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Darwin Correspondence Project

James Hector


Scottish geologist. Surgeon and geologist on the government expedition to the western parts of British North America, 1857–60. Geologist to the provincial government of Otago, New Zealand, 1861–5. Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand, 1865. Director of the meteorological department of the New Zealand Institute, of the Colonial Museum, and of the botanical garden, Wellington, 1866–1903. Knighted, 1887. FRS 1866.




DNZB: A dictionary of New Zealand biography. Edited by G. H. Scholefield. 2 vols. Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Internal Affairs. 1940. The dictionary of New Zealand biography. Edited by W. H. Oliver et al. 5 vols. Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand: Department of Internal Affairs [and others]. 1990–2000.
