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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Trenham Reeks?1   13 August [1858]2

Down Bromley Kent

Aug 13th

My dear Sir

Owing to your kindness, Mr Sam. Pratt of 47 N. Bond Stt. has called here, during my absence & inspected the Slate Reliefs.3 He now writes to ask me what is the lowest price I will take for the lot. I am quite at a loss what to answer. I do not care for them myself & shd. be glad to buy pictures with the money & therefore wish, of course, to get as much as I can. Will you advise me, & then I will give you no more trouble. And I can assure you that I appreciate all the trouble you have so very kindly taken for me.

My dear Sir | Yours sincerely & obliged | Ch. Darwin


The identification of the recipient is based on the relationship of this letter to the letter to Trenham Reeks?, 10 March [1858]. There is no record of who might have bought the reliefs, but an entry in CD’s Account book (Down House MS) dated 28 August 1858 indicates that he received £150 for them. Further entries in CD’s Account book on 28 December 1858 and 6 January 1859 for £5 and £2 10s. paid to a Mr Burn are probably commissions on the sale. Burn was probably an agent; it has not been possible to identify him further.
The year is given by CD’s payment of £5 to Burn on 28 December 1858 (see n. 1, above).
Samuel Luke Pratt was proprietor of an antique furniture business at 47 Bond Street, London (Post Office London directory 1858). For CD’s wish to sell the reliefs, see letter to Trenham Reeks?, 10 March [1858].


Has been asked to set a price on slate relief slabs [see 2236]. Would appreciate advice from correspondent as he would like to buy pictures with the money.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Trenham Reeks
Sent from
Source of text
British Geological Survey Archives (GSM 1/501)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2323,” accessed on 26 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 7
