To James Dwight Dana 14 July [1856]
Asks whether the blind cave animals described by B. Silliman Jr [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 11 (1851): 332–9] belong to genera found only on the American continent.
On geographical distribution of Crustacea, CD asks whether northern genera sent species to the Southern Hemisphere or did southern genera send species north?
Does he know of any author who has described fossil trees in South Shetland Islands?
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 14 July [1856] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 44) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1925 |
To J. D. Dana 10 October [1853]
Thanks JDD for copy of his Crustacea [1852–5]
and D. D. Owen’s Report [of a geological survey of Wisconsin, etc. (1852)].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 10 Oct [1853] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 43) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1534 |
To James Dwight Dana 7 January [1863]
Responds to JDD’s letter [3845].
Discusses his own poor health.
"Man is our great subject at present."
Lyell’s book [Antiquity of man (1863)] sold 4000 copies on day of sale.
"The fossil bird [Archaeopteryx] … is a grand case for me." Wishes a skeleton could be found in the "so-called red sandstone foot-step beds".
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 7 Jan [1863] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 44) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-3905 |
To J. D. Dana 27 September [1853]
Admires JDD’s work on Crustacea, corals, and geology.
Commends young John Lubbock to his attention. Hopes JDD can give him encouragement; if he can resist his "great wealth, business, and rank, he may do good work in Natural History".
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 27 Sept [1853] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 43) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1533 |
To J. D. Dana 6 December [1853]
Responds to JDD’s objections to his views on the three pairs of appendages in larvae of cirripedes. Reports observations which confirm his views.
Gives his confidential opinion of A. White, C. S. Bate, T. Bell, and W. Baird.
Interested in JDD’s observation that Crustacea are not most developed in the tropics. If JDD ever works it out either in number of species or rank, CD would be glad to have result.
Comments on article by Henri Milne-Edwards ["Crustacés", Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.) 18 (1852): 109–66].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 6 Dec [1853] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 43) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1542 |
To J. D. Dana 25 November [1852]
Thanks JDD for information.
Discusses Acasta sporillus.
Comments on review of first volume of Living Cirripedia [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 14 (1852): 125–7].
Asks JDD to examine Lerneidae.
Will read with interest the geographical discussion of Crustacea when JDD’s volume [Crustacea (1852–5)] appears. John Lubbock will purchase a copy.
Discusses error in Living Cirripedia.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 25 Nov [1852] |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 43) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1492 |
To J. D. Dana 8 October 1849
Discusses cirripedes collected by JDD.
Gratified that he agrees "to some extent" with CD’s views on coral reefs.
Mentions his health.
Asks for JDD’s publication on cirripedes.
Sends message from William Baird concerning Crustacea research of J. O. Westwood.
Mentions Joseph Leidy’s discovery of cirripede eyes.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | James Dwight Dana |
Date: | 8 Oct 1849 |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 43) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-1259 |
To Asa Gray 2 January [1863]
Thanks AG for Cypripedium and Mitchella.
Plans to investigate pollination of Cypripedium.
Has finished Linum paper [Collected papers 2: 93–105].
Would welcome facts on "bud-variations".
Hears that Cinchona is dimorphic.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Asa Gray |
Date: | 2 Jan [1863] |
Classmark: | Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (56) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-3897 |
Matches: 2 hits
- … IV). Letter from J. D. Dana, 4 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol. 10). In 1859, James …
- … J. D. Dana, 30 December [1859] ). CD refers to his twelve-year-old son, Leonard Darwin . At CD’s request, Gray had, since the summer of 1862, sent United States postage stamps for Leonard’s collection (see, for example, Correspondence vol. 10, …
To Hugh Falconer 22 April [1863]
Good of HF to tell him about Brazilian beast. So intermediate a form is "very glorious". Must assume it is very old.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Hugh Falconer |
Date: | 22 Apr [1863] |
Classmark: | DAR 144: 31 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4121 |
From Alfred Russel Wallace 14 January [1863]
Author: | Alfred Russel Wallace |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 14 Jan [1863] |
Classmark: | DAR 106: B7 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-3915 |
From J. D. Dana 5 February 1863
Hopes CD has received a copy of his [Manual of] Geology [1862]; justifies his assertion that geology provides no evidence to support the view that life has evolved through a method of development from species to species.
Author: | James Dwight Dana |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 5 Feb 1863 |
Classmark: | Yale University Library: Manuscripts and Archives (Dana Family Papers (MS 164) Series 1, Box 2, folder 44) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-3969 |
To Thomas Henry Huxley 1 January [1860]
Will keep THH’s secret [of authorship of Times review of Origin]. It has made deep impression.
J. D. Dana’s illness.
Daily News accuses him of plagiarising Vestiges.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Thomas Henry Huxley |
Date: | 1 Jan [1860] |
Classmark: | Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 94) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-2633 |
To Hugh Falconer [1845?–7 or 1857–64]
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Hugh Falconer |
Date: | 1845-7 or 1857-64 |
Classmark: | DAR 144: 21 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-2305 |
To Asa Gray 22 January [1862]
Dimorphism: "new cases are tumbling in almost daily".
U. S. politics.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Asa Gray |
Date: | 22 Jan [1862] |
Classmark: | Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (74) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-3404 |
To Charles Lyell 23 February [1860]
Gradation in the eye.
Hooker intends to reply [to W. H. Harvey’s article in Gard. Chron. (1860): 145–6].
Discusses Aspicarpa with respect to correlation.
Comments on monstrous animals.
Discusses objections of Bronn and Asa Gray to natural selection. Cites parallel between natural selection and Newton’s concept of gravitation.
Mentions German experiments on spontaneous generation.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Charles Lyell, 1st baronet |
Date: | 23 Feb [1860] |
Classmark: | American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.200) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-2707 |
To J. D. Hooker 19 January [1865]
"Climbing plants" sent off.
Encourages JDH to include notes on gradation of important characters in Genera plantarum or to write a paper on the subject. Has given prominence to gradation of unimportant characters in climbing plants. Believes that it is common for the same part in an individual plant to be in different states. Same may be true of important parts – for example position of ovule may differ.
Two articles in last Natural History Review interested him; "Colonial floras" [n.s. 5 (1865): 46–63]
and "Sexuality of cryptogams" [n.s. 5 (1865): 64–79].
Fact of similarity of orders in tropics is extremely curious. Thinks it may be connected with glacial destruction.
Leo Lesquereux says he is a convert for the curious reason that CD’s books make birth of Christ and redemption by grace so clear to him!
"Not one question [for JDH] in this letter!"
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Joseph Dalton Hooker |
Date: | 19 Jan [1865] |
Classmark: | DAR 115: 258a–c |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-4748 |
Darwin, C. R. | (14) |
Dana, J. D. | (1) |
Wallace, A. R. | (1) |
Dana, J. D. | (7) |
Darwin, C. R. | (2) |
Falconer, Hugh | (2) |
Gray, Asa | (2) |
Hooker, J. D. | (1) |
Darwin, C. R. | (16) |
Dana, J. D. | (8) |
Falconer, Hugh | (2) |
Gray, Asa | (2) |
Hooker, J. D. | (1) |