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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Anthony Rich   12 December 1878

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.

December 12th 1878

(Copy) 4

My dear Sir

I have just received your letter of the 10th.— Allow me first to say that in my hurry at first I hardly expressed myself strongly enough in my former letter.1 The more I think over all the circumstances, the more deeply do I feel gratified.

I am much obliged for the full details in the letter just received: you speak of your mind being at present confused, but nothing can be clearer than your letter. The property which you have bequeathed me in reversion will make a fine addition in the future for my children, who naturally are my deepest interest in this life. As they will now be your heirs, as well as mine, permit me to add that I can deliberately assert that not one of them has ever caused me one minute’s anxiety except on the score of their health.2 I will condense the details of which you inform me & perhaps consult my solicitor; but at present I am inclined to think that my will, by which my property is equally divided amongst my sons (after a share has been paid to my 2 daughters), may be left unaltered; & that full freedom will thus be left for the very adviseable arrangement to which you allude.3 I must repeat that it will be a lasting gratification to me that you, who are acquainted only with my scientific work, should have thought me deserving of so great a remuneration, which, as far as I know, has never before been conferred on any scientific man. Excuse me also for adding that I cannot but admire the delicacy with which you have acted throughout this whole affair.

I hope that you may be induced, as soon as the weather is better, to pay us a visit here, that I may have the pleasure of making your personal acquaintance: My wife & self will do all that we can to make you comfortable

Believe me, my dear Sir | Yours very sincerely | Ch. R. Darwin

To | Anthony Rich Esq—


Thanks AR for the details of his bequest and invites him to Down.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Anthony Rich
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 210.12: 5
Physical description
C in CD’s hand 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11788,” accessed on 27 July 2024,
