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Darwin Correspondence Project

Albert Müller


Swiss entomologist. Director of the zoological garden in Basel, 1874. Published chiefly on gall insects.


Barnhart comp. 1965

Huber 2019

Royal Society catalogue of scientific papers

Sarasin ed. 1924.


Barnhart, John Hendley, comp. 1965. Biographical notes upon botanists … maintained in the New York Botanical Garden Library. 3 vols. Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall.

Huber, Charles. 2019. Das vergessene Leben des Entomologen Albert Müller aus Basel. Contributions to Natural History 37: 1–246.

Royal Society catalogue of scientific papers: Catalogue of scientific papers (1800–1900). Compiled and published by the Royal Society of London. 19 vols. and index (3 vols.). London: Royal Society of London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1867–1925.

Sarasin, Fritz, ed. 1924. Geschichte des zoologischen Gartens in Basel 1874–1924, zur Feier des 50 jährigen Bestehens. Basel: Kunstanstalt Frobenius A.G.
