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Darwin Correspondence Project

From E. L. Jellinek   30 July 1881

Buffalo, N. Y.

July 30/81.

Chas. Darwin Esq. F.R.S &c | Kent, England.

Honored Sir:

In an argument in our college lately,1 some students, in discussing your philosophy, said, that from reading and thinking over your writings they are convinced that you do not believe in the immortality of the Soul. Others opposed this assertion, and said, that you have never written anything to show that you believe or do not believe in it, and consequently, we can make no such assertion.

I have been requested to address these few words to you, and ask, though with delicacy, whether you believe in the immortality of the soul, and if you would kindly favor us with some reasons.

Hoping, honored sir, that you are enjoying the, best of health, and anxiously awaiting your early reply, that I may read it before our class, I am, with a high degree of respect, | Very truly your Obt Svt, | Edward L. Jellinek

Edward L. Jellinek | 437 Michigan Ave | Buffalo, | Erie Co. | U.S.A. N.Y.

Kindly answer soon as convenient. | J


Probably Canisius College, founded in 1870 by German Jesuits to educate the sons of German immigrants; Jellinek was born in Austria. Students were aged between 13 and 20 years old. (Canisius,, accessed 26 February 2020.) Jellinek was about 12 years old when he wrote this letter.


Asks whether CD believes in the immortality of the soul.

Letter details

Letter no.
Edward Lincoln Jellinek
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Buffalo, N.Y.
Source of text
DAR 202: 104
Physical description
ALS 2pp †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13263,” accessed on 25 May 2024,
