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Darwin Correspondence Project

From George Henslow   8 February 1879

6 Titchfield Terrace | Regents Park. | N.W

Feb 8/79

Dear Sir,

I hope to send you, as soon as I receive the extra numbers, a copy of my paper on “Self-Fertilization”, for although you will see it in the Transactions, I thought you would prefer to have one to annotate or criticize1

May I take this opportunity to say that though I have ventured to criticize your conclusions given in your work of “Cross & Self-Fertilisation” I trust I have not done so in any hostile spirit. The fact is that until 1872 I was an ardent believer in the value of Cross-fertilization; but so many facts have seemed to accumulate; not only to negative the idea of any injuriousness, but to support the value of self-fertilization; that my faith in the supposed importance of intercrossing began to waver.2

I do not pretend to have solved the mystery of special adaptations in flowers: but what does appear to me to be conclusive, is that no physiological benefit can be proved to be permanent, or even more than transitory: Though morphological characters, by which varieties may be known, may be.

Finally, I venture to look at the question thus:— If you are right, then any attempt to disprove your conclusions will assuredly soon be shewn to be useless; and the truth will be established firmer than ever.— If, however, yr. conclusions be erroneous; then, I think you will see, that the enormous weight which your name gives to them, will make the error a hundred times of more importance. My sole object is that the truth may discovered and established; and shall most gladly welcome any criticisms you may favour me with.

I am Dear Sir | Yrs faithfully | Geo: Henslow


Henslow’s ‘On the self-fertilization of plants’ (G. Henslow 1877a) was published in Transactions of the Linnean Society (Botany) in January 1879; no offprint has been found in the Darwin Archive–CUL.
In a multi-part review then in progress in Gardeners’ Chronicle (G. Henslow 1877b), Henslow challenged CD’s thesis in Cross and self fertilisation that crossing was beneficial for plants.


Cross and self fertilisation: The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1876.

Henslow, George. 1877a. On the self-fertilization of plants. [Read 1 November 1877.] Transactions of the Linnean Society (Botany) 2d ser. 1 (1875–80): 317–98.

Henslow, George. 1877b. The fertilisation of plants. [Review of Cross and self fertilisation.] Gardeners’ Chronicle, 13 January 1877, p. 42; 3 February 1877, p. 139; 17 February 1877, pp. 203–4.


GH no longer believes in the value of cross-fertilisation in plants.

Letter details

Letter no.
George Henslow
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Titchfield Terrace, 6
Source of text
DAR 166: 175
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11864,” accessed on 5 June 2024,
