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Darwin Correspondence Project

From J. S. Henslow   25 October 1831


25 Octr 1831

My dear Darwin,

I have just received your letter about consignment with a statement of your attempt to cheat my Brother of 1£. Do look at the bill I see sent, for it runs in my head that you have read pounds for shillings & shillings for pounds & that you ought to have pd. him 12"7"— instead of 7"12.— I can’t be sure without searching after the Bills & putting the items together again—so that you may be right— As touching consignment I should think the best way is to do as Lowe does: direct as follows, Revd Profr. Henslow, Cambridge to the care of J. W. Henslow Esqre. 12 Clements Inn London,

Antipodes or England.

—the part underlined being optional.

I intend a great addition to my clinometer by giving it a sight for calculating ⁠⟨⁠r distces. when I think it will comprize all the Geologist wants. I have just met Watkins who is delighted to hear of your expedition. Downes is just returned from a short tour in Switzerland, but what is that to a Fuegian— The day after tomorrow our County election begins— Mr Jenyns1 is chairman of Capt. Yorke’s2 committee, proposed at one time to sleep at my house during the week, by which manouvre I had calculated upon getting my windows smashed— this would have been as good as foraging in the enemies quarters— He however thinks it better to sleep at the Inn where the Committee sit—so I suppose I shall remain in peace unless the Anties get the upper hand & think me too much of a radical— I presume however that these things begin to cease from interesting you & {therefore} leave you to your better meditations on Mermaids & Flying fish.—

Ys. affectionately | J S. Henslow


Charles Philip Yorke, Tory anti-Reform Bill candidate in the Cambridgeshire elections. He was defeated by Richard Greaves Townley of Fulbourn, Cambs. (Cambridge Chronicle, 4 November 1831).


Gives CD directions for sending him specimens from Beagle.

Writes of Cambridge politics.

Letter details

Letter no.
John Stevens Henslow
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 204: 108
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 143,” accessed on 6 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
