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To ?   28 April [1863?]


Discusses exchange of photographs with Édouard Claparède, "for whom I feel the highest respect".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  28 Apr [1863?]
Classmark:  Christie’s (dealers) (6 August 1975, lot 176)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13866

To an editor   24 March [1863?]


Encloses a dialogue on species from a New Zealand newspaper [S. Butler’s First dialogue on evolution, from the Christchurch Press].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  24 Mar [1863?]
Classmark:  Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4058

To Athenæum   18 April [1863]


Attacks the doctrine of "heterogeny" (spontaneous generation during each geological period) as completely lacking in evidence.

Defends natural selection as connecting large classes of facts in natural history. That certain forms have not changed since remote epochs is not an objection of any force.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Athenæum
Date:  18 Apr [1863]
Classmark:  Athenæum, 25 April 1863, pp. 554–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4108

To Athenæum   5 May [1863]


Replies to a reviewer’s statement, that any theory of descent will connect large classes of facts, by pointing out that no other explanation has been as satisfactory as natural selection. But whatever view is adopted "signifies extremely little in comparison with the admission that species have descended from other species and have not been created immutable".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Athenæum
Date:  5 May [1863]
Classmark:  Athenæum, 9 May 1863, p. 617
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4142

To W. E. Darwin   22 February [1863 or later]



Seeks investment advice.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  22 Feb [1863 or later]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 131
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13799

To J. D. Hooker   [after 10 June 1863]


Notes on drops of nectar on sepals of cypripedium.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [after 10 June 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 151: 331
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3585F

To [Friedrich Emil Suchsland]   [after 19 January 1863]


Returns book by Friedrich Rolle. Author has sent copies.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Friedrich Emil Suchsland
Date:  [after 19 Jan 1863]
Classmark:  J. A. Stargardt (dealers) (Catalogue 618, item 441)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3772

To Daniel Oliver   20 [January 1863]


Has been copying out references from Natural History Review [possibly D. Oliver, "The structure of the stem in dicotyledons; being references to the literature of the subject", Nat. Hist. Rev. n.s. 2 (1862): 298–329].

Suggests DO study high incidence of separate sexes in freshwater plants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Daniel Oliver
Date:  20 [Jan 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 261.10: 38 (EH 88206021)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3776

To Thomas Henry Huxley   10 [January 1863]


CD overwhelmed by THH’s praise.

Agrees with his reservations about species theory but not wholly about sterility and gives his reasons for differing.

On Natural History Review, Hugh Falconer, and R. Owen.

Has written a review [Collected papers 2: 87–92] of H. W. Bates’s paper ["Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley", Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 23 (1862): 495–566].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  10 [Jan 1863]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 183)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3852

To Charles Turner   [1 April – 16 June 1863?]



Asks correspondent whether, when growing hollyhocks, he finds it necessary to space out the different varieties to prevent crossing and thus to obtain true seed [see Variation 2: 108].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Turner
Date:  [1 Apr – 16 June 1863?]
Classmark:  DAR 96: 12
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3886

From George Howard Darwin   [before 11 May 1863]



Notes, calculations, and diagrams on phyllotaxy.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [before 11 May 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 51: 6–7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3887

From J. D. Hooker   [12 January 1863]



Huxley’s lectures [Man’s place in nature (1863)]; he would be a scientific H. T. Buckle, if he were more careful.

Asks CD what the evidence is for inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [12 Jan 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 98
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3892

To George Henry Turnbull   [16? February 1863]


Thanks for letting Horwood superintend erection of hothouse.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George Henry Turnbull
Date:  [16? Feb 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 261.11: 5 (EH 88206057)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3893

From Daniel Oliver   [26 March 1863]



Discusses the female parts of the Primula flower; the true character of the free placenta is not completely understood.

Author:  Daniel Oliver
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [26 Mar 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 173: 18
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3894

From W. E. Darwin   [28 June 1863?]



Sends description of Chrysosplene, asks about glands.

