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To [unidentified]   12 September [1838]


Seeks permission to make another visit to Addiscombe [Military College] to see again the model of St Helena. He needs to correct proportion of some geological sections in his Geology [see Volcanic islands, ch. 4].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  12 Sept [1838]
Classmark:  The Morgan Library and Museum, New York (Gordon N. Ray Collection MA 13958)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-427

From Charles Lyell   6 and 8 September 1838


Would like to talk over Salisbury Craigs with CD.

CL’s father enthusiastic over Journal of researches.

Comments on Élie de Beaumont’s theory of mountain elevation.

Asks about parallel lines of upheaval and depression in the Pacific.

Glad CD likes Athenaeum Club.

Comments on methods of work.

Invites CD to visit Kinnordy.

Defends BAAS: "in this country no importance is attached to any body of men who do not make occasional demonstrations of their strength in public meetings".

With respect to Glen Roy, notes existence of deposits destitute of shells.

Author:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  6 and 8 Sept 1838
Classmark:  K. M. Lyell 1881 2: 43
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-425

To the Geological Society of London   7 September 1838


Report on R. A. C. Austen’s paper on the origin of limestone in Devonshire [Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond. 2 (1838): 669–70]. CD deems it not worthy of publication in Transactions.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Geological Society of London
Date:  7 Sept 1838
Classmark:  Geological Society of London (GSL/COM/P/4/2/8)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-426

To Charles Lyell   [14] September [1838]


Comments on an article in Edinburgh Review [by David Brewster, 67 (1838): 271–308] on Comte’s Philosophie positive.

Discusses falsity of Élie de Beaumont’s views of contemporaneous parallel lines of elevation and subsidence.

Owen’s views of relationship of reptiles to birds.

On "question of species" CD has filled notebook after notebook with facts, "which begin to group themselves clearly under sub-laws".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  [14] Sept [1838]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.11)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-428

To A. Y. Spearman   22 September 1838


Submits the account of Smith, Elder & Co. for the second number of the second part of the Zoology.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alexander Young Spearman, 1st baronet
Date:  22 Sept 1838
Classmark:  The National Archives (TNA) (T1/4524 paper 25824)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-428A