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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Emily Catherine Darwin   [25? April 1851]

My dearest Charles and Emma

I can only hope that God may comfort you in your great sorrow:—and thank Him that you are together again.— It is an infinite mercy to think that your Darling did not suffer. that would have been such an addition.— You know how we loved her;—her sweet little affectionate ways are before me all day.—

I trust dearest Emma’s wonderful love & thought for others may support her through this most grievous trial there is nothing but time and her prayers can comfort her.—

How I wish I could have gone to Malvern on the Thursday at the least, to have helped Fanny Hensleigh. it will be a grief to me as long as I live;—but I could hardly sit up—and am better today when I do not care about it.

My dearest Emma & Charles | E C Darwin—

I am sure Elizabeth or Aunt Sarah will write


Commiseration on the death of Anne.

Letter details

Letter no.
Emily Catherine (Catherine) Darwin/Emily Catherine (Catherine) Langton
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 210.13: 35
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1421,” accessed on 25 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 5
