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2 Items

Darwin in letters, 1837–1843: The London years to 'natural selection'


The seven-year period following Darwin's return to England from the Beagle voyage was one of extraordinary activity and productivity in which he became recognised as a naturalist of outstanding ability, as an author and editor, and as a professional…

Matches: 7 hits

  • ideas on a wide range of topics. Then, in September 1838, T. R. Malthus’  An essay on the principle
  • beetles were described by F. W. Hope, G. R. Waterhouse, and C. C. Babington; the Chalcididae by
  • 1836, 1841; J. D. Hooker 18447, 1845, 1846, 18535, and 1860). In 1980, two notebooks in Henslows
  • all crosses between all domestic birds & animals dogs, cats &c &c very valuable—' …
  • on literature in this field and on friends like Henslow, T. C. Eyton, and W. D. Fox, who were
  • to how one ought to act’ ( Letter from Emma Darwin, [  c.  February 1839] ). These are not
  • relation of fossil with recent. the fabric falls!' (Notebook C : 767). …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … (DAR 119) opens with five pages of text copied from Notebook C and carries on through 1851; the …
  • … [Bain 1855] 102 Eytons work on the Anatinæ [Eyton 1838] good to aid me on skeletons …
  • … [Macclintock 1859] [DAR *128: 153] 1860 Owen in Trans. Zoolog. Soc. Vol …
  • … of a Naturalist in Australasia. 1. 1. 0 [G. Bennett 1860] Read 114 Village Bells [Manning] …
  • … to end of VI. vol.— [DAR 128: 26] 1860 Quatrefages on Maladies of Silk …
  • … . 1 & 2. 1854 & 1855.— [DAR 128: 27] 1860 Friends in Council [Helps …
  • …  2 vols. London.  *119: 12v. Bennett, George. 1860.  Gatherings of a naturalist in   …
  • …  2 vols. London.  *119: 23; 119: 22b ——. 1860.  The woman in white . New York and London …