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Darwin Correspondence Project

To E. R. Lankester   31 October 1881

My dear Mr. Ray Lankester,

As I understand that you are a candidate for the Chair of Natural History in Edinburgh, I beg permission to state that I have read with care and admiration, all, or very nearly all, your numerous publications.1 In them you show great powers of original research and of generalization.

I have never heard you lecture, but your discussions and descriptions are all so remarkably clear that I can entertain no doubt that you would succeed excellently in making every subject intelligible to students. I therefore most earnestly wish that you may be elected to the Professorship; and in this case I am convinced that you will raise the Chair of Natural History in Edinburgh to great eminence. Permit me to add that I have always found you most willing and obliging in giving me any information which I required.

With my best wishes for your success, | I remain, dear Mr. Lankester, | Yours very faithfully, | CHARLES DARWIN

Down, Beckenham, Kent. | October 31st, 1881.


No letter from Lankester requesting a testimonial from CD has been found. Although Lankester was appointed to the professorship, he withdrew before taking up the position, explaining his decision in a letter to Nature, 27 April 1882, p. 607. The position was then filled by James Cossar Ewart.


Testimonial for ERL, who is a candidate for the Chair of Natural History in Edinburgh.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Edwin Ray Lankester
Sent from
Source of text
The Edinburgh chair of natural history, testimonials in favor of E. Ray Lankester, London [1881], p. 18
Physical description
Typewritten copy

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13446,” accessed on 3 June 2024,
