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Darwin Correspondence Project

To F. M. Balfour   6 July 1881

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | (Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.)

July 6th 1881

My dear Balfour

I thank you heartily for the present of your grand book, & I congratulate you on its completion. Although I read almost all of Vol. I I do not feel that I am worthy of your present, unless indeed the fullest conviction that it is a memorable work, makes me worthy of receiving it.—1

But now I am puzzled what to do; I have received Vol. 2o from my booksellers, who sent me Vol. I, & it seems to me a downright sin that there should be two copies in my house, whilst there are so many men (or Libraries) who would be delighted by receiving a copy from you & who would profit by it. Therefore shall I not send the clean copy back to you, or despatch it myself with a slip in your hand-writing “From the Author” to any quarter which you may direct? Once again accept my thanks, for I am proud to receive a book from you who I well know will some day be the chief of the English Biologists

Believe me yours very sincerely | Charles Darwin

P.S. An idea has just occurred to me & I am going to be so impudent as to suggest it,—viz to send my spare copy to Fritz Müller of Blumenau St Catharina, Brazil. He is poor & has lately lost almost all his books by a dreadful flood, & he is as you know an embryologist. He seems to me a splendid observer & I shd be delighted to be the means of his receiving from you a valuable book.2


CD had ordered the first volume of A treatise on comparative embryology (Balfour 1880–1) from Williams & Norgate in September 1880 (Correspondence vol. 28, letter to Williams & Norgate, [before 4 September 1880]); see also ibid., letter to F. M. Balfour, 4 September 1880). There is a copy of Balfour 1880–1 in the Darwin Library–Down.
See Correspondence vol. 28, letter from Hermann Müller, 30 November 1880 and n. 3.


Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1880–1. A treatise on comparative embryology. 2 vols. London: Macmillan & Co.


Comments on FMB’s book [Treatise on comparative embryology, 2 vols. (1880–1)]. Had already purchased copy. Could second copy be sent to someone else? Fritz Müller?

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Maitland Balfour
Sent from
Source of text
Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (L DC AL 1/21)
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13235,” accessed on 11 June 2024,
