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Darwin Correspondence Project
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To the Darwin children   17 [January 1880]



Thanks his children for their present of a fur coat.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Elizabeth (Bessy, Lizzy) Darwin; Francis Darwin; George Howard Darwin; Horace Darwin; Leonard Darwin; William Erasmus Darwin; Sara Sedgwick; Sara Darwin; Henrietta Emma Darwin; Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Date:  17 [Jan 1880]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12429

Matches: 1 hit

From the Darwin children   17 January 1880



Send CD a present of a fur coat.

Author:  Elizabeth (Bessy, Lizzy) Darwin; Francis Darwin; George Howard Darwin; Horace Darwin; Leonard Darwin; William Erasmus Darwin; Sara Sedgwick; Sara Darwin; Henrietta Emma Darwin; Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 Jan 1880
Classmark:  DAR 99: 208
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12428

Matches: 1 hit

From W. E. Darwin   5 October [1877]



Thanks CD for present of £300.

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  5 Oct [1877]
Classmark:  DAR 210.5: 21
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11169

Matches: 2 hits

To C. E. Norton   25 October 1877


CD and Emma are delighted with forthcoming marriage of W. E. Darwin to Sara [Sedgwick].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Eliot Norton
Date:  25 Oct 1877
Classmark:  Houghton Library, Harvard University (Charles Eliot Norton Papers, MS Am 1088.14: 1597)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11208

Matches: 1 hit

To J. D. Hooker   6 November [1877]



Requests seeds for study of movement in cotyledons. Would love to study Welwitschia cotyledons.

Son William is to be married 28 November.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  6 Nov [1877]
Classmark:  DAR 95: 459–60
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11226

Matches: 1 hit

  • Sara Sedgwick on 29 (not 28) November ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)); he had originally given the date as 28 November ( letter from W. E. …

To B. J. Sulivan   5 November [1878]


Thanks for account of Fuegians

and news about old "Beaglers".

Has been reading A. A. Brassey [Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam" (1878)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Bartholomew James Sulivan
Date:  5 Nov [1878]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11736

Matches: 1 hit

  • Sara Sedgwick sailed on 14 September 1878 to visit her family in Massachussetts ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242); letter from Emma Darwin to W. E. …

From W. E. Darwin   16 September 1880



Sends four wrist bands, and advice on putting them on. George is well. Can easily get worm castings. Lilly and Mlle Wild arrived in a storm to stay the night. Is much amused by Sedgwick’s ferocious letter about Vestiges.

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 Sept 1880
Classmark:  Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 78)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12714F

Matches: 2 hits

  • W. E. Darwin, 10 September [1880] and n. 2. Sara Darwin’s niece, Lily Norton , was visiting from America; Henriette Wild was probably employed as her governess. Le Havre is on the French coast, across the English Channel from Southampton. Adam Sedgwick ( …
  • Sara is pretty well, but a little tired by the two arrivals. Goodbye, dear Father, I hope Mother is well | Your affect son | W. E. Darwin I have just been much amused at reading old Sedgwick’ …