From Samuel James O’Hara Horsman 2 June [1868]1
The Temple | London. (Private) | 1 Elm Court | Edward Keogh Esqre.
2 June.
Dear Mr Darwin,
I have just received a letter informing me that there is quite a commotion in Downe about my absence & that there are all kinds of wicked reports & misrepresentations about me— I will briefly explain— I left for a change of air intending to return in 3 weeks, but I was induced to remain as I had some old friends who kindly took me about in their yacht & otherwise made it pleasant to me— my Doctor also recommended me to rest myself for 3 mths— I did not think it necessary to write and explain this, as there is nothing unusual in a Clergyman being absent on account of his health provided the duty is done— the wretched & miserable lodgings at Downe was also an additional reason to me to prolong my stay—2
You are probably not aware that almost immediately before coming to Downe I had lost my Father & Mother (at 80) & Sister &c &c &c &c, & had sustained the loss of several thousands— in [Companies]—in short I had several severe trials wh could have been the death of many men, & the miserable kind of life I spent at Downe & the want of all domestic comforts was most prejudicial to my health & spirits & made a change necessary—3 otherwise I was perfectly well—
After what I have heard I dont think I shall return to Downe at all— it is not true to suppose that the Curacy is of any consideration to me.— I do not hesitate to say that it is a loss— I am quite tired of Curacies & dont think I shall ever take another. I am now in negotiation for the advowson of a Rectory of £1100 per ann with immediate possession with the exchange of my own at £1000 with deferred [possn] on a life of 58.— the difference in value represents some thousands—& I am not quite sure yet whether it will be successfully arranged—4
I believe I have some balance belonging to School acct— I have not collected Sir John’s trust money— I dont think it has been paid—except you might have received— will send as cheque or money for balance5
I am writing in great haste I trust Mrs Darwin & family are well & with kind regards— | Believe me | Yours Very Truly | S. J. O Horsman
P.S. I hear that Sales,6 has circulated the report that I have defrauded him of a considerable sum of money. I left my horse in his charge, & sent to him sometime ago to sell her—& I just learned that he has not done so— no doubt with the intention of making up a bill against me—
Pray excuse my troubling you with these private matters
Alum. Dublin.: Alumni Dublinenses. A register of the students, graduates, professors and provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin (1593–1860). New edition with supplement. Edited by George Dames Burtchaell and Thomas Ulick Sadleir. Dublin: Alex. Thom & Co. 1935.
Alum. Oxon.: Alumni Oxonienses: the members of the University of Oxford, 1500–1886: … with a record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the university. Alphabetically arranged, revised, and annotated by Joseph Foster. 8 vols. London and Oxford: Parker & Co. 1887–91.
Chadwick, Owen. 1970. The Victorian church. 2d edition. 2 parts. London: A. and C. Black.
Clergy list: The clergy list … containing an alphabetical list of the clergy. London: C. Cox [and others]. 1841–89.
Crockford’s clerical directory: The clerical directory, a biographical and statistical book of reference for facts relating to the clergy and the church. Crockford’s clerical directory etc. London: John Crockford [and others]. 1858–1900.
Moore, James Richard. 1985. Darwin of Down: the evolutionist as squarson-naturalist. In The Darwinian heritage, edited by David Kohn. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press in association with Nova Pacifica (Wellington, NZ).
Post Office directory of the six home counties: Post Office directory of the six home counties, viz., Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey and Sussex. London: W. Kelly & Co. 1845–78.
Resigns curacy of Down.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-6223
- From
- Samuel James O’Hara Horsman
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- The Temple, London
- Source of text
- DAR 166: 270
- Physical description
- ALS 6pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 6223,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 16