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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Linnean Society   1 June 1868

Down, Bromley Kent

June 1 /68

My dear Sir,

“As I was permitted to have 50 cops. of my former papers, I have marked this number on the proofs.

If necessy, will you be so kind as to lay my request before the Council.1

(signed) Ch. Darwin.”


CD’s request relates either to ‘Illegitimate offspring of dimorphic and trimorphic plants’ or to ‘Specific difference in Primula, or to both: both papers were published in the June 1868 issue of the Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany). Authors of papers in the Transactions were allowed twenty-five free copies of their papers, and could have more copies printed for a fee on giving previous notice (Linnean Society of London, Council minutes, 2 May 1867). At a meeting on 2 July 1868, it was agreed to extend the same privilege to the authors of papers in the Journal (Linnean Society of London, Council minutes). There is no record of CD’s specific request being brought before the council. CD’s previous papers, ‘Dimorphic condition in Primula, ‘Three sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, ‘Two forms in species of Linum, ‘Three forms of Lythrum salicaria, and ‘Climbing plants’, were all published in the Journal.


‘Climbing plants’: On the movements and habits of climbing plants. By Charles Darwin. [Read 2 February 1865.] Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 9 (1867): 1–118.

‘Dimorphic condition in Primula’: On the two forms, or dimorphic condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable sexual relations. By Charles Darwin. [Read 21 November 1861.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 6 (1862): 77–96. [Collected papers 2: 45–63.]

‘Illegitimate offspring of dimorphic and trimorphic plants’: On the character and hybrid-like nature of the offspring from the illegitimate unions of dimorphic and trimorphic plants. By Charles Darwin. [Read 20 February 1868.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 10 (1869): 393–437.

‘Specific difference in Primula’: On the specific difference between Primula veris, Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis of Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.), and P. elatior, Jacq.; and on the hybrid nature of the common oxlip. With supplementary remarks on naturally produced hybrids in the genus Verbascum. By Charles Darwin. [Read 19 March 1868.] Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 10 (1869): 437–54.

‘Three forms of Lythrum salicaria’: On the sexual relations of the three forms of Lythrum salicaria. By Charles Darwin. [Read 16 June 1864.] Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 8 (1865): 169–96. [Collected papers 2: 106–31.]

‘Three sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum’: On the three remarkable sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, an orchid in the possession of the Linnean Society. By Charles Darwin. [Read 3 April 1862.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 6 (1862): 151–7. [Collected papers 2: 63–70.]

‘Two forms in species of Linum’: On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum. By Charles Darwin. [Read 5 February 1863.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7 (1864): 69–83. [Collected papers 2: 93–105.]


Requests 50 copies of his paper ["Offspring of illegitimate unions of di- and trimorphic plants", J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 10 (1869): 393–437].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Linnean Society
Sent from
Source of text
Linnean Society of London (Fellows Files No. 6)
Physical description
C 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6221,” accessed on 4 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 16