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [28 June 1863?]
Classmark:  Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 11)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3894F

To T. H. Huxley   [before 25 February 1863]


Two criticisms (one by Henrietta Darwin) of THH’s Lectures [to working men].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  [before 25 Feb 1863]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 181)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3896

To Asa Gray   2 January [1863]


Thanks AG for Cypripedium and Mitchella.

Plans to investigate pollination of Cypripedium.

Has finished Linum paper [Collected papers 2: 93–105].

Would welcome facts on "bud-variations".

Hears that Cinchona is dimorphic.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  2 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (56)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3897

To Williams & Norgate   [7 February 1863 or earlier]


Wishes to order Botanische Zeitung for 2 and 9 January 1863.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Williams & Norgate
Date:  [7 Feb 1863 or earlier]
Classmark:  Washington State University Libraries, Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections (Paul Philemon Kies Autograph Collection, 1533–1970: 1 Autograph letters, 1533–1970 box 1, folder 55)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3897F

To J. D. Hooker   3 January [1863]



Indignant over Owen’s conduct as described in Hugh Falconer’s article on elephants ["On the American fossil elephant of the regions bordering the Gulf of Mexico", Nat. Hist. Rev. (1863): 43–114].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  3 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 178
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3898

From Hugh Falconer   3 January [1863]



Describes an astounding "sort of mis-begotten-bird-creature", the Archaeopteryx, a grand Darwinian case.

His elephant paper is out in Natural History Review [(1863): 43–114].

