To W. D. Fox [25 March 1830]
My dear Fox
I am through my little Go,!!!1 I am too much exalted to humble myself by apologising for not having written before.— But, I assure you before I went in & when my nerves were in a shattered & weak condition, your injured person often rose before my eyes & taunted me with my idleness. But I am through through through. I could write the whole sheet full, with this delightful word.— I went in yesterday, & have just heard the joyful news.— I shall not know for a week, which class I am in.— The whole examination is carried on in a different system. It has one grand advantage, being over in one day. They are rather strict; & ask a wonderful number of questions:
And now I want to know something about your plans: of course you intend coming up here: what fun we will have together, what beetles we will catch, it will do my heart good to go once more together to some of our old haunts: I have two very promising pupils in Entomology, & we will make regular campaigns into the Fens; Heaven protect the beetles & Mr Jenyns, for we wont leave him a pair in the whole country. My new cabinet is come down & a gay little affair it is.—
And now for the time, I think I shall go for a few days to Town, to hear an Opera & see Mr. Hope; not to mention my brother also whom I should have no objection to see.— If I go pretty soon, you can come afterwards but if you will settle your plans definitely, I will arrange mine. So send me a letter by return of post:— And I charge you let it be favourable, that is to say come directly.—
Holden has been ordained, & drove the Coach out on the Monday, I do not think he is looking very well.— Chapman wants you & myself to pay him a visit, when you come up, & begs to be remembered to you. You must excuse this short letter, as I have no end more to send off by this days post.—
I long to see you again, & till then | My dear good old Fox | I am yours most sincerely | C. Darwin
CD has passed his "Little Go".
Letter details
- Letter no.
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- William Darwin Fox
- Sent from
- Cambridge
- Postmark
- Cambridge MA 25 1830
- Source of text
- Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 27)
- Physical description
- ALS 3pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 78,” accessed on 14 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1