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Darwin Correspondence Project

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Darwin Correspondence Project
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From W. E. Darwin   [24 April 1881]



Sends observations of wormcasts at Malvern. Describes stay at Abinger.

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [24 Apr 1881]
Classmark:  Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 102)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13141G

Matches: 1 hit

  • Darwin, [13 March 1881] and n. 4; letter from Emma Darwin to G. H. Darwin, 16 March 1881 (DAR 210.3: 5)). William was assisting CD with his observations for Earthworms ; see letter to W. E. …

From Anthony Rich   13 June 1881



The Huxleys have visited; CD may come soon.

Author:  Anthony Rich
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 June 1881
Classmark:  DAR 176: 149
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13202

Matches: 1 hit

  • Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). George had travelled to Madeira in early February 1881 for a convalescent stay and arrived back in England at the end of March ( letter to W. E. Darwin, 4 February [1881] ; letter from Emma Darwin to G. H. …

From W. E. Darwin   [27 February 1882]

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [27 Feb 1882]
Classmark:  Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 113)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13347F

Matches: 1 hit

  • Darwin were the executors of Erasmus Alvey Darwin ’s will. Erasmus had died on 26 August 1881; he bequeathed half of his personal estate and all his real property to CD (see Correspondence vol. 29, letter from G. H. Darwin, 28 August 1881 ). On the Lincoln land, see this volume, letter from W. E. …
Document type
letter (3)
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
1881 (2)
1882 (1)