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Darwin Correspondence Project

To C.-F. Reinwald   29 October 1879

Dear Sir

I hear from Dr. Krause that there has been some misunderstanding with the German Publisher about the translation of his part of the life of Dr Darwin.1 In my opinion it would not be worth while to translate into French my Preliminary notice, without Dr. Krause’s account of the scientific works. of Dr. D.   Dr Krause has kindly agreed at my request that you shd publish the whole volume, on the same terms on which you have published translations of my other books; & I will arrange with Dr. Krause about any profit which you may be able to hand over to me.—2 I have sent this letter through Dr. Krause, that he may read it, & that you may be assured that there is no misunderstanding on my part.

I remain Dear Sir | Yours very faithfully | Ch Darwin

Oct 29th. 1879

To Mr Reinwald

(Frank—keep this foul copy)3

(Ask Dr. K. to sign this letter also if he does not object)


See letter from Ernst Krause, 20 October 1879. Karl Alberts was publishing a German edition of Erasmus Darwin, co-authored by Krause and CD (Krause 1880).
See letter from Ernst Krause to Francis Darwin, 26 October 1879. CD usually received deferred royalties from Reinwald (see, for example, letter from C. F. Reinwald, 17 April 1879).
Francis Darwin was CD’s secretary. CD uses ‘foul’ in the sense ‘heavily corrected’.


Krause, Ernst. 1880. Erasmus Darwin und seine Stellung in der Geschichte der Descendenz-Theorie von Ernst Krause. Mit seinem Lebens- und Charakterbilde von Charles Darwin. Leipzig: Ernst Günther.


Discusses arrangements for a French translation of Erasmus Darwin (1879).

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Charles-Ferdinand Reinwald
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 202: 80
Physical description
ADraftS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12276,” accessed on 6 October 2024,
