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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Annie Dowie   [after 27 July 1875]1

First notice of the birth of Alice occurs in Papa’s Diary Sept 1850.2

27th. Alice born—

5th. Dec. Baby’s superfluous fingers cut off by Prof Syme.3 (since dead.)

9th. January 1851.

“This evening observed a small bone projecting from the wound on Alices hand, and finding it loose, picked it off.

It seems to be the fragment which was separated by Prof Syme at the second cutting, having been left in the bed of the wound through inadvertancy— Thus the wound has been kept open since the 5th. December in consequence of this unfortunate mistake.”


9th May

Prof Syme performed a new operation on Alices hand to extirpate the basis of the extra finger.”

Prof Syme also was of opinion with Papa that the stump had grown in the time between the two operations—and we all could see & feel for ourselves how much it grew afterwards, though it has neither the form of a finger nor any finger nail, but is only an angular protuberance.4 Prof Syme I may mention, felt a little annoyed we thought about the business as he had tried to cut as close as he could the first time when he made first one cutting and then another, (the second cutting mentioned by Papa)

CD annotations

1.1 Sept] after opening square bracket blue crayon
2.1 27] circled blue crayon
3.1 since dead] del blue crayon
9.2 finger.”] closing square bracket after blue crayon
10.2 and we … Papa) 10.7] crossed blue crayon
Top of letter: ‘Wetstones, West Kirby, Birkenhead’ ink; ‘1st letter’ pencil, circled pencil


The date is established by the relationship between this letter and the the letter to Annie Dowie, 27 July 1875.
The child was Alice Chambers, Dowie’s sister. For CD’s interest in her case, see the letter to Annie Dowie, 27 July 1875 and n. 1. Papa was Robert Chambers.
For CD’s interest in the growth of nails on amputated digits, see letter from A. M. Lane Fox to E. F. Lubbock, 25 July [1875] and n. 4. An extract of this letter together with sheets describing another case of regrowth are in DAR 200.3: 63.


Gives extracts from her father’s diary concerning the amputation and regrowth of her sister’s extra finger.

Letter details

Letter no.
Anne (Annie) Chambers/Anne (Annie) Dowie
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Wetstones, West Kirby, Birkenhead
Source of text
DAR 162: 240/1
Physical description
inc †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10097,” accessed on 3 June 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 23
