To Josiah Wedgwood III 14 August [1847]1
Aug 14th
My dear Jos.
Many thanks for your letter. I enclose my note for Stokes, which will you kindly take the trouble to read & his previous note to me.—2 The briefest note from you to him, authorising the purchase & explaining the payment & giving your address will suffice.— There is, however, one point will you be so good as to decide.— Very stupidly I have quite forgot, what was the sum you have advanced for me in paying the calls &c.—but I judge from the sum you mention you have to pay to Elizabeth,3 that the money now in hand will nearly cover that & that there is an additional 400£ to be received presently: in this latter case, that money will do for the 5£ calls, (which if I understand Stokes) note will amount to 200£ on the 15th of October.— Will you be so kind as to decide this point for me, which I hope won’t much trouble you.—
The 50£ interest is delightful.4
Remember sometime you have to repay me 15£.5 I wonder whether we cd pay off all the London & N Western calls.—6 I long, almost as much as you can, to have done with all this eternal trouble about calls.— You must, I imagine just mention to Stokes, whether he must deduct or whether you will pay the Brokerage: I have no idea what that is per 1000£.—
Do not execrate me much for this trouble.— | Yours affectionately | C. Darwin
If you do not approve for any reason of my note to Stokes, do not send it, but write yourself without enclosing mine & I would write independently to thank him.—
Sends a letter for JW to forward to Charles Stokes concerning the purchase of Leeds and Bradford railway shares for Emma Darwin’s trust fund.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-1108F
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Josiah (Jos) Wedgwood, III
- Source of text
- Alan Wedgwood (private collection)
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1108F,” accessed on 11 September 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 18 (Supplement)