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Darwin Correspondence Project

From E. A. Darwin   1 July [1862]1

July 1

Dear Charles

I am sorry to bother you, but Carlyle took your letter to the Museum & found that the book was not there & therefore supposes that he had it from the Geolog. Soc:2 Will you give me a letter of introduction just stating that it is to enquire the title of a book for Carlyle & if possible to borrow it—

yours | E D

If you are unwell there is no hurry


The year is established by the relationship to the letter from E. A. Darwin, 20 June [1862].
Erasmus was assisting his friend Thomas Carlyle in obtaining a publication containing a topographical account of the highlands of Saxony (see letter from E. A. Darwin, 20 June [1862]). The references are to the library of the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street and to that of the Geological Society at Somerset House, London.


Asks for a note to the Geological Society, since the museum did not have the book Carlyle wanted.

Letter details

Letter no.
Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 105 (ser. 2): 6
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 3635,” accessed on 19 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 10
