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Darwin Correspondence Project

To W. D. Fox   [25 March 1830]



My dear Fox

I am through my little Go,!!!1 I am too much exalted to humble myself by apologising for not having written before.— But, I assure you before I went in & when my nerves were in a shattered & weak condition, your injured person often rose before my eyes & taunted me with my idleness. But I am through through through. I could write the whole sheet full, with this delightful word.— I went in yesterday, & have just heard the joyful news.— I shall not know for a week, which class I am in.— The whole examination is carried on in a different system. It has one grand advantage, being over in one day. They are rather strict; & ask a wonderful number of questions:

And now I want to know something about your plans: of course you intend coming up here: what fun we will have together, what beetles we will catch, it will do my heart good to go once more together to some of our old haunts: I have two very promising pupils in Entomology, & we will make regular campaigns into the Fens; Heaven protect the beetles & Mr Jenyns, for we wont leave him a pair in the whole country. My new cabinet is come down & a gay little affair it is.—

And now for the time, I think I shall go for a few days to Town, to hear an Opera & see Mr. Hope; not to mention my brother also whom I should have no objection to see.— If I go pretty soon, you can come afterwards but if you will settle your plans definitely, I will arrange mine. So send me a letter by return of post:— And I charge you let it be favourable, that is to say come directly.—

Holden has been ordained, & drove the Coach out on the Monday, I do not think he is looking very well.— Chapman wants you & myself to pay him a visit, when you come up, & begs to be remembered to you. You must excuse this short letter, as I have no end more to send off by this days post.—

I long to see you again, & till then | My dear good old Fox | I am yours most sincerely | C. Darwin


The results were published in two lists: those who passed with credit, and those to whom the Examiners had only not refused their certification of approval. CD’s name appeared in the first list (Cambridge University Archives Pass Lists, Previous Examinations 1824–83, Exam. L. 9).


CD has passed his "Little Go".

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Darwin Fox
Sent from
Cambridge MA 25 1830
Source of text
Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 27)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 78,” accessed on 14 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
