To ? [after June 1868]
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Unidentified |
Date: | [after June 1868] |
Classmark: | DAR 96: 54 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-5747 |
To Francis Darwin 8 [June? 1868]
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Francis Darwin |
Date: | 8 [June? 1868] |
Classmark: | DAR 211: 3 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-5769 |
To Linnean Society 1 June 1868
Requests 50 copies of his paper ["Offspring of illegitimate unions of di- and trimorphic plants", J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 10 (1869): 393–437].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Linnean Society |
Date: | 1 June 1868 |
Classmark: | Linnean Society of London (Fellows Files No. 6) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6221 |
To Osbert Salvin 1 June 1868
Encloses some queries.
Would also like information about proportion of male to female humming-birds.
Reference to OS’s paper in Ibis, vol. 2.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Osbert Salvin |
Date: | 1 June 1868 |
Classmark: | Sybil Rampen (private collection) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6221A |
From Williams & Norgate 2 June 1868
Author: | Williams & Norgate |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 2 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 96: 48 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6222 |
From Samuel James O’Hara Horsman 2 June [1868]
Author: | Samuel James O’Hara Horsman |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 2 June [1868] |
Classmark: | DAR 166: 270 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6223 |
To Fritz Müller 3 June 1868
Is glad FM approves of a translation of Für Darwin.
Hopes FM will think well of Pangenesis.
Sexual differences in insect auditory and stridulating organs.
Read FM’s paper on Balanus with great interest ["On Balanus armatus", Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4th ser. 1 (1868): 393–412].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller |
Date: | 3 June 1868 |
Classmark: | The British Library (Loan MS 10 no 24) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6224 |
To S. J. O’H. Horsman 3 June 1868
Thinks SJOH is right not to return to Down. Asks him to forward certain documents. Hopes final arrangements will soon be made for a resident clergyman in Down.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Samuel James O’Hara Horsman |
Date: | 3 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 96: 47 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6225 |
From J. J. Weir 3 June 1868
Author: | John Jenner Weir |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 3 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 181: 78 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6226 |
To John Scott 3 June 1868
As JS’s powers of observation seem to exist in all lines, CD begs further information from him and [H. N. B.] Erskine about the natives’ expressions of indignation, affirmation, and negation. The movements of the eyebrows and forehead of a girl in violent grief are of particular interest.
Do sub-breeds of pigeons exist in India as in Europe, but not in England? If so, what is the colour of the plumage in males and females at different stages of development?
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | John Scott |
Date: | 3 June 1868 |
Classmark: | Transactions of the Hawick Archæological Society (1908): 68–9 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6226F |
From George Rogers 4 June 1868
Author: | George Rogers |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 4 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 176: 193 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6227 |
To H. B. Tristram 4 June 1868
Asks about camouflage of birds in the Sahara desert.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Henry Baker Tristram |
Date: | 4 June 1868 |
Classmark: | Private collection |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6227F |
From E. W. Janson 4 June 1868
Sends specimens of Coleoptera.
Quotes from W. F. Erichson [Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands 3: 927] on stridulating organs in Trox.
Author: | Edward Westey Janson |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 4 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 82: A101–2 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6228 |
From J. D. Hooker 5 June 1868
Author: | Joseph Dalton Hooker |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 5 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 102: 214–15 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6231 |
To J. J. Weir 5 June 1868
Sorry JJW cannot visit.
Will go to sea-side for five weeks at end of July.
Does Vidua have double annual moult? [See Descent 2: 181.]
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | John Jenner Weir |
Date: | 5 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 148: 317; Duke University, Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RL.10387) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6232 |
To J. D. Hooker 6 June [1868]
Congratulations on birth of daughter. CD used to dread birth-time.
Sexual selection has turned out to be a large subject.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Joseph Dalton Hooker |
Date: | 6 June [1868] |
Classmark: | DAR 94: 69–70 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6233 |
From Henry Baker Tristram 6 June 1868
Author: | Henry Baker Tristram |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 6 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 178: 193 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6234 |
To Bibliographisches Institut, Hildburghausen 8 June 1868
Discusses possible English translation of A. E. Brehm’s [Illustrirtes] Thierleben [1864–9].
Asks for permission to use 15 of Brehm’s illustrations [in Descent].
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Bibliographisches Institut |
Date: | 8 June 1868 |
Classmark: | American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.351) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6235 |
To B. D. Walsh 9 June 1868
Thanks BDW for new facts about Anthocaris [see 6156].
Asks BDW to observe stridulation apparatus in male and female lamellicorns.
Author: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Addressee: | Benjamin Dann Walsh |
Date: | 9 June 1868 |
Classmark: | Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (Walsh 13) |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6236 |
From W. S. Dallas 9 June 1868
F. Müller’s corrections warrant stating that the English translation has "additions and corrections by the author".
Is gratified to hear his index [to Variation] is considered a good one.
Ernst Haeckel’s book [Generelle Morphologie (1868)], though speculative, strikes him as "one of the most remarkable books of our time".
Author: | William Sweetland Dallas |
Addressee: | Charles Robert Darwin |
Date: | 9 June 1868 |
Classmark: | DAR 162: 21 |
Letter no: | DCP-LETT-6238 |
Darwin, C. R. | (23) |
Hooker, J. D. | (4) |
Salvin, Osbert | (2) |
Weir, J. J. | (2) |
Bates, Frederick | (1) |
Darwin, C. R. | (47) |
Hooker, J. D. | (7) |
Weir, J. J. | (4) |
Innes, J. B. | (3) |
Salvin, Osbert | (3) |