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Darwin Correspondence Project

To N. N. Christophe   12 February 1879

Down, | Beckenham, Kent.1

Feb 12 1879

Dear Sir

I beg leave to return you my sincere thanks for the kind congratulations I have received from you on the occasion of my birthday—2

Dear Sir | yours faithfully | Charles Darwin


This letter was previously published in Correspondence vol. 27 from a description in a Stargardt catalogue. The recipient’s name is supplied from a description of the accompanying envelope. Stargardt gave the name as N. N. Christophe, of Eydtkuhnen in East Prussia (now Chernyshevskoye in Russia); Wilson gave it as Herrn Christophe. Christophe has not been identified.
CD was 70 on 12 February 1879.


Thanks for birthday greetings.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
N. N. Christophe
Sent from
Source of text
John Wilson (dealer) (item 26009)
Physical description
LS 1p & cover

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11874F,” accessed on 6 October 2024,
