From John Wood Warter1 23 December 1824
Dear Charley/—
As I had not an opportunity of seeing you on the Saturday Night previous to your breaking up, I must now like “a friend misericord” just warn you against the Encouragement of idleness, to which I know you are ever fully inclined. I sd— advise you to read some of Xenophon’s Philosophical Treatises which you will find in the Dalzel2 p. 297 in my edition, immediately following the Excerpta Rhetorica. I have great reason to believe that Iliff3 will set you some part from that selection: and if he does not, the words that you will meet with in Xenophon, are continually used by all other authors, and consequently will in the end prove of advantage. I can form no idea with regard to Wakefield4 as a master— he’ll never fill the place of his good predecessor Sheepshanks,5 our mutual friend, tho’ when at School he shewed me very much attention. Read Hor: Od: 1–246 and think of Sheepshanks, bearing in mind that “desiderio” in the first line means “regret” and answers to the Greek πόθος. If you will ride over here, I shall at all times feel much gratification in helping you over any difficulties that occur, if I can, for you well know my abilities:— “My loom” as Shakespeare has somewhere observed “is of a mingled yarn”,7 — to speak in more plain English I am very stupid. Do you remember ever quibbling with me as to the right pronuntiation of sloth? You, if such a trifle has not fled your mind, wd always call it short—thus slŏth.— I will transcribe two lines from our sweet poët Goldsmith which will indubitably confi⟨rm my⟩ opinion
“The robe that wraps his limbs ⟨in⟩ silken sloth Has robb’d the neighb’ring fields of half their growth”
These lines you will find in the Deserted Village, and I beg you will henceforward call it “slōth”—mei memor. When you write remember me very kindly to Old Strol—8
Hastily, Your very Sincere Friend | John Warter
Dec: 23rd. 1824 | Thursday Morning—
Bagshaw, Samuel. 1851. History, gazetteer, and directory of Shropshire. Sheffield.
Dalzel, Andrew. 1789–97. Analekta Hellenika. Sive collectanea Græca. 2d edition. 2 vols. Edinburgh: A. Neill cum sociis.
Warns CD against idleness.
Suggests readings in Xenophon and Horace.
Quotes Oliver Goldsmith to correct CD’s pronunciation of "sloth".
Letter details
- Letter no.
- From
- John Wood Warter
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Cruck-Meole
- Source of text
- DAR 204: 188
- Physical description
- ALS 3pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 8,” accessed on 5 October 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1