Frederick (a) (7)
Smith, G. N. (2)
Smith, J. T. (1)
Smith, John (c) (1)
Smith, Robert (1)
Smith, Saba (1)
Smith, W. G. (1)
Smyth, R. B. (1)
Smyth, W. H. (1)
Snow, George (1)
Snow, W. P. (1)
Società dei Naturalisti di Modena (1)
Société Impériale Zoologique d’Acclimatation (1)
Société Royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-arts de Belgique (1)
Société géologique de France (1)
Somerville, Mary (1)
South African Christian Recorder (1)
South Eastern Railway (1)
Sowerby, G. B. (6)
Sowerby, G. B., Jr (3)
Sowerby, J. de C. (19)
Spain, T. D. (1)
Spearman, A. Y. (17)
Spectator (1)
Spencer, Herbert (10)
Spengel, J. W. (1)
Spottiswoode, William (2)
Spring Rice, Thomas (2)
Spruce, Richard (1)
St Barbe, John (1)
Stainton, H. T. (10)
Staley, T. N. (1)
Stanhope, E. H. (1)
Stanhope, P. H. (1)
Stanley, E. H. (3)
Stanley, M. C. (1)
Stanley, William Ford (1)
Staudinger, Otto (2)
Stebbing, T. R. R. (4)
Stecker, Anton (1)
Steenstrup, Japetus (16)
Steffen, Max (1)
Stephen, Leslie (2)
Stevenson, Louisa (1)
Stewardson, Thomas (1)
Stoddard, C. W. (1)
Stokes, Charles (2)
Stokes, F. G. (1)
Stokes, G. G. (9)
Stokes, J. L. (5)
Stoppelaar, G. N. de (1)
Story, Nevil (2)
Story-Maskelyne, Nevil (2)
Story-Maskelyne, T. M. (1)
Strachey, Richard (1)
Strahan, A. S. (1)
Strasburger, Eduard (5)
Strickland, H. E. (8)
Struthers, John (1)
Strzelecki, P. E. de (1)
Studer, Bernhard (4)
Stutchbury, H. L. (1)
Subscribers to T. H. Huxley gift (1)
Suchsland, F. E. (1)
Suchsland, Rudolf (2)
Suess, Eduard (2)
Sulivan, B. J. (22)
Sully, James (1)
Superintendent of a lunatic asylum (1)
Surman, F. W. (2)
Susanni, Ernesto (1)
Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, G. G. (1)
Swale and Wilson (1)
Swinhoe, Robert (2)
Sykes, W. H. (1)
Symonds, Hyacinth (6)
Syndics of Cambridge Botanic Garden (1)
Tait, Lawson (34)
Tait, W. C. (9)
Talbot, Emily (1)
Taylor, Agnes (1)
Taylor, J. E. (2)
Taylor, J. P. (1)
Tearle, William (1)
Tegetmeier, W. B. (146)
Temple, Frederick (1)
Thayer, J. B. (1)
The Field (4)
The Scotsman (1)
The Times (3)
Thiel, Hugo (1)
Thiers, L. A. (1)
Thiselton-Dyer, W. T. (110)
Thomas, T. H. (1)
Thomasson, J. P. (2)
Thompson, D’A. W. (1)
Thompson, John (1)
Thompson, T. (1)
Thompson, William (a) (2)
Thomson, A. C. (1)
Thomson, C. W. (2)
Thomson, Robert (1)
Thorell, T. T. T. (1)
Thorley, E. M. (1)
Thozet, Anthelme (1)
Thwaites, G. H. K. (18)
Tilt, A. P. (1)
Tindal, C. H. (3)
Todd, J. E. (1)
Tollet, Georgina (1)
Tomes, C. S. (1)
Topham, John (1)
Torbitt, James (44)
Tracy, G. M. (1)
Traube, Moritz (1)
Treat, Mary (6)
Trimen, Roland (19)
Tristram, H. B. (6)
Truelove, M. H. (1)
Trübner & Co. (1)
Trübner, Nicholas (3)
Tuke, D. H. (1)
Turnbull, G. H. (3)
Turner, Charles (1)
Turner, Maria (a) (3)
Turner, William (9)
Tylor, E. B. (8)
Tyndall, John (34)
Unidentified (177)
Union Bank (1)
