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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Robert Patterson   17 April [1847]


April 17th. [1847]1


I received only yesterday your note of the 9th. of March & very kind present. I fear you must have thought me ungrateful not sooner to have acknowledged your kindness; but owing to not having sent to the Geological Society for some time, the parcel lay there.

I admire your volume2 much; you seem to have condensed a wonderfully great deal of accurate information & the woodcuts are capital. I am very much pleased to hear that the Commissioners of Education have adopted your book, and I hope you may live to see some good naturalists spring up, who will acknowledge your work as their first guide and incitement. I beg to thank you for your kind expressions towards me in your note, I remain, dear Sir, with much respect.

Your obliged and faithful serv | C.DARWIN To | R.PATTERSON ESQ.


The square brackets are as given in Praeger 1935.
Patterson 1846, in which Robert Patterson provided an elementary course in zoology for school children.


Patterson, Robert. 1846. Introduction to zoology, for the use of schools. Pt 1. London.

Praeger, William E. 1935. Six unpublished letters of Charles Darwin. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 20: 711–5. [Vols. 4,5,8]


Admires RP’s volume [Introduction to zoology, pt 1 (1846)]; he has condensed a great deal of accurate information. CD hopes some good naturalists will spring up as a result.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Robert Patterson
Sent from
Source of text
Praeger 1935, p. 712

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1081,” accessed on 13 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 4
