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Darwin Correspondence Project
"Darwin C R" in search-correspondent disabled_by_default
Darwin, C. R. in correspondent disabled_by_default
Turner, Maria (a) in correspondent disabled_by_default
1850 in date disabled_by_default
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To Maria Hooker   31 August [1850]


Expresses sympathy to MSH on W. J. Hooker’s illness.

Will send his comments on Hodgson’s physico-geographical memoir ["On the physical geography of the Himalayas", J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 18 (1849): 761–88] directly to him.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Maria Sarah (Maria) Turner; Maria Sarah (Maria) Hooker
Date:  31 Aug [1850]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.95)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1349