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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Hyacinth Hooker   10 September [1881]1

Down Beckenham

Sept. 10th

My dear Lady Hooker.

Very many thanks for the newspaper, which has amused us & perplexes us who the author could have been. What difficult French the gentleman writes & some of the expressions no one in this house could translate.—2

I am very glad that York answered so brilliantly.—3

Yours faithfully & obliged | Charles Darwin

The paper shall be forwarded tomorrow—


The year is established by the mourning border (Erasmus Alvey Darwin had died on 26 August 1881) and the reference to York (see n. 3, below).
Neither the newspaper nor the subject of the article has been identified.
Joseph Dalton Hooker had served as president of the Geography section at the British Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting in York between 31 August and 7 September 1881 (Report of the 51st Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at York (1881), Transactions of the sections, pp. 727–38).


Thanks HH for a newspaper containing an article of interest.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Hyacinth Symonds/Hyacinth Jardine/Hyacinth Hooker
Sent from
Source of text
Pieces of the Past Auction (dealers) (11 October 1984, lot 103)
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13327,” accessed on 20 September 2024,
