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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Hugh Falconer   4 October 1862

British Association For The Advancement of Science. | Cambridge Meeting, 1862.

4 Octr.

My Dear Darwin.

I seize a stray moment—to thank you for your kind reply to my note.1 Under the alarm, that it might have miscarried I wrote my note of yesterday—that I might trace it up if lost.2

How differently you and I think—from the honest results of hard earned Conviction—upon certain points—and yet what an ineffable charm—in the feeling, that we can exchange our differences of thought—without the risk of offending! The virtue of the position is all on your side—because your views are such an integral part of your present existence—and of your future fame—that you must be more than angelic—to tolerate dissent with equanimity.

What I sent you was only—a section of results from the evidence. You must come and have a jaw and we will talk over it. I was so disappointed, at not seeing you. I yearned for it—a couple of days—and sent to Queen Anne St. on Tuesday to enquire—when the messenger said you had been there and were gone.3

Excuse a hurried line & believe me | my Dear Darwin | Yours Ever | H Falconer


CD stayed at 6 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square (the London home of his brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin) on Monday 29 September 1862, on the way home from his holiday in Bournemouth (Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). See also letter from Hugh Falconer, 24–7 September [1862], and letter to Hugh Falconer, 1 October [1862].


Although their views differ, HF is glad they can discuss those differences without offending.

Letter details

Letter no.
Hugh Falconer
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
BAAS, Cambridge
Source of text
DAR 164: 8
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 3751,” accessed on 2 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 10
