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Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 23 hits

  • pages of text copied from Notebook C and carries on through 1851; the second (DAR 128) continues the
  • … [A. von Humboldt 1811] Richardsons Fauna Borealis [J. Richardson 182937] …
  • Paper on consciousness in brutes Blackwood June 1838 [J. F. Ferrie 1838]. H. C. Watson on
  • to White Nat. Hist of Selbourne [E. T. Bennett ed. 1837 and [J. Rennie] ed. 1833] read 19  : …
  • what have they written.? “Hunt” [J. Hunt 1806] p. 290
  • England ]. Zoolog. Soc. [DAR *119: 12v.] Bowerbanks Book on Fossil Fruit
  • chiefly on distribution of forms said to be Poor Sir. J. Edwards Botanical Tour [?J. E. Smith
  • Butler. 3. first sermons [Butler 1834] recommended by Sir. J. Mackintosh J. Long Moral Nature
  • Playfair 1824] Humes Essay [?Hume 17412] J. Taylor Art of Dying [J. Taylor 1651] …
  • from Parent to offspring of some Forms of Disease. 1851 [Whitehead 1851]. Packard. A Guide to
  • … [Malcolm 1836] H. Dixon Life of Pen [W. H. Dixon 1851].— Southeys Life of Wesley [R. …
  • Humboldt 1849]. Liebigs Lectures on Chemistry [Liebig 1851]. Sir John Davies. China
  • Steenstrup on Hermaphroditismus [Steenstrup 1846]. 1851. Jan. 6 th . Pickering Races
  • 1850].— April 5 Manual of Geology Lyell [Lyell 1851] —— 30 Annales des Sc. Phys. de  …
  • nothing July 16 th  Dixon. Pigeons [E. S. Dixon 1851].— Dec. 26. Count Odarts
  • on forest trees . Edinburgh119: 7a, 13a Bowerbank, James Scott. 1840A history of
  • years 18381842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. New York. [Abstract in DAR 71: 512.]  …
  • years 18381842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. [Abstract in DAR 205.3: …
  • ou, iconographie de toutes les espèces et   variétés darbres, fruitiers cultivés dans cet   …
  • sur la distribution géographique des animaux vertébrés, moins les oiseauxJournal de Physique 94
  • Drury, Robert. 1729Madagascar; or, Robert Drurys   journal, during fifteen   years
  • … [Vols. 3 and 4 in Darwin Library.]  119: 3a Dugès, Antoine. 1832Memoir sur la
  • augmentée dun grand nombre de fruits, les uns échappés aux recherches de Duhamel, les autres