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Darwin Correspondence Project

From the Spallanzani Monument Committee1   30 June 1880

Comitato Promotore | pel | Monumento | a | Lazzaro Spallanzani | in | Scandiano

Illustrissimo Signore,

Alcuni Scandianesi nell’intento di tributare un omaggio ben dovuto alla memoria del sommo naturalista lazzaro spallanzani loro concittadino, fin dal decorso anno si costituirono in Comitato provvisorio, e in un primo programma sotto la data 1o Maggio 1879 fu proposto di erigere al grande scienziato un monumento statuario nel suo paese nativo.2 Il favor grande che incontrò la proposta in Scandiano, in Reggio, in Modena, luoghi dove soltanto fino ad ora si cercarono e si ottennero adesioni ed offerte, incoraggiò la presa iniziativa, per guisa che ritenendosi pressochè assicurato il buon esito del progetto, vennero convocati il 30 Maggio decorso i Signori soscrittori di quel programma per stabilire in una seduta preliminare le massime principali che meglio possono condurre alla meta desiderata. In tale circost⁠⟨⁠an⁠⟩⁠za costituitisi i suddetti in Comitato promotore, vennero creati tre uffici direttivi nei tre centri summentovati nello scopo principalmente di procacciare nuove adesioni e allargare così la base del Comitato stesso coll’ aggiunta di persone che per ingegno e coltura siano in grado di apprezzare i meriti sovrani del gran fisiologo che vuolsi onorare, procedere in seguito alla raccolta di offerte, e disporre infine a norma, dell’ esito di queste, per esaurire le ulteriori incombenze che riflettono la esecuzione del monumento progettato.

Ciò premesso ad opportuna norma, per espresso incarico del Comitato suddetto, si fa invito alla S. V. perchè si compiaccia abilitare i sottoscritti ad aggiungere il rispettato di Lei nome nell’ elenco dei tanti altri illustri di cui il Comitato altamente si onora.

Le si acclude la scheda relativa che ci lusinghiamo voglia ritornarci sollecitamente firmata in segno di adesione dirigendola all’ Uffcio del Comitato Promotore del Monumento Spallanzani in Scandiano e ci pregiamo attestarle il nostro profondo ossequio.

Scandiano il 30 Giugno 1880.


nella sezione di modena

Cav. Prof. Luigi Vaccà | Cav. Prof. Antonio Caruccio | Dott. Gisberto Ferretti

nella sezione di reggio

Prof. Giacomo Prandi | Prof. Alfredo Jona | Prof. Naborre Campanini

nella sezione di scandiano

Avv. Cav. Guiseppi Basini | Dott. Vincenzo Mattioli | Dott. Pietro Prampolini3

CD annotations

Foot of letter: ‘Aug 4th 2.2.0 Promised’4 ink


For a translation of this document, see Appendix I.
Scandiano is a town, and Reggio Emilia and Modena are cities, in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. Spallanzani was born in Scandiano, taught at the ancient college, and later the university, of Reggio Emilia from 1755 to 1762, and was professor in Modena from 1763 to 1769 (Complete dictionary of scientific biography). The monument was inaugurated in the town square of Scandiano on 21 October 1888 (History of medicine topographical database, Lazzaro Spallanzani’s monument,, accessed 22 March 2019).
Giacomo Prandi, Vincenzo Mattioli, and Pietro Prampolini have not been identified.
Under the heading ‘Gifts and annual subscriptions’, CD recorded a payment of £2 2s. for ‘Spallanzani monument’ on 18 October 1880 (CD’s Classed account books (Down House MS)).


Complete dictionary of scientific biography. By Charles Coulston Gillispie, Frederic Lawrence Holmes, and Noretta Koertge. Electronic publication. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 2008.


From the Spallanzani Monument Committee1   30 June 1880

Organising committee| for | the memorial | to | Lazzaro Spallanzani | in | Scandiano

Honoured Sir,

A number of citizens of Scandiano, desirous of rendering due homage to the memory of their illustrious fellow citizen, the great naturalist lazzaro spallanzani, agreed last year to form a provisional Committee, and in an initial manifesto of 1 May 1879 proposed to erect a public monument to the great scientist in his native town.2 The considerable enthusiasm with which this proposal was greeted in Scandiano, Reggio, and Modena, the only places so far in which we have sought and secured support and donations, so encouraged the initiative taken that, with the success of the project all but assured, the gentlemen signatories of that manifesto gathered on 30 May last past in order to establish in an inaugural session the principal terms of reference that might best lead to the desired goal. It was under such circumstances that the undersigned constituted themselves the organising Committee, and three executive boards were established in the three places aforementioned, with a view first to gathering further supporters and thus broadening the base of the Committee itself through the addition of persons who are, by virtue of their intellect and culture, in a position to appreciate the outstanding achievements of the great physiologist whom we wish to honour; then to securing donations; and finally to spending appropriately the fruits of this so as to fulfil any further obligations related to the commissioning of the proposed monument.

Thus, with that understood, most honoured Sir, you are hereby, at the express request of the aforementioned Committee, invited to deign to allow the undersigned to add the distinguished name of your good self to the lengthy list of other notable persons by whom the Committee has already been so honoured.

Please find enclosed the relevant form which, we flatter ourselves, you will be anxious to return to us with your signature as a token of your support, addressing it to the Office of the Spallanzani Monument Committee of Scandiano. We beg leave to remain your obedient servants.

Scandiano, 30 June 1880.

On behalf of the organising Committee:

Modena section

Cavaliere Professor Luigi Vaccà | Cavaliere Professor Antonio Caruccio | Dr Gisberto Ferretti

Reggio section

Professor Giacomo Prandi | Professor Alfredo Jona | Professor Naborre Campanini

Scandiano section

Advocate Cavaliere Guiseppi Basini | Dr Vincenzo Mattioli | Dr Pietro Prampolini3


For a transcription of this document in its original Italian, see pp. 238—.
Scandiano is a town, and Reggio Emilia and Modena are cities, in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. Spallanzani was born in Scandiano, taught at the ancient college, and later the university, of Reggio Emilia from 1755 to 1762, and was professor in Modena from 1763 to 1769 (Complete dictionary of scientific biography). The monument was inaugurated in the town square of Scandiano on 21 October 1888 (History of medicine topographical database, Lazzaro Spallanzani’s monument,, accessed 22 March 2019).
Giacomo Prandi, Vincenzo Mattioli, and Pietro Prampolini have not been identified.


Complete dictionary of scientific biography. By Charles Coulston Gillispie, Frederic Lawrence Holmes, and Noretta Koertge. Electronic publication. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 2008.


Printed circular from the committee to set up a monument to Lazzaro Spallanzani in Scandiano.

Letter details

Letter no.
Spallanzani Monument Committee
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 177: 222
Physical description
D 1p †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12643,” accessed on 24 April 2024,