Author:  Hugh Falconer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  3 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 164: 10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3899
Document type
Anderson Henry, Isaac (3)
Anderson, Isaac (3)
Ansted, D. T. (2)
Athenæum (2)
Aubertin, J. J. (1)
Bates, H. W. (6)
Becker, L. E. (2)
Bentham, George (4)
Bowman, William (1)
Brace, C. L. (1)
Briggs, J. J. (2)
Buckland, Frank (2)
Candolle, Alphonse de (3)
Cator, J. F. (1)
Cresy, Edward, Jr (1)
Crüger, Hermann (2)
Dana, J. D. (2)
Dareste, Camille (1)
Darwin, C. R. (264)
Darwin, W. E. (6)
Dobell, H. B. (4)
Falconer, Hugh (5)
Flower, W. H. (4)
Fox, W. D. (6)
Frean, Richard (1)
Gardeners’ Chronicle (4)
Geological Society of London (1)
Gosse, P. H. (2)
Gray, Asa (9)
Haast, Julius von (2)
Haeckel, Ernst (1)
Higgins, John (2)
Hildebrand, Friedrich (1)
Hooker, J. D. (37)
Hurst & Blackett (1)
Huxley, T. H. (10)
Innes, J. B. (1)
Jamieson, T. F. (1)
Journal of Horticulture (3)
Kippist, Richard (1)
Kirby, W. F. (1)
La Touche, J. D. (1)
Lennard, J. F. (1)
Lubbock, John (3)
Ludwig, Camilla (1)
Lyell, Charles (8)
Masters, M. T. (2)
Maw, George (2)
Murray, John (b) (1)
Naudin, C. V. (1)
Newton, Alfred (1)
Oliver, Daniel (9)
Paget, James (1)
Pattrick, Camilla (1)
Price, John (1)
Quatrefages de Bréau, Armand de Quatrefages (3)
Ramsay, A. C. (1)
Rawson, Arthur (2)
Reeve, L. A. (1)
Rivers, Thomas (10)
Rolle, Friedrich (1)
Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (1)
Salvin, Osbert (1)
Scott, John (18)
Smith, Elder & Co (3)
Snow, George (1)
Stokes, G. G. (1)
Suchsland, F. E. (1)
Tegetmeier, W. B. (3)
Thwaites, G. H. K. (2)
Trimen, Roland (5)
Turnbull, G. H. (1)
Turner, Charles (1)
Unidentified (2)
Wallace, A. R. (1)
Whitley, C. T. (1)
Williams & Norgate (1)
Woodbury, T. W. (2)
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
Hooker, J. D. (69)
Scott, John (34)
Gray, Asa (20)
Oliver, Daniel (18)
Darwin, W. E. (16)
Falconer, Hugh (15)
Rivers, Thomas (14)
Bates, H. W. (13)
Huxley, T. H. (13)
Fox, W. D. (12)
Anderson Henry, Isaac (11)
Anderson, Isaac (11)
Lyell, Charles (11)
Lubbock, John (10)
Becker, L. E. (8)
Bentham, George (8)
Trimen, Roland (8)
Dobell, H. B. (7)
Tegetmeier, W. B. (7)
Flower, W. H. (6)
Haast, Julius von (6)
Quatrefages de Bréau, Armand de Quatrefages (6)
Ansted, D. T. (5)
Austen, J. T. (5)
Crüger, Hermann (5)
Gosse, P. H. (5)
Maw, George (5)
Smith, Elder & Co (5)
Thwaites, G. H. K. (5)
Gardeners’ Chronicle (4)
Innes, J. B. (4)
Rawson, Arthur (4)
Wallace, A. R. (4)
Aubertin, J. J. (3)
Blyth, Edward (3)
Buckland, Frank (3)
Candolle, Alphonse de (3)
Dana, J. D. (3)
Darwin, E. A. (3)
Goodsir, John (3)
Hildebrand, Friedrich (3)
Journal of Horticulture (3)
Masters, M. T. (3)
Newton, Alfred (3)
Paget, James (3)
Swinhoe, Robert (3)
Woodbury, T. W. (3)
Anderson, James (c) (2)
Athenæum (2)
Bowman, William (2)
Briggs, J. J. (2)
Cresy, Edward, Jr (2)
Dareste, Camille (2)
Darwin, G. H. (2)
Frean, Richard (2)
Higgins, John (2)
Jamieson, T. F. (2)
Kirby, W. F. (2)
Ramsay, A. C. (2)
Rolle, Friedrich (2)
Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences (2)
Salvin, Osbert (2)
Sulivan, B. J. (2)
Unidentified (2)
Woodward, S. P. (2)
Agassiz, Louis (1)
Bacon, Booth (1)
Balfour, J. H. (1)
Billinghurst, H. F. (1)
Boott, Francis (1)
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques (1)
Brace, C. L. (1)
Bradford, Edward (1)
Brown, Edwin (1)
Busk, George (1)
Cator, J. F. (1)
Clarke, R. T. (1)
Clendon, George, Jr (1)
Crocker, C. W. (1)
Darwin, E. L. (1)
Darwin, Emma (1)
Darwin, H. E. (1)
Dixon, W. H. (1)
Geological Society of London (1)
Gray, J. E. (1)
Haeckel, Ernst (1)
Hance, H. F. (1)
Harvey, W. H. (1)
Holland, Henry (1)
Horner, J. B. (1)
Hurst & Blackett (1)
King, P. G. (1)
Kippist, Richard (1)
La Touche, J. D. (1)
Leighton, W. A. (1)
Lennard, J. F. (1)
Litchfield, H. E. (1)
Ludwig, Camilla (1)
Murray, John (b) (1)
Naudin, C. V. (1)
Oxenden, G. C. (1)
Pattrick, Camilla (1)
Philosophical Institute of Canterbury (1)
Powell, H. G. (1)
Price, John (1)
Reed, G. V. (1)
Reeve, L. A. (1)
Rolfe, R. M. (1)
Saussure, Henri de (1)
Sigerson, George (1)
Smith, Frederick (a) (1)
Smyth, H. G. (1)
Snow, George (1)
Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchâtel (1)
Stokes, G. G. (1)
Suchsland, F. E. (1)
Thom, J. P. (1)
Treviranus, L. C. (1)
Turnbull, G. H. (1)
Turner, Charles (1)
Walker, Francis (1)
Weddell, H. A. (1)
Wedgwood, Emma (1)
Whitley, C. T. (1)
Williams & Norgate (1)
Wooler, W. A. (1)
Wright, Thomas (1)
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