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To Charles Lyell   [3 October 1846]


Discusses A. C. Ramsay’s article ["On the denudation of South Wales", Mem. Geol. Surv. G. B. 1 (1846)]. Mentions his own paper ["Volcanic phenomena in South America", Collected papers 1: 53–86]. Emphasises that sedimentary deposits are not ordinarily preserved.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [3 Oct 1846]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.50)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1004

To Charles Lyell   [23 January 1847]


Asks CL to address a letter to Charles Maclaren.

Discusses recent publication by David Milne on erratic boulders [Edinburgh New Philos. J. 42 (1847): 154–172].

Views of Bernhard Studer on foliation of gneiss in the Alps. Asks CL to tell Leonard Horner of Studer’s views.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [23 Jan 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.65)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1051

To Charles Lyell   [on or before 20 January 1847]


Quotes from South America [p. 167] on the foliation of metamorphic rocks.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [on or before 20 Jan 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.57)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1053

To Charles Lyell   [24 January 1847]


Comments on investigation of coral reefs by A. A. Gould, particularly the reefs around Tahiti. Mentions description of reefs of Tahiti by W. Forbes.

Hooker’s view of work by C. J. F. Bunbury.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [24 Jan 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.58)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1056

To Charles Lyell   [7 March 1847]


Has received copy of CL’s Principles [7th ed.].

Comments on reading Annales des sciences naturelles.

David Milne’s and Robert Chambers’ views on Glen Roy.

Mentions sales of South America.

Describes visit to his father at Shrewsbury.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [7 Mar 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.59)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1070

To Charles Lyell   [2 June 1847]


Comments on correspondence between CL and Whewell [concerning university reform].

Criticises S. G. Morton’s "Hybridity in animals" [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 3 (1847): 39–50, 203–12].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [2 June 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.60)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1093

To Charles Lyell   8 [September 1847]


Discusses David Milne’s Glen Roy paper ["On the parallel roads of Lochaber", Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 16 (1849): 395–418]. Rejects Milne’s theory that outlet of Glen Roy is blocked by detritus. Impressed by Milne’s discovery of an outlet at the level of the second shelf. Believes this strengthens theory that lakes were formed by glacier blocking Glen Roy. Offers arguments against glacier theory.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  8 [Sept 1847]
Classmark:  DAR 50: C3–C6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1116

To Charles Lyell   [11 October 1847]


Discusses enclosed figures on elevation of terraces in several Scottish glens as surveyed by William Kemp and David Stevenson. Comments on Robert Chambers’ view of the terraces. Mentions a letter on the terraces, originally written for publication, which he has asked Robert Jameson [editor of the Edinburgh New Philos. J.] to destroy.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [11 Oct 1847]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.64)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1126

To Charles Lyell   [21? June 1848]


Comments on apology by Chambers for using some of CD’s material without acknowledgment in discussing Glen Roy. His opinion of Chambers’ book [Ancient sea-margins (1848)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [21? June 1848]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.75)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1181

To Charles Lyell   [16 June 1848]


Comments on Ann Susan Horner’s escape in a dangerous incident at sea.

Compares addresses by William Buckland and CL, delivered at recent meeting of the Geological Society.

Discusses the views on Glen Roy in Chambers’ Ancient sea-margins [1848].

Speculates that Chambers wrote Vestiges [of creation (1844)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [16 June 1848]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.73)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1186

To Charles Lyell   [24 September 1848]


Congratulations on CL’s knighthood.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [24 Sept 1848]
Classmark:  The University of Edinburgh Centre for Research Collections (Lyell collection AIL Coll 203 B)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1198

To Charles Lyell   [14–28 June 1849]


Mentions illness of Emma Darwin.

Comments on CL’s Second visit to the United States [1849].

His water treatment by J. M. Gully.

CD’s contribution ["Geology"] to J. W. Herschel’s Manual of scientific enquiry [(1849), Collected papers 1: 227–50].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [14–28 June 1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.78)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1242

To Charles Lyell   3 July [1849]


Discusses CL’s Second visit to the United States [1849]. Corrects CL’s error regarding location of Megatherium finds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  3 July [1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.79)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1248

To Charles Lyell   [2 September 1849]


Discusses effect of subsidence and elevation on deposits. Cites examples along coasts of South America and Wales. Proposes theory to explain thickness of deposits in south Wales.

Asks CL’s opinion of his theory of "craters of elevation" described in Volcanic islands.

Mentions CL’s comparison of Mississippi beds to the Pampas.

Comments on Poulett Scrope’s views on the separation of basalt and trachyte.

Describes his cirripede work.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [2 Sept 1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.80)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1252

To Charles Lyell   [1 November 1849]


Discusses CL’s refutation of CD’s concept of "craters of elevation" and CL’s new concept of "craters of denudation". Mentions examples of such craters. Admits that his own concept of these craters was unsatisfactory. Urges CL to publish article ["On craters of denudation", Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 6 (1850): 207–34].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [1 Nov 1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.83)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1264

To Charles Lyell   [18 November 1849]


Criticises Élie de Beaumont’s view of a right angle junction of a stream of lava and a dike.

Mentions his misgivings in voting to recommend J. D. Forbes for Royal Medal.

Notes Daniel Sharpe’s work on mica schist.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [18 Nov 1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.84)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1271

To Charles Lyell   4 December [1849]


Discusses J. D. Dana’s Geology [1849]. Pleased that the part on corals confirms his views [Coral reefs (1842)]. Discusses Dana’s observation that in Sandwich Islands lava streams often join dikes at right angles with no cone. Retracts earlier denial of this possibility. Criticises Dana’s view of Australian valleys.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  4 Dec [1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.85)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1275

To Charles Lyell   [7? December 1849]


Continues discussion of Dana’s Geology [1849]. Comments on dikes of Hawaiian volcanoes and Dana’s view of craters of denudation. Compares role of sea and rivers in forming valleys. Criticises Dana’s treatment of CD’s account of coral reefs.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [7? Dec 1849]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.88)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1277

To Charles Lyell   [3 January 1850]


Discusses CL’s paper, "On craters of denudation" [Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 6 (1850): 207–34], which "will be a thorn in the side of É[lie] de B[eaumont]". Notes evidence from Galapagos overlooked by CL. Mentions other examples of craters.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [3 Jan 1850]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.90)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1287

To Charles Lyell   [8 March 1850]


Comments on CL’s Anniversary address [Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 6 (1850): xxvii–lxvi]. Notes CL’s criticism of R. I. Murchison’s catastrophism.

Asks whether there are Lower Cretaceous beds in Scandinavia. Thinks Leopold von Buch must have neglected them.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [8 Mar 1850]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.92)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1308
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