Usborne, A. B. (1)
V. Masson et fils (1)
Van Dyck, W. T. (1)
Van der Weyde, John (1)
Vance, R. A. (1)
Vaughan Williams, M. S. (2)
Veitch & Sons (1)
Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann (1)
Verrell, James (2)
Vesselofski, C. S. (1)
Victoria, queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and empress of India (1)
Vignes, E. (1)
Vincent, Teja & Co. (1)
Vines, S. H. (6)
Vivian, Edward (2)
Vivian, H. H. (2)
Viëtor, Wilhelm (1)
Vogt, Carl (3)
Voigts-Rhetz, Werner von (1)
Voysey, Charles (1)
Vries, Hugo de (11)
Vöchting, Hermann (1)
W. & J. Burrow (1)
Wagner, Moritz (2)
Walford, Edward (2)
Walker, Thomas (1)
Wallace, A. R. (97)
Wallich, G. C. (5)
Wallis, H. M. (2)
Walpole, D. F. (18)
Walsh, B. D. (19)
Walton, William (2)
Waring, William (b) (3)
Warington, George (2)
Washington, John (4)
Waterhouse, G. R. (19)
Watkins, Frederick (2)
Watson, H. C. (7)
Watson, William (1)
Way, Albert (1)
Weale, J. P. M. (7)
Wedgwood, Caroline (31)
Wedgwood, Elizabeth (1)
Wedgwood, Emma (42)
Wedgwood, F. E. E. (8)
Wedgwood, F. J. (3)
Wedgwood, F. M. (2)
Wedgwood, Francis (1)
Wedgwood, Godfrey (1)
Wedgwood, H. A. (1)
Wedgwood, H. E. (1)
Wedgwood, Hensleigh (3)
Wedgwood, Josiah, II (1)
Wedgwood, Josiah, III (16)
Wedgwood, L. C. (6)
Wedgwood, M. S. (2)
Wedgwood, Sophy (3)
Weir, H. W. (1)
Weir, J. J. (37)
Weismann, August (10)
Weisz, Béla (1)
Welcker, Hermann (1)
Weld, C. R. (1)
Wendland, Lydia (1)
Westropp, H. M. (3)
Westwood, J. O. (5)
Wetherell, N. T. (1)
Wetterhan, D. J. (1)
Weyenbergh, Hendrik (1)
Wheatley, H. B. (3)
Wheldon, John (1)
Wheler, E. A. (6)
Whewell, William (5)
Whitaker, William (1)
Whitby, M. A. T. (3)
White, Adam (2)
White, Francis Buchanan (2)
White, Walter (6)
Whitelegge, Thomas (3)
Whiteman, R. G. (1)
Whitley, C. T. (10)
Whitney, W. D. (4)
Wichura, M. E. (1)
Wicksted, Charles (1)
Wiesner, Julius (2)
Wigand, Albert (2)
Wigley, Charles (1)
Wilckens, Martin (1)
Wilder, B. G. (1)
Wilkes, Charles (1)
Wilks, Samuel (1)
Willett, Henry (2)
William & Julius Fairbeard (1)
William Clowes & Sons (3)
Williams & Norgate (29)
Williams, Greville (1)
Williams, S. H. (4)
Williamson, W. C. (9)
Wilson, A. S. (13)
Wilson, E. B. (1)
Wilson, Edward (1)
Wilson, Erasmus (2)
Wintle, D. J. (1)
Wolf, Joseph (1)
Wollaston, T. V. (1)
Wood, C. A. (1)
Wood, Charles (1)
Woodbury, T. W. (3)
Woodd, C. H. L. (1)
Woodhouse, A. J. (1)
Woodward, Henry (1)
Woodward, S. P. (16)
Woolner, Thomas (5)
Wrangham, B. D. (1)
Wright, Chauncey (12)
Wright, E. P. (4)
Wrigley, Alfred (4)
Wyman, Jeffries (5)
Wynne, [–] (a) (1)
Würtenberger, Leopold (3)
Yarrell, William (2)
Yeo, G. F. (1)
Zacharias, Otto (7)
Zeuthen, H. G. (1)
Zincke, F. B. (3)
Zoological Society (1)
unknown (1)
1809 (2)
1822 (6)
1825 (1)
1826 (3)
1828 (12)
1829 (18)
1830 (11)
1831 (40)
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