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Darwin Correspondence Project

To William Henry Harvey   [7 April 1847]1

[Sends algae specimens collected on the Beagle voyage with descriptive notes copied from his Zoological diary (DAR 30 and 31). Specimens of three apparently distinct species of Nulliporae from the Falkland Islands are lost. Observations on the spore bladders and propagation of Nulliporae are described. It seems to CD that some species propagate like plants by runners. Three species which play a part in the formation of coral reefs are described in Coral reefs, pp. 9, 24, 42, but CD has already given these specimens to the British Museum. In Coral reefs he wrongly believed that flatly articulated Nulliporae were Halimeda.]2


Dated by the reference in the letter to J. D. Hooker, 7 April [1847], to CD forwarding algal specimens to Harvey. It is presumed that CD forwarded these notes on or around the same date.
Harvey 1847 includes descriptions of some of the specimens from CD.


Harvey, William Henry. 1847. Nereis Australis, or algae of the Southern Ocean: being figures and descriptions of marine plants, collected on the shores of the Cape of Good Hope, the extra-tropical Australian colonies, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Antarctic regions; deposited in the herbarium of the Dublin University. London.


Descriptions of the algae specimens found on the Beagle voyage.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
William Henry Harvey
Sent from
Source of text
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Botany, Herbarium
Physical description
Amem 10pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1078,” accessed on 2 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 4
